How to use the @jupyterlab/services.Session.listRunning function in @jupyterlab/services

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github jupyterlab / jupyterlab-data-explorer / jupyterlab / packages / tooltip-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
if (oldSession) {
            delete activeSessions[];
          const session = sessions.connectTo(model);
          activeSessions[] = session;
        } else {
          const session = activeSessions[];
          if (session) {
            delete activeSessions[];
    void Session.listRunning().then(models => {
      onRunningChanged(sessions, models);

    // Clean up after a widget when it is disposed
    editorTracker.widgetAdded.connect((sender, widget) => {
      widget.disposed.connect(w => {
        const session = activeSessions[];
        if (session) {
          delete activeSessions[];

    // Add tooltip launch command.
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / packages / docmanager / src / actions.ts View on Github external
function stopIfNeeded(manager: IServiceManager, path: string): Promise {
    return Session.listRunning().then(sessions => {
      const matches = sessions.filter(value => value.notebook.path === path);
      if (matches.length === 1) {
        const id = matches[0].id;
        return manager.sessions.shutdown(id).catch(() => { /* no-op */ });
    }).catch(() => Promise.resolve(void 0)); // Always succeed.
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / packages / completer-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
          const session = sessions.connectTo(model);
          handler.connector = new CompletionConnector({ session, editor });
          activeSessions[] = session;
        } else {
          // If we didn't find a match, make sure
          // the connector is the contextConnector and
          // dispose of any previous connection.
          handler.connector = contextConnector;
          if (oldSession) {
            delete activeSessions[];
      void Session.listRunning().then(models => {
        onRunningChanged(sessions, models);

      // Initially create the handler with the contextConnector.
      // If a kernel session is found matching this file editor,
      // it will be replaced in onRunningChanged().
      const handler = manager.register({
        connector: contextConnector,
        parent: widget

      // When the widget is disposed, do some cleanup.
      widget.disposed.connect(() => {
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab-data-explorer / packages / completer-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
          const session = sessions.connectTo(model);
          handler.connector = new CompletionConnector({ session, editor });
          activeSessions[] = session;
        } else {
          // If we didn't find a match, make sure
          // the connector is the contextConnector and
          // dispose of any previous connection.
          handler.connector = contextConnector;
          if (oldSession) {
            delete activeSessions[];
      void Session.listRunning().then(models => {
        onRunningChanged(sessions, models);

      // Initially create the handler with the contextConnector.
      // If a kernel session is found matching this file editor,
      // it will be replaced in onRunningChanged().
      const handler = manager.register({
        connector: contextConnector,
        parent: widget

      // When the widget is disposed, do some cleanup.
      widget.disposed.connect(() => {
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / packages / completer-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
          const session = sessions.connectTo(model);
          handler.connector = new CompletionConnector({ session, editor });
          activeSessions[] = session;
        } else {
          // If we didn't find a match, make sure
          // the connector is the contextConnector and
          // dispose of any previous connection.
          handler.connector = contextConnector;
          if (oldSession) {
            delete activeSessions[];
      void Session.listRunning().then(models => {
        onRunningChanged(sessions, models);

      // Initially create the handler with the contextConnector.
      // If a kernel session is found matching this file editor,
      // it will be replaced in onRunningChanged().
      const handler = manager.register({
        connector: contextConnector,
        parent: widget

      // When the widget is disposed, do some cleanup.
      widget.disposed.connect(() => {
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / tests / test-services / src / session / session.spec.ts View on Github external
it('should yield a list of valid session models', async () => {
      const response = await Session.listRunning();
      const running = toArray(response);
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / tests / test-services / src / session / session.spec.ts View on Github external
it('should fail for error response status', async () => {
      const serverSettings = getRequestHandler(500, {});
      const list = Session.listRunning(serverSettings);
      await expectFailure(list, '');
github timkpaine / nannotate / packages / core / src / datamanager.ts View on Github external
constructor(bind: AnnotateWidget, base = '', comm = false){
        this._annotate = bind;
        this._bind = bind.dataNode;
        let path1 =;
        let path2 = window.location.pathname;

            this._ws_type = 'comm';
            Session.listRunning().then(sessionModels => {
                for (let i=0; i {
                            console.log('comm msg');
                            let dat = msg['content']['data'];
                            let event = new MessageEvent('msg', {data:dat});
                        this._ws.onClose = () => {
                            console.log('comm closed');
                            this.close(new CloseEvent('close'))
github nteract / hydrogen / lib / ws-kernel-picker.js View on Github external

    try {
      if (!specModels) {
        specModels = await Kernel.getSpecs(serverSettings);

      const kernelSpecs = _.filter(specModels.kernelspecs, spec =>

      const kernelNames =, specModel =>;

      try {
        let sessionModels = await Session.listRunning(serverSettings);
        sessionModels = sessionModels.filter(model => {
          const name = model.kernel ? : null;
          return name ? kernelNames.includes(name) : true;
        const items = => {
          let name;
          if (model.path) {
            name = tildify(model.path);
          } else if (model.notebook && model.notebook.path) {
            name = tildify(model.notebook.path);
          } else {
            name = `Session ${}`;
          return { name, model, options: serverSettings };
github JovianML / jovian-py / jovian / jovian_lab_ext / src / NBKernel.ts View on Github external
return new Promise(resolve => {
          for (let i = 0; i < allSessions.length; i++){
            let session = allSessions[i];
            if (session.type.toLowerCase() == "notebook"){
              let NBnameFromSession =;
              if (NBnameFromSession.toLowerCase() == this.currentNotebookName().toLowerCase()){
                resolve(Kernel.connectTo(session.kernel) as Kernel.IKernel);