How to use the @nomiclabs/ethereumjs-vm/dist/exceptions.ERROR.OUT_OF_GAS function in @nomiclabs/ethereumjs-vm

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github nomiclabs / buidler / packages / buidler-core / src / internal / buidler-evm / provider / node.ts View on Github external

        stackTrace = this._solidityTracer!.getStackTrace(decodedTrace);
      } catch (error) {
        this._failedStackTraces += 1;
          "Could not generate stack trace. Please report this to help us improve Buidler.\n",

    const error = vmResult.exceptionError;

    if (error.error === ERROR.OUT_OF_GAS) {
      return new TransactionExecutionError("Transaction run out of gas");

    if (error.error === ERROR.REVERT) {
      if (vmResult.returnValue.length === 0) {
        if (stackTrace !== undefined) {
          return encodeSolidityStackTrace(
            "Transaction reverted without a reason",

        return new TransactionExecutionError(
          "Transaction reverted without a reason"