How to use @loopback/openapi-v3 - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @loopback/openapi-v3 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github strongloop / loopback-next / packages / rest / src / __tests__ / unit / router / routing-table.unit.ts View on Github external
it('finds "GET /orders, /orders/{id}, /orders/{orderId}/shipments" endpoints', () => {
    class TestController {
      async getOrderById(@param.path.number('id') id: number): Promise {
        return {id};
      // A path that overlaps with `/orders/{id}`. Please note a different var
      // name is used - `{orderId}`
      async getShipmentsForOrder(
        @param.path.number('orderId') id: number,
      ): Promise {
        return [];
      // With trailing `/`
      async findOrders(): Promise {
        return [];
github strongloop / loopback-next / packages / authentication / src / __tests__ / acceptance / jwt-auth-extension.acceptance.ts View on Github external
it('authenticates successfully with valid token', async () => {
    class InfoController {
        public tokenService: JWTService,
        public users: UserRepository,
        public userProfileFactory: UserProfileFactory,
      ) {}

      async logIn() {
        // ...Other code for verifying a valid user (e.g. basic or local strategy)...

        // Now with a valid userProfile, let's create a JSON web token
        return this.tokenService.generateToken(

      whoAmI(@inject(SecurityBindings.USER) userProfile: UserProfile) {
        if (!userProfile) return 'userProfile is undefined';
        if (!userProfile[securityId])
github strongloop / loopback-next / packages / rest / src / __tests__ / acceptance / sequence / sequence.acceptance.ts View on Github external
const apispec = anOpenApiSpec()
      .withOperation('get', '/name', {
        'x-operation-name': 'getName',
        responses: {
          '200': {
            schema: {
              type: 'string',
            description: '',

    class InfoController {
      constructor(@inject('') public appName: string) {}

      async getName(): Promise {
        return this.appName;
  /* ===== HELPERS ===== */
github strongloop / loopback-next / packages / rest / src / parser.ts View on Github external
function buildOperationArguments(
  operationSpec: OperationObject,
  request: Request,
  pathParams: PathParameterValues,
  body: RequestBody,
  globalSchemas: SchemasObject,
  options: RequestBodyValidationOptions = {},
): OperationArgs {
  let requestBodyIndex = -1;
  if (operationSpec.requestBody) {
    // the type of `operationSpec.requestBody` could be `RequestBodyObject`
    // or `ReferenceObject`, resolving a `$ref` value is not supported yet.
    if (isReferenceObject(operationSpec.requestBody)) {
      throw new Error('$ref requestBody is not supported yet.');
    const i = operationSpec.requestBody[REQUEST_BODY_INDEX];
    requestBodyIndex = i ? i : 0;

  const paramArgs: OperationArgs = [];

  for (const paramSpec of operationSpec.parameters ?? []) {
    if (isReferenceObject(paramSpec)) {
      // TODO(bajtos) implement $ref parameters
      // See
      throw new Error('$ref parameters are not supported yet.');
    const spec = paramSpec as ParameterObject;
    const rawValue = getParamFromRequest(spec, request, pathParams);
github strongloop / loopback-next / packages / rest / src / body-parsers / body-parser.ts View on Github external
private async _matchRequestBodySpec(
    operationSpec: OperationObject,
    request: Request,
  ) {
    const requestBody: RequestBody = {
      value: undefined,
    if (!operationSpec.requestBody) return {requestBody};

    const contentType = getContentType(request) ?? 'application/json';
    debug('Loading request body with content type %j', contentType);

    // the type of `operationSpec.requestBody` could be `RequestBodyObject`
    // or `ReferenceObject`, resolving a `$ref` value is not supported yet.
    if (isReferenceObject(operationSpec.requestBody)) {
      throw new Error('$ref requestBody is not supported yet.');

    let content = operationSpec.requestBody.content || {};
    if (!Object.keys(content).length) {
      content = {
        // default to allow json and urlencoded
        'application/json': {schema: {type: 'object'}},
        'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': {schema: {type: 'object'}},

    // Check of the request content type matches one of the expected media
    // types in the request body spec
    let matchedMediaType: string | false = false;
    let customParser = undefined;
github strongloop / loopback-next / packages / rest / src / validation / request-body.validator.ts View on Github external
new HttpErrors.BadRequest('Request body is required'),
        parameterName: 'request body',
    throw err;

  const schema = body.schema;
  /* istanbul ignore if */
  if (debug.enabled) {
    debug('Request body schema:', util.inspect(schema, {depth: null}));
    if (
      schema &&
      isReferenceObject(schema) &&
    ) {
      const ref = schema.$ref.slice('#/components/schemas/'.length);
      debug('  referencing:', util.inspect(globalSchemas[ref], {depth: null}));
  if (!schema) return;

  options = Object.assign({coerceTypes: !!body.coercionRequired}, options);
  validateValueAgainstSchema(body.value, schema, globalSchemas, options);
github strongloop / loopback-next / packages / rest / src / parser.ts View on Github external
): OperationArgs {
  let requestBodyIndex = -1;
  if (operationSpec.requestBody) {
    // the type of `operationSpec.requestBody` could be `RequestBodyObject`
    // or `ReferenceObject`, resolving a `$ref` value is not supported yet.
    if (isReferenceObject(operationSpec.requestBody)) {
      throw new Error('$ref requestBody is not supported yet.');
    const i = operationSpec.requestBody[REQUEST_BODY_INDEX];
    requestBodyIndex = i ? i : 0;

  const paramArgs: OperationArgs = [];

  for (const paramSpec of operationSpec.parameters ?? []) {
    if (isReferenceObject(paramSpec)) {
      // TODO(bajtos) implement $ref parameters
      // See
      throw new Error('$ref parameters are not supported yet.');
    const spec = paramSpec as ParameterObject;
    const rawValue = getParamFromRequest(spec, request, pathParams);
    const coercedValue = coerceParameter(rawValue, spec);

  debug('Validating request body - value %j', body);
  validateRequestBody(body, operationSpec.requestBody, globalSchemas, options);

  if (requestBodyIndex > -1) paramArgs.splice(requestBodyIndex, 0, body.value);
  return paramArgs;
github strongloop / loopback-next / packages / rest / src / rest.component.ts View on Github external
    @inject(CoreBindings.APPLICATION_INSTANCE) app: Application,
    @inject(RestBindings.CONFIG) config?: RestComponentConfig,
  ) {
    const apiSpec = createEmptyApiSpec();
    // Merge the OpenAPI `servers` spec from the config into the empty one
    if (config?.openApiSpec?.servers) {
      Object.assign(apiSpec, {servers: config.openApiSpec.servers});
github strongloop / loopback-next / labs / authentication-passport / src / __tests__ / acceptance / authentication-with-passport-strategy-adapter.acceptance.ts View on Github external
it('allows anonymous requests to methods with no decorator', async () => {
    class InfoController {
      status() {
        return {running: true};

    await whenIMakeRequestTo(server)
      .expect(200, {running: true});
github strongloop / loopback-next / packages / authentication / src / __tests__ / acceptance / basic-auth.acceptance.ts View on Github external
it('allows anonymous requests to methods with no decorator', async () => {
    class InfoController {
      status() {
        return {running: true};

    await whenIMakeRequestTo(server)
      .expect(200, {running: true});


Decorators that annotate LoopBack artifacts with OpenAPI v3 metadata and utilities that transform LoopBack metadata to OpenAPI v3 specifications

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