How to use the @jupyterlab/fileeditor.FileEditorFactory function in @jupyterlab/fileeditor

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @jupyterlab/fileeditor examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github jupyterlab / jupyterlab-data-explorer / jupyterlab / packages / fileeditor-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
function activate(
  app: JupyterFrontEnd,
  consoleTracker: IConsoleTracker,
  editorServices: IEditorServices,
  browserFactory: IFileBrowserFactory,
  settingRegistry: ISettingRegistry,
  palette: ICommandPalette | null,
  launcher: ILauncher | null,
  menu: IMainMenu | null,
  restorer: ILayoutRestorer | null
): IEditorTracker {
  const id =;
  const namespace = 'editor';
  const factory = new FileEditorFactory({
    factoryOptions: {
      name: FACTORY,
      fileTypes: ['markdown', '*'], // Explicitly add the markdown fileType so
      defaultFor: ['markdown', '*'] // it outranks the defaultRendered viewer.
  const { commands, restored, shell } = app;
  const tracker = new InstanceTracker>({
  const isEnabled = () =>
    tracker.currentWidget !== null &&
    tracker.currentWidget === shell.currentWidget;

  let config: CodeEditor.IConfig = { ...CodeEditor.defaultConfig };
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / packages / fileeditor-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
function activate(
  app: JupyterFrontEnd,
  consoleTracker: IConsoleTracker,
  editorServices: IEditorServices,
  browserFactory: IFileBrowserFactory,
  settingRegistry: ISettingRegistry,
  palette: ICommandPalette | null,
  launcher: ILauncher | null,
  menu: IMainMenu | null,
  restorer: ILayoutRestorer | null
): IEditorTracker {
  const id =;
  const namespace = 'editor';
  const factory = new FileEditorFactory({
    factoryOptions: {
      name: FACTORY,
      fileTypes: ['markdown', '*'], // Explicitly add the markdown fileType so
      defaultFor: ['markdown', '*'] // it outranks the defaultRendered viewer.
  const { commands, restored, shell } = app;
  const tracker = new WidgetTracker>({
  const isEnabled = () =>
    tracker.currentWidget !== null &&
    tracker.currentWidget === shell.currentWidget;

  let config: CodeEditor.IConfig = { ...CodeEditor.defaultConfig };
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / packages / fileeditor-extension / src / index.ts View on Github external
function activate(
  app: JupyterFrontEnd,
  consoleTracker: IConsoleTracker,
  editorServices: IEditorServices,
  browserFactory: IFileBrowserFactory,
  settingRegistry: ISettingRegistry,
  palette: ICommandPalette | null,
  launcher: ILauncher | null,
  menu: IMainMenu | null,
  restorer: ILayoutRestorer | null
): IEditorTracker {
  const id =;
  const namespace = 'editor';
  const factory = new FileEditorFactory({
    factoryOptions: {
      name: FACTORY,
      fileTypes: ['markdown', '*'], // Explicitly add the markdown fileType so
      defaultFor: ['markdown', '*'] // it outranks the defaultRendered viewer.
  const { commands, restored, shell } = app;
  const tracker = new InstanceTracker>({
  const isEnabled = () =>
    tracker.currentWidget !== null &&
    tracker.currentWidget === shell.currentWidget;

  let config = { ...CodeEditor.defaultConfig };
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab-data-explorer / tests / test-fileeditor / src / widget.spec.ts View on Github external
describe('FileEditorFactory', () => {
    const widgetFactory = new FileEditorFactory({
      editorServices: {
      factoryOptions: {
        name: 'editor',
        fileTypes: ['*'],
        defaultFor: ['*']

    describe('#constructor()', () => {
      it('should create an FileEditorFactory', () => {
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / tests / test-fileeditor / src / widget.spec.ts View on Github external
describe('FileEditorFactory', () => {
    const widgetFactory = new FileEditorFactory({
      editorServices: {
      factoryOptions: {
        name: 'editor',
        fileTypes: ['*'],
        defaultFor: ['*']

    describe('#constructor()', () => {
      it('should create an FileEditorFactory', () => {
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab-data-explorer / jupyterlab / examples / filebrowser / src / index.ts View on Github external
widgets.splice(index, 1);

  let docRegistry = new DocumentRegistry();
  let docManager = new DocumentManager({
    registry: docRegistry,
  let editorServices = {
    factoryService: new CodeMirrorEditorFactory(),
    mimeTypeService: new CodeMirrorMimeTypeService()
  let wFactory = new FileEditorFactory({
    factoryOptions: {
      name: 'Editor',
      modelName: 'text',
      fileTypes: ['*'],
      defaultFor: ['*'],
      preferKernel: false,
      canStartKernel: true

  let commands = new CommandRegistry();

  let fbModel = new FileBrowserModel({ manager: docManager });
  let fbWidget = new FileBrowser({
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / examples / filebrowser / src / index.ts View on Github external
widgets.splice(index, 1);

  let docRegistry = new DocumentRegistry();
  let docManager = new DocumentManager({
    registry: docRegistry,
  let editorServices = {
    factoryService: new CodeMirrorEditorFactory(),
    mimeTypeService: new CodeMirrorMimeTypeService()
  let wFactory = new FileEditorFactory({
    factoryOptions: {
      name: 'Editor',
      modelName: 'text',
      fileTypes: ['*'],
      defaultFor: ['*'],
      preferKernel: false,
      canStartKernel: true

  let commands = new CommandRegistry();

  let fbModel = new FileBrowserModel({
    manager: docManager,


JupyterLab - Editor Widget

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