How to use the @jupyterlab/coreutils.PageConfig.getOption function in @jupyterlab/coreutils

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github krassowski / jupyterlab-lsp / packages / jupyterlab-lsp / src / connection_manager.ts View on Github external
private connect_socket(options: ISocketConnectionOptions): LSPConnection {
    let { virtual_document, language } = options;

    const wsBase = PageConfig.getBaseUrl().replace(/^http/, 'ws');
    const rootUri = PageConfig.getOption('rootUri');
    const documentUri = URLExt.join(rootUri, virtual_document.uri);
    const serverUri = URLExt.join('ws://jupyter-lsp', language);
    let socket = new WebSocket(URLExt.join(wsBase, 'lsp', language));

    let connection = new LSPConnection({
      languageId: language,
      documentText: () => {
        // NOTE: Update is async now and this is not really used, as an alternative method
        // which is compatible with async is used.
        // This should be only used in the initialization step.
        // if (main_connection.isConnected) {
        //  console.warn('documentText is deprecated for use in JupyterLab LSP');
        // }
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab-data-explorer / jupyterlab / examples / notebook / src / index.ts View on Github external
let wFactory = new NotebookWidgetFactory({
    name: 'Notebook',
    modelName: 'notebook',
    fileTypes: ['notebook'],
    defaultFor: ['notebook'],
    preferKernel: true,
    canStartKernel: true,
    mimeTypeService: editorServices.mimeTypeService

  let notebookPath = PageConfig.getOption('notebookPath');
  let nbWidget = as NotebookPanel;
  let palette = new CommandPalette({ commands });

  const editor =
    nbWidget.content.activeCell && nbWidget.content.activeCell.editor;
  const model = new CompleterModel();
  const completer = new Completer({ editor, model });
  const connector = new KernelConnector({ session: nbWidget.session });
  const handler = new CompletionHandler({ completer, connector });

  // Set the handler's editor.
  handler.editor = editor;

  // Listen for active cell changes.
  nbWidget.content.activeCellChanged.connect((sender, cell) => {
    handler.editor = cell && cell.editor;
github yuvipanda / simplest-notebook / examples / notebook / src / index.ts View on Github external
let useCapture = true;

  // Setup the keydown listener for the document.
    event => {

  let rendermime = new RenderMimeRegistry({
    initialFactories: initialFactories,
    latexTypesetter: new MathJaxTypesetter({
      url: PageConfig.getOption('mathjaxUrl'),
      config: PageConfig.getOption('mathjaxConfig')

  let opener = {
    open: (widget: Widget) => {
      // Do nothing for sibling widgets for now.

  let docRegistry = new DocumentRegistry();
  let docManager = new DocumentManager({
    registry: docRegistry,
  let mFactory = new NotebookModelFactory({});
github spyder-ide / spyder-notebook / spyder_notebook / server / src / index.ts View on Github external
let wFactory = new NotebookWidgetFactory({
    name: 'Notebook',
    modelName: 'notebook',
    fileTypes: ['notebook'],
    defaultFor: ['notebook'],
    preferKernel: true,
    canStartKernel: true,
    mimeTypeService: editorServices.mimeTypeService

  let notebookPath = PageConfig.getOption('notebookPath');
  let nbWidget = as NotebookPanel;

  // Create menu bar.
  let menuBar = new MenuBar();

  const editor =
    nbWidget.content.activeCell && nbWidget.content.activeCell.editor;
  const model = new CompleterModel();
  const completer = new Completer({ editor, model });
  const connector = new KernelConnector({ session: nbWidget.session });
  const handler = new CompletionHandler({ completer, connector });

  // Set the handler's editor.
  handler.editor = editor;
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / packages / application / src / index.ts View on Github external
readonly defaultWorkspace: string;

