How to use @jupyterlab/running - 4 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @jupyterlab/running examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / src / running-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
function activate(app: JupyterLab, services: IServiceManager, restorer: ILayoutRestorer): void {
  let running = new RunningSessions({ manager: services }); = 'jp-running-sessions';
  running.title.label = 'Running';

  // Let the application restorer track the running panel for restoration of
  // application state (e.g. setting the running panel as the current side bar
  // widget).
  restorer.add(running, 'running-sessions');

  running.sessionOpenRequested.connect((sender, model) => {
    let path = model.notebook.path;
    let name = path.split('/').pop();
    if (CONSOLE_REGEX.test(name)) {
      app.commands.execute('console:open', { id: });
    } else {
      app.commands.execute('file-operations:open', { path });
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab-data-explorer / jupyterlab / packages / running-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
function activate(
  app: JupyterFrontEnd,
  restorer: ILayoutRestorer | null
): void {
  let running = new RunningSessions({ manager: app.serviceManager }); = 'jp-running-sessions';
  running.title.iconClass = 'jp-RunningIcon jp-SideBar-tabIcon';
  running.title.caption = 'Running Terminals and Kernels';

  // Let the application restorer track the running panel for restoration of
  // application state (e.g. setting the running panel as the current side bar
  // widget).
  if (restorer) {
    restorer.add(running, 'running-sessions');

  running.sessionOpenRequested.connect((sender, model) => {
    let path = model.path;
    if (model.type.toLowerCase() === 'console') {
      void app.commands.execute('console:open', { path });
    } else {
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / packages / running-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
function activate(app: JupyterLab, services: IServiceManager, restorer: ILayoutRestorer): void {
  let running = new RunningSessions({ manager: services }); = 'jp-running-sessions';
  running.title.label = 'Running';

  // Let the application restorer track the running panel for restoration of
  // application state (e.g. setting the running panel as the current side bar
  // widget).
  restorer.add(running, 'running-sessions');

  running.sessionOpenRequested.connect((sender, model) => {
    let path = model.path;
    if (model.type.toLowerCase() === 'console') {
      app.commands.execute('console:open', { path });
    } else {
      app.commands.execute('docmanager:open', { path });
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / src / running-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
running.sessionOpenRequested.connect((sender, model) => {
    let path = model.notebook.path;
    let name = path.split('/').pop();
    if (CONSOLE_REGEX.test(name)) {
      app.commands.execute('console:open', { id: });
    } else {
      app.commands.execute('file-operations:open', { path });



JupyterLab - Running Sessions Panel

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