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this._parser.trapErrors(() => {
if (error) {
throw error;
} else {
const commonRootPackage: Package = Package.createFromNpm(npmPackage);
const commonPackageLookup: PackageLookup = new PackageLookup();
const rushLinkJson: IRushLinkJson = { localLinks: {} };
for (const rushProject of this._rushConfiguration.projects) {
console.log(os.EOL + 'LINKING: ' + rushProject.packageName);
linkProject(rushProject, commonRootPackage, commonPackageLookup, this._rushConfiguration, rushLinkJson);
console.log(`Writing "${this._rushConfiguration.rushLinkJsonFilename}"`);
JsonFile.saveJsonFile(rushLinkJson, this._rushConfiguration.rushLinkJsonFilename);
console.log(os.EOL +`Rush link finished successfully. (${stopwatch.toString()})`));