How to use the @mapbox/cloudfriend.region function in @mapbox/cloudfriend

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @mapbox/cloudfriend examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mapbox / DEPRECATED-lambda-cfn / lib / cfn.js View on Github external
if (Object.keys(functionTemplate.Parameters).length > 60) {
    throw new Error('More than 60 parameters specified');

  // since build functions may create their own parameters outside of
  // the buildParameters step, this is called after all functions
  // have been run, gathers all parameters and injects them into the lambda
  // environment configuration
  // TODO: is this possible when embedding?

  if (!functionTemplate.Variables) {
    functionTemplate.Variables = {};
  // make some global env vars available
  functionTemplate.Variables.StackName = cf.stackName;
  functionTemplate.Variables.Region = cf.region;
  functionTemplate.Variables.AccountId = cf.accountId;
  functionTemplate.Variables.StackId = cf.stackId;

  for (let param in functionTemplate.Parameters) {
    functionTemplate.Variables[param] = cf.ref(param);

  if (!functionTemplate.Resources) {
    functionTemplate.Resources[] = {};

  functionTemplate.Resources[].Properties.Environment.Variables = functionTemplate.Variables;

  // Variables object is not valid CFN
  delete functionTemplate.Variables;
github hotosm / ml-enabler / devops / ml-enabler.template.js View on Github external
Port: 5000,
        Protocol: "HTTP",
        VpcId: cf.importValue(cf.join("-", ["hotosm-network-production", "default-vpc", cf.region])),
        TargetType: "ip",
        Matcher: {
          HttpCode: "200,202,302,304"
    MLEnablerALB: {
      Type: "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer",
      Properties: {
        Name: cf.stackName,
        SecurityGroups: [
            cf.join("-", ["hotosm-network-production-production-elbs-security-group", cf.region])
          Subnets: cf.split(",", cf.ref("ELBSubnets")),
          Type: "application"
      MLEnablerHTTPSListener: {
        Type: 'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener',
        Properties: {
          Certificates: [ {
            CertificateArn: cf.arn('acm', cf.ref('SSLCertificateIdentifier'))
          DefaultActions: [{
            Type: 'forward',
            TargetGroupArn: cf.ref('MLEnablerTargetGroup')
github mapbox / ecs-watchbot / lib / template.js View on Github external
Environment: unpackEnv(options.env, mounts.mountPoints),
          MountPoints: mounts.mountPoints,
          Command: ['watchbot', 'listen', `${options.command}`],
          Ulimits: [
              Name: 'nofile',
              SoftLimit: 10240,
              HardLimit: 10240
          ReadonlyRootFilesystem: !options.writableFilesystem,
          LogConfiguration: {
            LogDriver: 'awslogs',
            Options: {
              'awslogs-group': cf.ref(prefixed('LogGroup')),
              'awslogs-region': cf.region,
              'awslogs-stream-prefix': options.serviceVersion
      Volumes: mounts.volumes

  if (options.reservation.memory)
    Resources[prefixed('Task')].Properties.ContainerDefinitions[0].Memory =

  if (options.reservation.softMemory)
github mapbox / ecs-watchbot / lib / template.js View on Github external
ArnEquals: {
                'aws:SourceArn': cf.ref(prefixed('Topic'))

  Resources[prefixed('LogGroup')] = {
    Type: 'AWS::Logs::LogGroup',
    Properties: {
      LogGroupName: cf.join('-', [
      RetentionInDays: 14

  if (options.dashboard) {
    Resources[prefixed('Dashboard')] = {
      Type: 'AWS::CloudWatch::Dashboard',
      Properties: {
        DashboardName: cf.join('-', [cf.ref('AWS::StackName'), prefixed(''), cf.region]),
        DashboardBody: cf.sub(dashboard, {
          WatchbotQueue: cf.getAtt(prefixed('Queue'), 'QueueName'),
          WatchbotDeadLetterQueue: cf.getAtt(prefixed('DeadLetterQueue'), 'QueueName'),
          WatchbotService: cf.getAtt(prefixed('Service'), 'Name'),
          Cluster: options.cluster,
github hotosm / tasking-manager / scripts / aws / cloudformation / tasking-manager.template.js View on Github external
"commands": {
            "01enable_cfn_hup": {
            "command": "systemctl enable cfn-hup.service"
            "02start_cfn_hup": {
              "command": "systemctl start cfn-hup.service"
    Properties: {
      IamInstanceProfile: cf.ref('TaskingManagerEC2InstanceProfile'),
      ImageId: 'ami-0565af6e282977273',
      InstanceType: 'c5d.large',
      SecurityGroups: [cf.importValue(cf.join('-', ['hotosm-network-production', cf.ref('NetworkEnvironment'), 'ec2s-security-group', cf.region]))],
      UserData: cf.userData([
        'set -x',
        'export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive',
        'export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"',
        'export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"',
        'dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive locales',
        'sudo apt-get -y update',
        'sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confold" dist-upgrade',
        'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa -y',
        'sudo apt-get update',
        'sudo apt-get -y install python3.6',
        'sudo apt-get -y install python3.6-dev',
        'sudo apt-get -y install python3.6-venv',
        'sudo apt-get -y install curl',
        'curl -o -sL',