How to use the @jupyterlab/launcher.Launcher function in @jupyterlab/launcher

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @jupyterlab/launcher examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / packages / launcher-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
execute: (args: JSONObject) => {
      const cwd = args['cwd'] ? String(args['cwd']) : '';
      const id = `launcher-${}`;
      const callback = (item: Widget) => {
        labShell.add(item, 'main', { ref: id });
      const launcher = new Launcher({ model, cwd, callback, commands });

      launcher.model = model;
      launcher.title.label = 'Launcher';
      launcher.title.iconClass = 'jp-LauncherIcon';

      let main = new MainAreaWidget({ content: launcher });

      // If there are any other widgets open, remove the launcher close icon.
      main.title.closable = !!toArray(labShell.widgets('main')).length; = id;

      labShell.add(main, 'main', { activate: args['activate'] as boolean });

      labShell.layoutModified.connect(() => {
        // If there is only a launcher open, remove the close icon.
        main.title.closable = toArray(labShell.widgets('main')).length > 1;
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab-data-explorer / packages / launcher-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
execute: (args: JSONObject) => {
      const cwd = args['cwd'] ? String(args['cwd']) : '';
      const id = `launcher-${}`;
      const callback = (item: Widget) => {
        labShell.add(item, 'main', { ref: id });
      const launcher = new Launcher({ cwd, callback, commands });

      launcher.model = model;
      launcher.title.label = 'Launcher';
      launcher.title.iconClass = 'jp-LauncherIcon';

      let main = new MainAreaWidget({ content: launcher });

      // If there are any other widgets open, remove the launcher close icon.
      main.title.closable = !!toArray(labShell.widgets('main')).length; = id;

      labShell.add(main, 'main', { activate: args['activate'] as boolean });

      labShell.layoutModified.connect(() => {
        // If there is only a launcher open, remove the close icon.
        main.title.closable = toArray(labShell.widgets('main')).length > 1;


JupyterLab - Launcher Panel

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