Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
} else if ( {
printHelp('clinic-flame', version)
} else if (args['visualize-only'] || args['--'].length > 1) {
await trackTool('flame', args, version)
await runTool(args, require('@nearform/flame'), version, { color: 'yellow' })
} else {
printHelp('clinic-flame', version)
// not `clinic doctor`, `clinic flame`, and not `clinic bubbleprof`
if (result !== null) {
const version = require('./package.json').version
const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(1), {
alias: {
help: 'h',
version: 'v'
boolean: [
if (args.version) {
} else if ( {
printHelp('clinic', version)
} else {
.register('doctor', catchify(async function (argv) {
const version = require('@nearform/doctor/package.json').version
const args = subarg(argv, {
alias: {
help: 'h',
version: 'v'
boolean: [
string: [