How to use the @now/build-utils.debug function in @now/build-utils

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @now/build-utils examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github zeit / now / packages / now-next / src / index.ts View on Github external
export const prepareCache = async ({
}: PrepareCacheOptions): Promise => {
  debug('Preparing cache...');
  const entryDirectory = path.dirname(entrypoint);
  const entryPath = path.join(workPath, entryDirectory);

  const pkg = await readPackageJson(entryPath);
  const nextVersion = getNextVersion(pkg);
  if (!nextVersion) throw new Error('Could not parse Next.js version');
  const isLegacy = isLegacyNext(nextVersion);

  if (isLegacy) {
    // skip caching legacy mode (swapping deps between all and production can get bug-prone)
    return {};

  debug('Producing cache file manifest...');
  const cacheEntrypoint = path.relative(workPath, entryPath);
  const cache = {
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}: PrepareCacheOptions): Promise => {
  debug('Preparing cache...');
  const entryDirectory = path.dirname(entrypoint);
  const entryPath = path.join(workPath, entryDirectory);

  const pkg = await readPackageJson(entryPath);
  const nextVersion = getNextVersion(pkg);
  if (!nextVersion) throw new Error('Could not parse Next.js version');
  const isLegacy = isLegacyNext(nextVersion);

  if (isLegacy) {
    // skip caching legacy mode (swapping deps between all and production can get bug-prone)
    return {};

  debug('Producing cache file manifest...');
  const cacheEntrypoint = path.relative(workPath, entryPath);
  const cache = {
    ...(await glob(path.join(cacheEntrypoint, 'node_modules/**'), workPath)),
    ...(await glob(path.join(cacheEntrypoint, '.next/cache/**'), workPath)),
  debug('Cache file manifest produced');
  return cache;
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const nextVersion = getNextVersion(pkg);
  if (!nextVersion) throw new Error('Could not parse Next.js version');
  const isLegacy = isLegacyNext(nextVersion);

  if (isLegacy) {
    // skip caching legacy mode (swapping deps between all and production can get bug-prone)
    return {};

  debug('Producing cache file manifest...');
  const cacheEntrypoint = path.relative(workPath, entryPath);
  const cache = {
    ...(await glob(path.join(cacheEntrypoint, 'node_modules/**'), workPath)),
    ...(await glob(path.join(cacheEntrypoint, '.next/cache/**'), workPath)),
  debug('Cache file manifest produced');
  return cache;
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const hasRelativeVendorDir = await pathExists(relativeVendorDir);
  const hasVendorDir = hasRootVendorDir || hasRelativeVendorDir;

  if (hasRelativeVendorDir) {
    if (hasRootVendorDir) {
        'found two vendor directories, choosing the vendor directory relative to entrypoint'
    } else {
      debug('found vendor directory relative to entrypoint');

    // vendor dir must be at the root for lambda to find it
    await move(relativeVendorDir, vendorDir);
  } else if (hasRootVendorDir) {
    debug('found vendor directory in project root');

  await ensureDir(vendorDir);

  // no vendor directory, check for Gemfile to install
  if (!hasVendorDir) {
    const gemFile = join(entryDirectory, 'Gemfile');

    if (fsFiles[gemFile]) {
        'did not find a vendor directory but found a Gemfile, bundling gems...'
      const gemfilePath = fsFiles[gemFile].fsPath;

      // try installing. this won't work if native extesions are required.
      // if that's the case, gems should be vendored locally before deploying.
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await unlinkFile(path.join(entryPath, 'yarn.lock'));
    } catch (err) {
      debug('no yarn.lock removed');

    try {
      await unlinkFile(path.join(entryPath, 'package-lock.json'));
    } catch (err) {
      debug('no package-lock.json removed');

      "WARNING: your application is being deployed in @now/next's legacy mode."

