How to use the @material/checkbox.MDCCheckboxFoundation.prototype function in @material/checkbox

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @material/checkbox examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jamesmfriedman / rmwc / src / checkbox / index.tsx View on Github external
import { MDCCheckboxFoundation } from '@material/checkbox';
import { componentFactory } from '@rmwc/base';
import { withRipple } from '@rmwc/ripple';
import {
} from '@rmwc/toggleable';

 * This is an awful freaking bugfix
 * Basically, MDC decided that patching the native getter and setter
 * on a checkbox would be fun which consequently kills Reacts ability
 * to do the same.
// @ts-ignore
MDCCheckboxFoundation.prototype.installPropertyChangeHooks_ = () => {};

/** A Checkbox component. */
export interface CheckboxProps
  extends RMWC.WithRippleProps,
    ToggleableFoundationProps {
  /** Make the control indeterminate */
  indeterminate?: boolean;

const CheckboxRoot = withRipple({
  surface: false,
  unbounded: true
    displayName: 'CheckboxRoot',
    classNames: (props: CheckboxProps) => [