How to use @node-ts/bus-messages - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @node-ts/bus-messages examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github node-ts / bus / packages / bus-workflow / src / workflow / registry / handles-proxy.spec.ts View on Github external
describe('when getting workflow data for an undefined message property', () => {
    let comand: TestCommand
    const messageOptions = new MessageAttributes()

    beforeEach(() => {
      comand = new TestCommand(undefined)

    it('should return an empty set of workflow data', async () => {
      const result = await sut.getWorkflowData(comand, messageOptions)
github node-ts / bus / packages / bus-rabbitmq / src / rabbitmq-transport.ts View on Github external
private async publishMessage (
    message: Message,
    messageOptions: MessageAttributes = new MessageAttributes()
  ): Promise {
    await this.assertExchange(message.$name)
    const payload = JSON.stringify(message)$name, '', Buffer.from(payload), {
      correlationId: messageOptions.correlationId,
      headers: {
        attributes: messageOptions.attributes ? JSON.stringify(messageOptions.attributes) : undefined,
        stickyAttributes: messageOptions.stickyAttributes ? JSON.stringify(messageOptions.stickyAttributes) : undefined
github node-ts / bus / packages / bus-workflow / src / workflow / decorators / started.spec.ts View on Github external
beforeAll(async () => {
            await bus.publish(
              new MessageAttributes({ correlationId: nextWorkflowData[0].$workflowId })
            await sleep(CONSUME_TIMEOUT)

            finalWorkflowData = await persistence.getWorkflowData(
github node-ts / bus / packages / bus-core / src / transport / memory-queue.spec.ts View on Github external
describe('MemoryQueue', () => {
  let sut: MemoryQueue
  const handledMessageNames = [TestCommand.NAME, TestEvent.NAME]
  const messageOptions = new MessageAttributes({
    correlationId: faker.random.uuid()

  beforeEach(async () => {
    sut = new MemoryQueue(

    const handlerRegistry = Mock.ofType()
      .setup(h => h.getMessageNames())
      .returns(() => handledMessageNames)

    await sut.initialize(handlerRegistry.object)
github node-ts / bus / packages / bus-rabbitmq / src / rabbitmq-transport.integration.ts View on Github external
describe('from a queue with messages', () => {
        const command = new TestCommand()
        let message: TransportMessage | undefined
        const messageOptions = new MessageAttributes({
          correlationId: faker.random.uuid(),
          attributes: {
            attribute1: 'a',
            attribute2: 1
          stickyAttributes: {
            attribute1: 'b',
            attribute2: 2

        beforeEach(async () => {
          await bus.send(command, messageOptions)
          message = await sut.readNextMessage()
github node-ts / bus / packages / bus-workflow / src / workflow / persistence / in-memory-persistence.spec.ts View on Github external
describe('when getting workflow data', () => {
    const messageOptions = new MessageAttributes()

    beforeEach(async () => {
      const mapping = new MessageWorkflowMapping(
        command => command.property1,
      await sut.initializeWorkflow(

    describe('when the mapper doesn\'t resolve', () => {
      let result: TestWorkflowData[]

      beforeEach(async () => {
github node-ts / bus / packages / bus-workflow / src / workflow / workflow.integration.ts View on Github external
beforeAll(async () => {
          await bus.publish(
            new MessageAttributes({ correlationId: nextWorkflowData[0].$workflowId })
          await sleep(CONSUME_TIMEOUT)

          finalWorkflowData = await persistence.getWorkflowData(
github node-ts / bus / packages / bus-core / src / service-bus / service-bus.ts View on Github external
async publish (
    event: TEvent,
    messageOptions: MessageAttributes = new MessageAttributes()
  ): Promise {
    this.logger.debug('publish', { event })
    const transportOptions = this.prepareTransportOptions(messageOptions)
    return this.transport.publish(event, transportOptions)
github node-ts / bus / packages / bus-sqs / src / sqs-transport.ts View on Github external
export function fromMessageAttributeMap (sqsAttributes: SqsMessageAttributes | undefined): MessageAttributes {
  const messageOptions = new MessageAttributes()

  if (sqsAttributes) {
    messageOptions.correlationId = sqsAttributes.correlationId
      ? sqsAttributes.correlationId.Value
      : undefined

    const attributes: MessageAttributeMap = {}
    const stickyAttributes: MessageAttributeMap = {}

    Object.keys(sqsAttributes).forEach(key => {
      let cleansedKey: string | undefined
      if (key.startsWith('attributes.')) {
        cleansedKey = key.substr('attributes.'.length)
        attributes[cleansedKey] = getAttributeValue(sqsAttributes, key)
      } else if (key.startsWith('stickyAttributes.')) {
        cleansedKey = key.substr('stickyAttributes.'.length)
github node-ts / bus / packages / bus-core / src / bus-module.ts View on Github external
super(bind => {
      bindLogger(bind, ServiceBus)

      bindService(bind, BUS_SYMBOLS.Transport, MemoryQueue).inSingletonScope()
      bindService(bind, BUS_SYMBOLS.Serializer, JsonSerializer)
      bindService(bind, BUS_SYMBOLS.ApplicationBootstrap, ApplicationBootstrap).inSingletonScope()
      bindService(bind, BUS_SYMBOLS.HandlerRegistry, HandlerRegistry).inSingletonScope()
      bindService(bind, BUS_SYMBOLS.JsonSerializer, JsonSerializer)

      bind(BUS_SYMBOLS.MessageHandlingContext).toConstantValue(new MessageAttributes())


A core set of message definitions for distributed applications.

Latest version published 11 months ago

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