How to use @lumino/algorithm - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @lumino/algorithm examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jupyterlab / lumino / packages / widgets / src / boxlayout.ts View on Github external
protected attachWidget(index: number, widget: Widget): void {
    // Create and add a new layout item for the widget.
    ArrayExt.insert(this._items, index, new LayoutItem(widget));

    // Create and add a new sizer for the widget.
    ArrayExt.insert(this._sizers, index, new BoxSizer());

    // Send a `'before-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
    if (this.parent!.isAttached) {
      MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.BeforeAttach);

    // Add the widget's node to the parent.

    // Send an `'after-attach'` message if the parent is attached.
    if (this.parent!.isAttached) {
      MessageLoop.sendMessage(widget, Widget.Msg.AfterAttach);

    // Post a fit request for the parent widget.
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / packages / application / src / shell.ts View on Github external
widget: Widget,
    options?: DocumentRegistry.IOpenOptions
  ): void {
    if (! {
      console.error('Widgets added to app shell must have unique id property.');

    options = options || {};

    const dock = this._dockPanel;
    const mode = options.mode || 'tab-after';
    let ref: Widget | null = this.currentWidget;

    if (options.ref) {
      ref = find(dock.widgets(), value => === options!.ref!) || null;

    // Add widget ID to tab so that we can get a handle on the tab's widget
    // (for context menu support)
    widget.title.dataset = { ...widget.title.dataset, id: };

    dock.addWidget(widget, { mode, ref });

    // The dock panel doesn't account for placement information while
    // in single document mode, so upon rehydrating any widgets that were
    // added will not be in the correct place. Cache the placement information
    // here so that we can later rehydrate correctly.
    if (dock.mode === 'single-document') {
      this._mainOptionsCache.set(widget, options);
github jupyterlab / lumino / packages / commands / src / index.ts View on Github external
return new DisposableDelegate(() => {
      // Remove the binding from the array.
      ArrayExt.removeFirstOf(this._keyBindings, binding);

      // Emit the `bindingChanged` signal.
      this._keyBindingChanged.emit({ binding, type: 'removed' });
github jupyterlab / lumino / packages / widgets / src / splitlayout.ts View on Github external
protected moveWidget(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, widget: Widget): void {
    // Move the item, sizer, and handle for the widget.
    ArrayExt.move(this._items, fromIndex, toIndex);
    ArrayExt.move(this._sizers, fromIndex, toIndex);
    ArrayExt.move(this._handles, fromIndex, toIndex);

    // Post a fit request to the parent to show/hide last handle.
github jupyterlab / lumino / packages / widgets / src / splitlayout.ts View on Github external
protected moveWidget(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, widget: Widget): void {
    // Move the item, sizer, and handle for the widget.
    ArrayExt.move(this._items, fromIndex, toIndex);
    ArrayExt.move(this._sizers, fromIndex, toIndex);
    ArrayExt.move(this._handles, fromIndex, toIndex);

    // Post a fit request to the parent to show/hide last handle.
github jupyterlab / lumino / packages / widgets / src / splitlayout.ts View on Github external
protected moveWidget(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, widget: Widget): void {
    // Move the item, sizer, and handle for the widget.
    ArrayExt.move(this._items, fromIndex, toIndex);
    ArrayExt.move(this._sizers, fromIndex, toIndex);
    ArrayExt.move(this._handles, fromIndex, toIndex);

    // Post a fit request to the parent to show/hide last handle.
github jupyterlab / lumino / packages / datastore / src / datastore.ts View on Github external
let {storeId, patch} = transaction;

    try {
        Math.max(this._context.version, transaction.version)
    } catch (e) {
      // Already in a transaction. Put the transaction in the queue to apply
      // later.
      this._queueTransaction(transaction, type);
    let change: Datastore.MutableChange = {};
    try {
      each(iterItems(patch), ([schemaId, tablePatch]) => {
        let table = this._tables.get(schemaId, Private.recordIdCmp);
        if (table === undefined) {
            `Missing table for schema id '${
            }' in transaction '${}'`);
        if ( type === 'transaction' || type === 'redo') {
          let count = this._cemetery[];
          if (count === undefined) {
            this._cemetery[] = 1;
            change[schemaId] = Table.patch(table, tablePatch);
github jupyterlab / lumino / packages / widgets / src / docklayout.ts View on Github external
function realizeTabAreaConfig(config: DockLayout.ITabAreaConfig, renderer: DockLayout.IRenderer): TabLayoutNode {
    // Create the tab bar for the layout node.
    let tabBar = renderer.createTabBar();

    // Hide each widget and add it to the tab bar.
    each(config.widgets, widget => {

    // Set the current index of the tab bar.
    tabBar.currentIndex = config.currentIndex;

    // Return the new tab layout node.
    return new TabLayoutNode(tabBar);
github jupyterlab / lumino / packages / widgets / src / contextmenu.ts View on Github external
// Bail early if there are no items to match.
    if (this._items.length === 0) {
      return false;

    // Find the matching items for the event.
    let items = Private.matchItems(this._items, event);

    // Bail if there are no matching items.
    if (!items || items.length === 0) {
      return false;

    // Add the filtered items to the menu.
    each(items, item => {; });

    // Open the context menu at the current mouse position., event.clientY);

    // Indicate success.
    return true;
github jupyterlab / lumino / packages / widgets / src / docklayout.ts View on Github external
function normalizeTabAreaConfig(config: DockLayout.ITabAreaConfig, widgetSet: Set): DockLayout.ITabAreaConfig | null {
    // Bail early if there is no content.
    if (config.widgets.length === 0) {
      return null;

    // Setup the filtered widgets array.
    let widgets: Widget[] = [];

    // Filter the config for unique widgets.
    each(config.widgets, widget => {
      if (!widgetSet.has(widget)) {

    // Bail if there are no effective widgets.
    if (widgets.length === 0) {
      return null;

    // Normalize the current index.
    let index = config.currentIndex;
    if (index !== -1 && (index < 0 || index >= widgets.length)) {
      index = 0;