How to use @keystonejs/app-graphql - 1 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @keystonejs/app-graphql examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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knexOptions: { connection: process.env.KNEX_URI || 'postgres://localhost/keystone' },

  const keystone = new Keystone({
    adapter: new Adapter(await argGenerator()),
    defaultAccess: { list: true, field: true },


  const apps = [
    new GraphQLApp({
      apiPath: '/admin/api',
      graphiqlPath: '/admin/graphiql',
      apollo: {
        tracing: true,
        cacheControl: {
          defaultMaxAge: 3600,

  const { middlewares } = await keystone.prepare({ dev: true, apps });

  const app = express();


KeystoneJS GraphQL App.

Latest version published 2 years ago

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