How to use the @mdx-js/util.toTemplateLiteral function in @mdx-js/util

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @mdx-js/util examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mdx-js / mdx / packages / mdx / mdx-hast-to-jsx.js View on Github external
parentNode.tagName ? ` parentName="${parentNode.tagName}"` : ''
    }${props ? ` {...${props}}` : ''}>${children}`

  // Wraps text nodes inside template string, so that we don't run into escaping issues.
  if (node.type === 'text') {
    // Don't wrap newlines unless specifically instructed to by the flag,
    // to avoid issues like React warnings caused by text nodes in tables.
    const shouldPreserveNewlines =
      preserveNewlines || parentNode.tagName === 'p'

    if (node.value === '\n' && !shouldPreserveNewlines) {
      return node.value

    return toTemplateLiteral(node.value)

  if (node.type === 'comment') {
    return `{/*${node.value}*/}`

  if (node.type === 'import' || node.type === 'export' || node.type === 'jsx') {
    return node.value


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