How to use @keystonejs/keystone - 7 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @keystonejs/keystone examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github keystonejs / keystone / test-projects / basic / index.js View on Github external
const { staticRoute, staticPath, cloudinary, iframely, unsplash } = require('./config');
const { IframelyOEmbedAdapter } = require('@keystonejs/oembed-adapters');
const MockOEmbedAdapter = require('./mocks/oembed-adapter');

const LOCAL_FILE_SRC = `${staticPath}/avatars`;
const LOCAL_FILE_ROUTE = `${staticRoute}/avatars`;

const Stars = require('./custom-fields/Stars');
const getYear = require('date-fns/get_year');

// TODO: Make this work again
// const SecurePassword = require('./custom-fields/SecurePassword');

const { MongooseAdapter } = require('@keystonejs/adapter-mongoose');

const keystone = new Keystone({
  name: 'Cypress Test Project Basic',
  adapter: new MongooseAdapter(),

const fileAdapter = new LocalFileAdapter({

let embedAdapter;

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') {
  embedAdapter = new MockOEmbedAdapter();
} else if (iframely.apiKey) {
  embedAdapter = new IframelyOEmbedAdapter({ apiKey: iframely.apiKey });
github keystonejs / keystone / demo-projects / blog / index.js View on Github external
//imports for Keystone app core
const { Keystone } = require('@keystonejs/keystone');
const { PasswordAuthStrategy } = require('@keystonejs/auth-password');
const { MongooseAdapter } = require('@keystonejs/adapter-mongoose');
const { GraphQLApp } = require('@keystonejs/app-graphql');
const { AdminUIApp } = require('@keystonejs/app-admin-ui');
const { NextApp } = require('@keystonejs/app-next');
const { StaticApp } = require('@keystonejs/app-static');

const { staticRoute, staticPath, distDir } = require('./config');
const { User, Post, PostCategory, Comment } = require('./schema');

const keystone = new Keystone({
  name: 'Keystone Demo Blog',
  adapter: new MongooseAdapter(),
  onConnect: async () => {
    // Initialise some data.
    // NOTE: This is only for demo purposes and should not be used in production
    const users = await keystone.lists.User.adapter.findAll();
    if (!users.length) {
      const initialData = require('./initialData');
      await keystone.createItems(initialData);

const authStrategy = keystone.createAuthStrategy({
  type: PasswordAuthStrategy,
  list: 'User',
github wesbos / advanced-react-rerecord / sick-fits-keystone / index.js View on Github external
import { AdminUIApp } from '@keystonejs/app-admin-ui';
import { MongooseAdapter as Adapter } from '@keystonejs/adapter-mongoose';
import expressSession from 'express-session';
import MongoStoreMaker from 'connect-mongo';
import Item from './models/Item';
import User from './models/User';
import CartItem from './models/CartItem';
import OrderItem from './models/OrderItem';
import Order from './models/Order';
import { addToCart, checkout, requestReset, resetPassword } from './mutations';

const MongoStore = MongoStoreMaker(expressSession);

const PROJECT_NAME = 'sick-fits-keystone';

const keystone = new Keystone({
  adapter: new Adapter(),
  // persist logins when the app restarts
  sessionStore: new MongoStore({ url: process.env.DATABASE_URL }),

keystone.createList('User', User);
keystone.createList('Item', Item);
keystone.createList('CartItem', CartItem);
keystone.createList('OrderItem', OrderItem);
keystone.createList('Order', Order);

const authStrategy = keystone.createAuthStrategy({
  type: Auth.PasswordAuthStrategy,
  list: 'User',
github keystonejs / keystone / packages / create-keystone-app / example-projects / starter / index.js View on Github external
const { Keystone } = require('@keystonejs/keystone');
const { PasswordAuthStrategy } = require('@keystonejs/auth-password');
const { Text, Checkbox, Password } = require('@keystonejs/fields');
const { GraphQLApp } = require('@keystonejs/app-graphql');
const { AdminUIApp } = require('@keystonejs/app-admin-ui');
const initialiseData = require('./initial-data');

/* keystone-cli: generated-code */
const { MongooseAdapter: Adapter } = require('@keystonejs/adapter-mongoose');
const PROJECT_NAME = 'My KeystoneJS Project';
/* /keystone-cli: generated-code */

const keystone = new Keystone({
  adapter: new Adapter(),
  onConnect: initialiseData,

// Access control functions
const userIsAdmin = ({ authentication: { item: user } }) => Boolean(user && user.isAdmin);
const userOwnsItem = ({ authentication: { item: user } }) => {
  if (!user) {
    return false;
  return { id: };
const userIsAdminOrOwner = auth => {
  const isAdmin = access.userIsAdmin(auth);
  const isOwner = access.userOwnsItem(auth);
github DefinitelyTyped / DefinitelyTyped / types / keystonejs__keystone / keystonejs__keystone-tests.ts View on Github external
import { Keystone, BaseApp } from '@keystonejs/keystone';
import { PasswordAuthStrategy } from '@keystonejs/auth-password';
import { GraphQLApp } from '@keystonejs/app-graphql';
import { AdminUIApp } from '@keystonejs/app-admin-ui';
import { KnexAdapter as Adapter } from '@keystonejs/adapter-knex';
import { Text, Checkbox, Password, AutoIncrement, CalendarDay, Integer } from '@keystonejs/fields';
import { NextApp } from '@keystonejs/app-next';
import { StaticApp } from '@keystonejs/app-static';

const keystone = new Keystone({
    name: 'LiveCorp Backend',
    adapter: new Adapter(),

keystone.createList('Test', {
    fields: {},
    access: true,
keystone.createList('Test', {
    fields: {
        autoincrement: { type: AutoIncrement, gqlType: 'ID' },
        calendar: {
            type: CalendarDay,
            format: 'Do MMMM YYYY',
            yearRangeFrom: 1901,
            yearRangeTo: 2018,
github keystonejs / keystone / packages / test-utils / lib / test-utils.js View on Github external
schemaNames = ['testing'],
  createLists = () => {},
  graphqlOptions = {},
}) {
  const Adapter = { mongoose: MongooseAdapter, knex: KnexAdapter }[adapterName];

  const argGenerator = {
    mongoose: getMongoMemoryServerConfig,
    knex: () => ({
      dropDatabase: true,
      knexOptions: { connection: process.env.KNEX_URI || 'postgres://localhost/keystone' },

  const keystone = new Keystone({
    adapter: new Adapter(await argGenerator()),
    defaultAccess: { list: true, field: true },


  const apps = [
    new GraphQLApp({
      apiPath: '/admin/api',
      graphiqlPath: '/admin/graphiql',
      apollo: {
        tracing: true,
github keystonejs / keystone / demo-projects / todo / index.js View on Github external
const { Keystone } = require('@keystonejs/keystone');
const { MongooseAdapter } = require('@keystonejs/adapter-mongoose');
const { Text } = require('@keystonejs/fields');
const { GraphQLApp } = require('@keystonejs/app-graphql');
const { AdminUIApp } = require('@keystonejs/app-admin-ui');
const { StaticApp } = require('@keystonejs/app-static');

const keystone = new Keystone({
  name: 'Keystone To-Do List',
  adapter: new MongooseAdapter(),

keystone.createList('Todo', {
  schemaDoc: 'A list of things which need to be done',
  fields: {
    name: { type: Text, schemaDoc: 'This is the thing you need to do', isRequired: true },

module.exports = {
  apps: [
    new GraphQLApp(),
    new StaticApp({ path: '/', src: 'public' }),


The main @keystonejs class & CLI. This is where the magic happens.

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