How to use @nivo/line - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @nivo/line examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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defaultValue: defaults.enableArea,
        controlType: 'switch',
        group: 'Style',
        key: 'areaBaselineValue',
        help: 'Define the value to be used for area baseline.',
        description: `
            Define the value to be used for area baseline.
            Please note that this value isn't the
            position of the baseline but the value used
            to compute it.
        type: 'number | string | Date',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.areaBaselineValue,
        controlType: 'range',
        group: 'Style',
        controlOptions: {
            min: 0,
            max: 200,
            step: 10,
        key: 'areaOpacity',
        help: 'Area opacity (0~1), depends on enableArea.',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.areaOpacity,
        type: 'number',
        controlType: 'opacity',
        group: 'Style',
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type: 'number',
        controlType: 'opacity',
        group: 'Style',
        key: 'areaBlendMode',
        flavors: ['svg'],
        help: 'Defines CSS mix-blend-mode property.',
        description: `
            Defines CSS \`mix-blend-mode\` property for areas,
            [MDN documentation](
        type: 'string',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.areaBlendMode,
        controlType: 'blendMode',
        group: 'Style',
        key: 'layers',
        group: 'Customization',
        help: 'Defines the order of layers and add custom layers.',
        description: `
            You can also use this property to insert extra layers
            to the chart, this extra layer must be
            a function which will receive the chart
            computed data and must return a valid SVG element.
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.layers,
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type: 'number | string | Date',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.areaBaselineValue,
        controlType: 'range',
        group: 'Style',
        controlOptions: {
            min: 0,
            max: 200,
            step: 10,
        key: 'areaOpacity',
        help: 'Area opacity (0~1), depends on enableArea.',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.areaOpacity,
        type: 'number',
        controlType: 'opacity',
        group: 'Style',
        key: 'areaBlendMode',
        flavors: ['svg'],
        help: 'Defines CSS mix-blend-mode property.',
        description: `
            Defines CSS \`mix-blend-mode\` property for areas,
            [MDN documentation](
        type: 'string',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.areaBlendMode,
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defaultValue: defaults.curve,
        controlType: 'choices',
        group: 'Style',
        controlOptions: {
            choices: => ({
                label: key,
                value: key,
        key: 'colors',
        help: 'Defines color range.',
        type: 'string | Function | string[]',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.colors,
        controlType: 'ordinalColors',
        group: 'Style',
        key: 'lineWidth',
        help: 'Line width.',
        type: 'number',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.lineWidth,
        controlType: 'lineWidth',
        group: 'Style',
        key: 'enableArea',
        help: 'Enable/disable area below each line.',
        type: 'boolean',
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        key: 'enableCrosshair',
        flavors: ['svg'],
        group: 'Interactivity',
        help: 'Enable/disable crosshair.',
        type: 'boolean',
        required: false,
        controlType: 'switch',
        defaultValue: defaults.enableCrosshair,
        key: 'crosshairType',
        flavors: ['svg'],
        group: 'Interactivity',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.crosshairType,
        help: `Crosshair type, forced to slices axis if enabled.`,
        type: 'string',
        controlType: 'choices',
        controlOptions: {
            disabled: true,
            choices: [
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key: 'margin',
        help: 'Chart margin.',
        type: 'object',
        required: false,
        controlType: 'margin',
        group: 'Base',
        key: 'curve',
        help: 'Curve interpolation.',
        description: `
            Defines the curve factory to use for the line generator.
        type: 'string',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.curve,
        controlType: 'choices',
        group: 'Style',
        controlOptions: {
            choices: => ({
                label: key,
                value: key,
        key: 'colors',
        help: 'Defines color range.',
        type: 'string | Function | string[]',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.colors,
        controlType: 'ordinalColors',
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key: 'useMesh',
        flavors: ['svg'],
        help: 'Use a voronoi mesh to detect mouse interactions, enableSlices must be disabled',
        type: 'boolean',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.useMesh,
        controlType: 'switch',
        group: 'Interactivity',
        key: 'debugMesh',
        flavors: ['svg', 'canvas'],
        help: 'Display mesh used to detect mouse interactions (voronoi cells).',
        type: 'boolean',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.debugMesh,
        controlType: 'switch',
        group: 'Interactivity',
        key: 'onMouseEnter',
        flavors: ['svg'],
        group: 'Interactivity',
        help: `onMouseEnter handler, doesn't work with slice tooltip.`,
        type: '(point, event) => void',
        required: false,
        key: 'onMouseMove',
        flavors: ['svg'],
        group: 'Interactivity',
        help: `onMouseMove handler, doesn't work with slice tooltip.`,
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value: 'x',
                    label: 'y',
                    value: 'y',
        key: 'debugSlices',
        flavors: ['svg'],
        help: 'Display area used to detect mouse interactions for slices.',
        type: 'boolean',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.debugSlices,
        controlType: 'switch',
        group: 'Interactivity',
        key: 'sliceTooltip',
        flavors: ['svg', 'canvas'],
        group: 'Interactivity',
        help: `Custom slice tooltip`,
        type: 'Function',
        required: false,
        key: 'enableCrosshair',
        flavors: ['svg'],
        group: 'Interactivity',
        help: 'Enable/disable crosshair.',
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        key: 'lineWidth',
        help: 'Line width.',
        type: 'number',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.lineWidth,
        controlType: 'lineWidth',
        group: 'Style',
        key: 'enableArea',
        help: 'Enable/disable area below each line.',
        type: 'boolean',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.enableArea,
        controlType: 'switch',
        group: 'Style',
        key: 'areaBaselineValue',
        help: 'Define the value to be used for area baseline.',
        description: `
            Define the value to be used for area baseline.
            Please note that this value isn't the
            position of the baseline but the value used
            to compute it.
        type: 'number | string | Date',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.areaBaselineValue,
        controlType: 'range',
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key: 'sliceTooltip',
        flavors: ['svg', 'canvas'],
        group: 'Interactivity',
        help: `Custom slice tooltip`,
        type: 'Function',
        required: false,
        key: 'enableCrosshair',
        flavors: ['svg'],
        group: 'Interactivity',
        help: 'Enable/disable crosshair.',
        type: 'boolean',
        required: false,
        controlType: 'switch',
        defaultValue: defaults.enableCrosshair,
        key: 'crosshairType',
        flavors: ['svg'],
        group: 'Interactivity',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.crosshairType,
        help: `Crosshair type, forced to slices axis if enabled.`,
        type: 'string',
        controlType: 'choices',
        controlOptions: {
            disabled: true,
            choices: [