How to use the @material/snackbar/foundation.js.strings function in @material/snackbar

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @material/snackbar examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github material-components / material-components-web-components / packages / snackbar / src / mwc-snackbar-base.ts View on Github external
import {addHasRemoveClass, BaseElement, observer} from '@material/mwc-base/base-element.js';
import {MDCSnackbarAdapter} from '@material/snackbar/adapter.js';
import MDCSnackbarFoundation from '@material/snackbar/foundation.js';
import {MDCSnackbarCloseEventDetail} from '@material/snackbar/types';
import {html, property, query} from 'lit-element';
import {classMap} from 'lit-html/directives/class-map';

import {accessibleSnackbarLabel} from './accessible-snackbar-label-directive';

const {
} = MDCSnackbarFoundation.strings;

export class SnackbarBase extends BaseElement {
  protected mdcFoundation!: MDCSnackbarFoundation;

  protected readonly mdcFoundationClass = MDCSnackbarFoundation;

  @query('.mdc-snackbar') protected mdcRoot!: HTMLElement;

  @query('.mdc-snackbar__label') protected labelElement!: HTMLElement;

  @property({type: Boolean, reflect: true}) isOpen = false;

  @observer(function(this: SnackbarBase, value: number) {
  @property({type: Number})