How to use @material/textfield - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @material/textfield examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github matsp / material-components-vue / components / text-field / TextField.vue View on Github external
instantiate () {
      this.mdcTextField = MDCTextField.attachTo(this.$el)
      this.mdcTextField.useNativeValidation = this.useNativeValidation
      this.mdcTextField.valid = this.valid
      this.mdcTextField.disabled = this.disabled
      this.$nextTick(() => { // wait for the DOM change
        // tell all the children that the parent is initialized
        if (this.mdcTextField.label_ instanceof MDCComponent) {
        if (this.mdcTextField.outline_ instanceof MDCComponent) {
        if (this.mdcTextField.lineRipple_ instanceof MDCComponent) {
        if (this.mdcTextField.helperText_ instanceof MDCComponent) {
          this.mdcTextField.helperText_.emit('_init', this.mdcTextField.helperText_)
github trimox / angular-mdc-web / packages / textfield / text-field.ts View on Github external
getNativeInput: () => this._getInputElement(),
    helperText: this._helperText ? this.helperText.helperTextFoundation : undefined,
    icon: this._icons ? this._icons.first.iconTextFoundation : undefined

  private _foundation: {
    init(): void,
    destroy(): void,
    isDisabled(): boolean,
    setDisabled(disabled: boolean): void,
    setValid(isValid: boolean): void,
    setValue(value: any): void,
    isValid(): boolean,
    notchOutline(openNotch: boolean): void,
    setUseNativeValidation(useNativeValidation: boolean): void
  } = new MDCTextFieldFoundation(this._mdcAdapter);

  /** View -> model callback called when value changes */
  _onChange: (value: any) => void = () => { };

  /** View -> model callback called when text field has been touched */
  _onTouched = () => { };

    private _platform: Platform,
    private _changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
    public elementRef: ElementRef,
    private _ripple: MdcRipple) {

    // Force setter to be called in case id was not specified. =;
github grow / grow / grow / ui / js / editor / editor.js View on Github external
this.document = null
    this.autosaveID = null
    this._isEditingSource = false

    this.autosaveEl.addEventListener('click', this.handleAutosaveClick.bind(this))
    this.saveEl.addEventListener('click', () => { })
    this.podPathEl.addEventListener('change', () => { this.load(this.podPath) })
    this.podPathEl.addEventListener('keyup', () => { this.delayPodPath() })

    this.mobileToggleMd = MDCIconToggle.attachTo(this.mobileToggleEl)
      'MDCIconToggle:change', this.handleMobileClick.bind(this))
    this.sourceToggleMd = MDCIconToggle.attachTo(this.sourceToggleEl)
      'MDCIconToggle:change', this.handleSourceClick.bind(this))
    this.podPathMd = new MDCTextField(
      this.containerEl.querySelector('.content__path .mdc-text-field'))
    this.saveProgressMd = MDCLinearProgress.attachTo(
      this.containerEl.querySelector('.sidebar__save .mdc-linear-progress'))

    this.api = new EditorApi({
      port: this.port,
    this.partials = new Partials(this.api)

    // Default to loading with the UI.

    // TODO Start the autosave depending on local storage.
    // this.startAutosave()
github jsoetens / udacity-nanodegree-mws / mws-project-3 / app / js / review.js View on Github external
const elementBreadcrumb = document.getElementById('breadcrumb');
const elementReviewForm = document.getElementById('review-form');
const elementRestaurantIdInput = document.getElementById('restaurant-id-input');
const elementRestaurantIdLabel = document.getElementById('restaurant-id-label');
// const elementNameInput = document.getElementById('name-input');
// const elementRestaurantRatingSelect = 
//   document.getElementById('restaurant-rating-select');
// const elementCommentsInput = document.getElementById('comments-input');

 * Material Design
const classRestaurantIdInput = 
  new MDCTextField(document.querySelector('.restaurant-id-input'));
const classNameInput = 
  new MDCTextField(document.querySelector('.name-input'));
const classRestaurantRatingSelect = 
  new MDCSelect(document.querySelector('.restaurant-rating-select'));
const classCommentsInput = 
  new MDCTextField(document.querySelector('.comments-input'));

new MDCRipple(document.querySelector('.cancel'));
new MDCRipple(document.querySelector('.next'));

