How to use @nivo/bar - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @nivo/bar examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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type: 'number',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.borderWidth,
        controlType: 'lineWidth',
        group: 'Style',
        key: 'borderColor',
        help: 'Method to compute border color.',
        description: `
            how to compute border color,
            [see dedicated documentation](self:/guides/colors).
        type: 'string | object | Function',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.borderColor,
        controlType: 'inheritedColor',
        group: 'Style',
    ...defsProperties('Style', ['svg']),
        key: 'layers',
        flavors: ['svg'],
        help: 'Defines the order of layers.',
        description: `
            Defines the order of layers, available layers are:
            \`grid\`, \`axes\`, \`bars\`, \`markers\`, \`legends\`.

            You can also use this to insert extra layers to the chart,
            this extra layer must be a function which will receive
            the chart computed data and must return a valid SVG
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value: 'id',
                    label: 'index',
                    value: 'index',
        key: 'borderRadius',
        flavors: ['svg', 'api'],
        help: 'Rectangle border radius.',
        type: 'number',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.borderRadius,
        controlType: 'range',
        group: 'Style',
        controlOptions: {
            unit: 'px',
            min: 0,
            max: 36,
        key: 'borderWidth',
        help: 'Width of bar border.',
        type: 'number',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.borderWidth,
        controlType: 'lineWidth',
        group: 'Style',
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required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.borderRadius,
        controlType: 'range',
        group: 'Style',
        controlOptions: {
            unit: 'px',
            min: 0,
            max: 36,
        key: 'borderWidth',
        help: 'Width of bar border.',
        type: 'number',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.borderWidth,
        controlType: 'lineWidth',
        group: 'Style',
        key: 'borderColor',
        help: 'Method to compute border color.',
        description: `
            how to compute border color,
            [see dedicated documentation](self:/guides/colors).
        type: 'string | object | Function',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.borderColor,
        controlType: 'inheritedColor',
        group: 'Style',
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controlType: 'ordinalColors',
        group: 'Style',
        key: 'colorBy',
        type: 'string | Function',
        help: 'Property used to determine node color.',
        description: `
            Property to use to determine node color.
            If a function is provided, it will receive
            the current node data and must return
            a string or number which will be passed
            to the color generator.
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.colorBy,
        controlType: 'choices',
        group: 'Style',
        controlOptions: {
            choices: [
                    label: 'id',
                    value: 'id',
                    label: 'index',
                    value: 'index',
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        key: 'margin',
        help: 'Chart margin.',
        type: 'object',
        required: false,
        controlType: 'margin',
        group: 'Base',
        key: 'colors',
        help: 'Defines color range.',
        type: 'string | Function | string[]',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.colors,
        controlType: 'ordinalColors',
        group: 'Style',
        key: 'colorBy',
        type: 'string | Function',
        help: 'Property used to determine node color.',
        description: `
            Property to use to determine node color.
            If a function is provided, it will receive
            the current node data and must return
            a string or number which will be passed
            to the color generator.
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.colorBy,
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        key: 'labelTextColor',
        help: 'Defines how to compute label text color.',
        type: 'string | object | Function',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.labelTextColor,
        controlType: 'inheritedColor',
        group: 'Labels',
        key: 'enableGridX',
        group: 'Grid & Axes',
        help: 'Enable/disable x grid.',
        type: 'boolean',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.enableGridX,
        controlType: 'switch',
        key: 'gridXValues',
        group: 'Grid & Axes',
        help: 'Specify values to use for vertical grid lines.',
        type: 'Array',
        required: false,
        key: 'enableGridY',
        group: 'Grid & Axes',
        help: 'Enable/disable y grid.',
        type: 'boolean',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.enableGridY,
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controlType: 'switch',
        key: 'gridXValues',
        group: 'Grid & Axes',
        help: 'Specify values to use for vertical grid lines.',
        type: 'Array',
        required: false,
        key: 'enableGridY',
        group: 'Grid & Axes',
        help: 'Enable/disable y grid.',
        type: 'boolean',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.enableGridY,
        controlType: 'switch',
        key: 'gridYValues',
        group: 'Grid & Axes',
        help: 'Specify values to use for horizontal grid lines.',
        type: 'Array',
        required: false,
        key: 'isInteractive',
        flavors: ['svg', 'canvas'],
        help: 'Enable/disable interactivity.',
        type: 'boolean',
        required: false,
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You can also use this to insert extra layers to the chart,
            this extra layer must be a function which will receive
            the chart computed data and must return a valid SVG
        type: 'Array',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.layers,
        group: 'Customization',
        key: 'enableLabel',
        help: 'Enable/disable labels.',
        type: 'boolean',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.enableLabel,
        controlType: 'switch',
        group: 'Labels',
        key: 'label',
        group: 'Labels',
        help: 'Define how bar labels are computed.',
        description: `
            Define how bar labels are computed.
            By default it will use the bar's value.
            It accepts a string which will be used to access
            a specific bar data property, such as
            \`'value'\` or \`'id'\`.
            You can also use a funtion if you want to
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group: 'Base',
        key: 'keys',
        help: 'Keys to use to determine each serie.',
        type: 'string[]',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.keys,
        group: 'Base',
        key: 'groupMode',
        help: `How to group bars.`,
        type: 'string',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.groupMode,
        controlType: 'radio',
        group: 'Base',
        controlOptions: {
            choices: [
                { label: 'stacked', value: 'stacked' },
                { label: 'grouped', value: 'grouped' },
        key: 'layout',
        help: `How to display bars.`,
        type: 'string',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.layout,
        controlType: 'radio',
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required: true,
        group: 'Base',
        key: 'indexBy',
        help: 'Key to use to index the data.',
        description: `
            Key to use to index the data,
            this key must exist in each data item.
            You can also provide a function which will
            receive the data item and must return the desired index.
        type: 'string | Function',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.indexBy,
        group: 'Base',
        key: 'keys',
        help: 'Keys to use to determine each serie.',
        type: 'string[]',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.keys,
        group: 'Base',
        key: 'groupMode',
        help: `How to group bars.`,
        type: 'string',
        required: false,
        defaultValue: defaults.groupMode,