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other: '#th book'
const selectOrdinalIdResult: string = i18n.selectOrdinal('selectOrdinalId', {
value: count,
0: 'Zeroth book',
one: '#st book',
two: '#nd book',
few: '#rd book',
other: '#th book'
const gender = 'female';
const numOfGuests = 2;
const host = 'Amy';
const guest = 'Bob';
const selectResult ={
value: gender,
female: i18n.plural({
value: numOfGuests,
offset: 1,
0: i18n.t`${host} does not give a party.`,
1: i18n.t`${host} invites ${guest} to her party.`,
2: i18n.t`${host} invites ${guest} and one other person to her party.`,
other: i18n.t`${host} invites ${guest} and # other people to her party.`
male: 'male',
other: 'other'
const selectIdResult ='selectId', {
value: gender,
female: 'female',
const guest = 'Bob';
const selectResult ={
value: gender,
female: i18n.plural({
value: numOfGuests,
offset: 1,
0: i18n.t`${host} does not give a party.`,
1: i18n.t`${host} invites ${guest} to her party.`,
2: i18n.t`${host} invites ${guest} and one other person to her party.`,
other: i18n.t`${host} invites ${guest} and # other people to her party.`
male: 'male',
other: 'other'
const selectIdResult ='selectId', {
value: gender,
female: 'female',
male: 'male',
other: 'other'
const catalog: Catalog = {
messages: {
age(a) {
return [a('age'), 'años de edad'];
function missingFn(language: string, id: string) {
return id;