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async findById(@Param('id', new ParseUUIDPipe({ version: '4' })) id: string): Promise {
console.log('in findById', id);
return this.profileService.findOne(id);
@ApiOperation({ summary: 'Create new Profile.' })
// TODO @ApiImplicitFile({ name: 'file', required: true, description: 'Profile Picture' })
// @ApiBody({
// description: 'Profile Picture',
// type: CreateProfileDto,
// })
FileInterceptor('file', {
fileFilter: (req, file, cb) => {
if (ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES.indexOf(file.mimetype) === -1) {
return cb(
new BadRequestException(
`Error! Incorrect mimetype '${file.mimetype}'. Correct: ${ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES.join(', ')}`,
cb(null, true);
limits: {
fileSize: 1024000,
} from '../core/acl';
import { UploadFileSettings } from '../app.settings';
import {OnlyApprovedUsers} from '../auth/guards/approved.guard';
const resource = 'user';
const to = (action: ApiAction) =>
new ApiPermission(action, resource, 'id', 'objectId');
// resource specific action like 'login-as' or 'approve-achievement-for'
export class UserController implements IUserService {
constructor(private readonly user: UserService) {}
@UseInterceptors(FileInterceptor('photo', UploadFileSettings))
async create(
@Body() user: UserDto,
@UploadedFile() photo
): Promise { = photo ? photo.filename : null;
return await this.user.create(user).catch(err => err);
async login(@Body() user: UserDto): Promise {
return await this.user.login(user).catch(err => err);
async exists(@Param() user: { userName: string }): Promise {
return await this.user.exists(user).catch(err => err);
import { FileInterceptor } from '@nestjs/platform-express';
import { SeedService } from "./seed.service";
export interface SeedResults {
categories: number;
achievements: number;
users: number;
export class SeedController {
constructor(private readonly seed: SeedService) { }
async seedData(@UploadedFile() data): Promise {
const json = JSON.parse(data.buffer.toString());
return this.seed.seed(json);
export class UploadController {
constructor(private readonly uploadService: UploadService) {}
static parentIdSchema = Joi.object({
parentId: Joi.string()
async uploadSingalImage(@UploadedFile() file: any) {
return await this.uploadService.uploadSingalImage(file);
async uploadStaticFile(@UploadedFile() file: any, @Query() query: { parentId: string }) {
return await this.uploadService.uploadStaticFile(file, query.parentId);
async getSignature() {
return this.attachmentService.getSignature();
async ossCallback(@Body() request: ICraeteAttachmentByOssCallback) {
return this.saveInOssService.ossCallback(request);
async uploadFile(@Body() body: IAttachmentParams, @UploadedFile() file: Express.Multer.File) {
return this.attachmentService.createAttachmentByLocal(body, file);
import { FilesInterceptor, FileInterceptor } from "@nestjs/platform-express";
export class MediaController {
constructor(private readonly service: MediaService) {}
async search(
@Query("keyword") keyword?: string,
@Query("value") value?: string
): Promise {
return, value);
async uploadFile(@UploadedFile() file: MediaFile): Promise {
return {
ok: true,
file: file.path
async uploadFiles(
@UploadedFiles() files?: MediaFile[]
): Promise {
const fileNames = (files || []).map(item => item.path);
return {
ok: true,
files: fileNames
import { HasPermission, ApiAction, ApiPermission, PermissionGaurd } from '../core/acl';
import { AchievementService } from './achievement.service';
import { UploadFileSettings } from '../app.settings';
import {OnlyApprovedUsers} from '../auth/guards/approved.guard';
const resource = 'achievement';
export const to = (action: ApiAction) => new ApiPermission(action, resource);
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt'), PermissionGaurd, OnlyApprovedUsers)
export class AchievementController implements IAchievementService {
constructor(private readonly achievement: AchievementService) { }
@UseInterceptors(FileInterceptor('photo', UploadFileSettings))
async create(@Body() achievement: AchievementDto, @UploadedFile() photo?): Promise {
return await this.achievement.create(achievement, photo).catch(err => err);
async getAll(): Promise {
return await this.achievement.getAll().catch(err => err);
async get(@Param() achievement: { achievementId: string }): Promise {
return await this.achievement.get(achievement).catch(err => err);
import { TenantService } from './tenant.service';
export class TenantController extends CrudControllerFactory(TENANT_ENDPOINT, TenantDto, {
default: [DefaultRoles.admin],
}) {
protected readonly service: TenantService,
protected readonly fileService: FileStorageService,
protected readonly mapper: TenantMapper,
) {
super(service, mapper);
async photo(@UploadedFile() file: any, @Body() { ownerId }: { ownerId: string }): Promise {
try {
const data = new FileStorageDto();
const user = await this.service.findOne({ id: ownerId });
if (user && user.logo) { =;
data.file = file;
data.ownerId = ownerId;
data.object = 'tenant';
data.type = 'logo';
const uploadResult = await this.fileService.upload(data, DefaultRoles.authenticated);
} from '@nestjs/azure-storage';
import { AzureTableContinuationToken } from '@nestjs/azure-database';
import { CatService } from './cat.service';
export class CatController {
private readonly catService: CatService,
private azureStorage: AzureStorageService,
) {}
async UploadedCatUsingService(
file: UploadedFileMetadata,
) {
`File "${file.originalname}" was uploaded using Azure Service`,
try {
const storageUrl = await this.azureStorage.upload(file);
return this.addCat(storageUrl);
} catch (error) {
throw new BadGatewayException(error);