    debug('Normalizing package.json');
    const packageJson = normalizePackageJson(pkg);
    debug('Normalized package.json result: ', packageJson);
    await writePackageJson(entryPath, packageJson);
  } else if (pkg.scripts && pkg.scripts['now-build']) {
    debug('Found user `now-build` script');
    shouldRunScript = 'now-build';
  } else if (pkg.scripts && pkg.scripts['build']) {
    debug('Found user `build` script');
    shouldRunScript = 'build';
  } else if (!pkg.scripts || !pkg.scripts['now-build']) {
      'Your application is being built using `next build`. ' +
        'If you need to define a different build step, please create a `now-build` script in your `package.json` ' +
        '(e.g. `{ "scripts": { "now-build": "npm run prepare && next build" } }`).'
    pkg.scripts = {
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debug('no yarn.lock removed');

    try {
      await unlinkFile(path.join(entryPath, 'package-lock.json'));
    } catch (err) {
      debug('no package-lock.json removed');

      "WARNING: your application is being deployed in @now/next's legacy mode."

    debug('Normalizing package.json');
    const packageJson = normalizePackageJson(pkg);
    debug('Normalized package.json result: ', packageJson);
    await writePackageJson(entryPath, packageJson);
  } else if (pkg.scripts && pkg.scripts['now-build']) {
    debug('Found user `now-build` script');
    shouldRunScript = 'now-build';
  } else if (pkg.scripts && pkg.scripts['build']) {
    debug('Found user `build` script');
    shouldRunScript = 'build';
  } else if (!pkg.scripts || !pkg.scripts['now-build']) {
      'Your application is being built using `next build`. ' +
        'If you need to define a different build step, please create a `now-build` script in your `package.json` ' +
        '(e.g. `{ "scripts": { "now-build": "npm run prepare && next build" } }`).'
    pkg.scripts = {
      'now-build': 'next build',
      ...(pkg.scripts || {}),
github zeit / now / packages / now-go / go-helpers.ts View on Github external
function createGoPathTree(goPath: string, platform: string, arch: string) {
  const tuple = `${getPlatform(platform)}_${getArch(arch)}`;
  debug('Creating GOPATH directory structure for %o (%s)', goPath, tuple);
  return Promise.all([
    mkdirp(join(goPath, 'bin')),
    mkdirp(join(goPath, 'pkg', tuple))
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let realNextVersion: string | undefined;
  try {
    realNextVersion = require(resolveFrom(entryPath, 'next/package.json'))

    debug(`Detected Next.js version: ${realNextVersion}`);
  } catch (_ignored) {
    debug(`Could not identify real Next.js version, that's OK!`);

  if (!isLegacy) {
    await createServerlessConfig(workPath, entryPath, realNextVersion);

  debug('Running user script...');
  const memoryToConsume = Math.floor(os.totalmem() / 1024 ** 2) - 128;
  const env: { [key: string]: string | undefined } = { ...spawnOpts.env };
  env.NODE_OPTIONS = `--max_old_space_size=${memoryToConsume}`;
  await runPackageJsonScript(entryPath, shouldRunScript, { ...spawnOpts, env });

  const routesManifest = await getRoutesManifest(entryPath, realNextVersion);
  const rewrites: Route[] = [];
  const redirects: Route[] = [];

  if (routesManifest) {
    switch (routesManifest.version) {
      case 1:
      case 2: {
github zeit / now / packages / now-go / go-helpers.ts View on Github external
export async function getAnalyzedEntrypoint(filePath: string, modulePath = '') {
  debug('Analyzing entrypoint %o', filePath);
  const bin = join(__dirname, 'analyze');

  const isAnalyzeExist = await pathExists(bin);
  if (!isAnalyzeExist) {
    const src = join(__dirname, 'util', 'analyze.go');
    const dest = join(__dirname, 'analyze');
    const go = await downloadGo();
    await, dest);

  const args = [`-modpath=${modulePath}`, filePath];

  const analyzed = await execa.stdout(bin, args);
  debug('Analyzed entrypoint %o', analyzed);
  return analyzed;
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private execute(...args: string[]) {
    const { opts, env } = this;
    debug('Exec %o', `go ${args.join(' ')}`);
    return execa('go', args, { stdio: 'pipe', ...opts, env });