 * Start the following when the initial HTML document has been
 * completely loaded and parsed, without waiting for stylesheets, images,
 * and subframes to finish loading.
 * Fetch neighborhoods and cuisines.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
github GoogleChromeLabs / sample-currency-converter / scripts / views / settings.js View on Github external
    notifyControl.addEventListener('change', () => {
      this._model.settings.notify.value = notifyControl.checked;

    // Handle common values.
    this._commonValues = [];
    const commonValueControls =

    const labels = ['first', 'second', 'third'];

    for (let i = 0; i < commonValueControls.length; i++) {
      const control = commonValueControls[i];
      const input = control.querySelector('input');
      this._commonValues.push(new MDCTextfield(control));

      // Update model when values change.
      input.addEventListener('change', () => {
        if (input.value !== '') {
          this._model.common[labels[i]].home.value = parseFloat(input.value);

      // Set initial values and listen to model changes.
      input.value = this._model.common[labels[i]].home.value;
      this._model.common[labels[i]].home.listen((val) => (input.value = val));
github jamesmfriedman / rmwc / src / textfield / index.tsx View on Github external
getDefaultFoundation() {
    return new MDCTextFieldIconFoundation({
      getAttr: (attr: string) =>
        this.root.getProp(attr as any) as string | null,
      setAttr: (attr: string, value: string) =>
        this.root.setProp(attr as any, value),
      removeAttr: (attr: string) => this.root.removeProp(attr as any),
      setContent: (content: string) => {
        // @ts-ignore
        this.root.setProp('icon', content);
      registerInteractionHandler: (
        evtType: K,
        handler: SpecificEventListener
      ): void => this.root.addEventListener(evtType, handler),
      deregisterInteractionHandler: (
        evtType: K,
        handler: SpecificEventListener
github matsp / material-components-vue / components / text-field / TextFieldCharacterCounter.vue View on Github external
mounted () {
    const input = this.$el.parentElement.previousElementSibling.querySelector('.mdc-text-field__input')
    if (input instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
      if (this.currentLength === 0) = input.value.length
      if (this.maxLength === 0) = input.getAttribute('maxlength')
    if (!(this.getCharacterCounter instanceof Function)) { // can not be init by parent
      this.mdcTextFieldCharacterCounter = MDCTextFieldCharacterCounter.attachTo(this.$el),
  methods: {
github material-components / material-components-web-react / packages / text-field / index.tsx View on Github external
} from '@material/textfield/adapter';
import {MDCTextFieldFoundation} from '@material/textfield/foundation';
import Input, {InputProps} from './Input';
import Icon, {IconProps} from './icon';
import HelperText, {HelperTextProps} from './helper-text';
import CharacterCounter, {CharacterCounterProps} from './character-counter';
import FloatingLabel from '@material/react-floating-label';
import LineRipple from '@material/react-line-ripple';
import NotchedOutline from '@material/react-notched-outline';

const cssClasses = MDCTextFieldFoundation.cssClasses;

export interface Props {
  // InputProps includes the prop `id`, which we use below in the constructor
  'children.props'?: InputProps;
  children: React.ReactElement>;
  className?: string;
  dense?: boolean;
  floatingLabelClassName?: string;
  fullWidth?: boolean;
  helperText?: React.ReactElement;
  characterCounter?: React.ReactElement;
  label?: React.ReactNode;
  leadingIcon?: React.ReactElement>;
  lineRippleClassName?: string;
  notchedOutlineClassName?: string;
  outlined?: boolean;
github springtype-org / springtype / src / packages / material-ui / src / component / mwc-textfield / mwc-textfield.tsx View on Github external
onBeforeFlow() {
        const textField = this.querySelector('.mdc-text-field');
        if (textField) {

            this.mwcInstance = new MDCTextField(textField);
github rx / presenters / views / mdc / assets / js / components / datetime.js View on Github external
export function initDateTime() {
    let components = document.querySelectorAll('.v-datetime');
    for (let i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
        let component = components[i];
        if (!component.vComponent) {
            component.vComponent = new VDateTime(component, new MDCTextField(component));