   * The default application info.
  export const defaultInfo: IInfo = {
    name: PageConfig.getOption('appName') || 'JupyterLab',
    namespace: PageConfig.getOption('appNamespace'),
    version: PageConfig.getOption('appVersion') || 'unknown',
    devMode: PageConfig.getOption('devMode').toLowerCase() === 'true',
    deferred: { patterns: [], matches: [] },
    disabled: { patterns: [], matches: [] },
    mimeExtensions: [],
    urls: {
      base: PageConfig.getOption('baseUrl'),
      page: PageConfig.getOption('pageUrl'),
      public: PageConfig.getOption('publicUrl'),
      settings: PageConfig.getOption('settingsUrl'),
      themes: PageConfig.getOption('themesUrl'),
      tree: PageConfig.getOption('treeUrl'),
      workspaces: PageConfig.getOption('workspacesUrl')
    directories: {
      appSettings: PageConfig.getOption('appSettingsDir'),
      schemas: PageConfig.getOption('schemasDir'),
      static: PageConfig.getOption('staticDir'),
      templates: PageConfig.getOption('templatesDir'),
      themes: PageConfig.getOption('themesDir'),
      userSettings: PageConfig.getOption('userSettingsDir'),
      serverRoot: PageConfig.getOption('serverRoot'),
      workspaces: PageConfig.getOption('workspacesDir')
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / packages / application / src / index.ts View on Github external
devMode: PageConfig.getOption('devMode').toLowerCase() === 'true',
    deferred: { patterns: [], matches: [] },
    disabled: { patterns: [], matches: [] },
    mimeExtensions: [],
    urls: {
      base: PageConfig.getOption('baseUrl'),
      page: PageConfig.getOption('pageUrl'),
      public: PageConfig.getOption('publicUrl'),
      settings: PageConfig.getOption('settingsUrl'),
      themes: PageConfig.getOption('themesUrl'),
      tree: PageConfig.getOption('treeUrl'),
      workspaces: PageConfig.getOption('workspacesUrl')
    directories: {
      appSettings: PageConfig.getOption('appSettingsDir'),
      schemas: PageConfig.getOption('schemasDir'),
      static: PageConfig.getOption('staticDir'),
      templates: PageConfig.getOption('templatesDir'),
      themes: PageConfig.getOption('themesDir'),
      userSettings: PageConfig.getOption('userSettingsDir'),
      serverRoot: PageConfig.getOption('serverRoot'),
      workspaces: PageConfig.getOption('workspacesDir')
    filesCached: PageConfig.getOption('cacheFiles').toLowerCase() === 'true',
    workspace: '',
    defaultWorkspace: ''

   * The interface for a module that exports a plugin or plugins as
   * the default value.
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab_app / src / browser / app.tsx View on Github external
private _setupLab() {
        let version : string = PageConfig.getOption('appVersion') || 'unknown';
        if (version[0] === 'v') {
            version = version.slice(1);

        if (this.props.options.platform === 'win32') {
            PageConfig.setOption('terminalsAvailable', 'false');

        this._lab = new ElectronJupyterLab({
            version: version,
            mimeExtensions: extensions.mime,
            disabled: extensions.disabled,
            deferred: extensions.deferred,
            platform: this.props.options.platform,
            uiState: this.props.options.uiState
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / packages / services / src / builder / index.ts View on Github external
get shouldCheck(): boolean {
    return PageConfig.getOption('buildCheck').toLowerCase() === 'true';
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab-data-explorer / jupyterlab / packages / application / src / lab.ts View on Github external
  export const defaultPaths: JupyterFrontEnd.IPaths = {
    urls: {
      base: PageConfig.getOption('baseUrl'),
      defaultWorkspace: PageConfig.getOption('defaultWorkspace'),
      notFound: PageConfig.getOption('notFoundUrl'),
      page: PageConfig.getOption('pageUrl'),
      public: PageConfig.getOption('publicUrl'),
      settings: PageConfig.getOption('settingsUrl'),
      themes: PageConfig.getOption('themesUrl'),
      tree: PageConfig.getOption('treeUrl'),
      workspaces: PageConfig.getOption('workspacesUrl')
    directories: {
      appSettings: PageConfig.getOption('appSettingsDir'),
      schemas: PageConfig.getOption('schemasDir'),
      static: PageConfig.getOption('staticDir'),
      templates: PageConfig.getOption('templatesDir'),
      themes: PageConfig.getOption('themesDir'),
      userSettings: PageConfig.getOption('userSettingsDir'),
      serverRoot: PageConfig.getOption('serverRoot'),
      workspaces: PageConfig.getOption('workspacesDir')

   * The interface for a module that exports a plugin or plugins as
   * the default value.
  export interface IPluginModule {
     * The default export.
github jupyterlab / jupyterlab / packages / application / src / lab.ts View on Github external
disabled: { patterns: [], matches: [] },
    mimeExtensions: [],
    filesCached: PageConfig.getOption('cacheFiles').toLowerCase() === 'true'

   * The default JupyterLab application paths.
  export const defaultPaths: JupyterFrontEnd.IPaths = {
    urls: {
      base: PageConfig.getOption('baseUrl'),
      notFound: PageConfig.getOption('notFoundUrl'),
      app: PageConfig.getOption('appUrl'),
      static: PageConfig.getOption('staticUrl'),
      settings: PageConfig.getOption('settingsUrl'),
      themes: PageConfig.getOption('themesUrl'),
      tree: PageConfig.getOption('treeUrl'),
      workspaces: PageConfig.getOption('workspacesUrl'),
      hubHost: PageConfig.getOption('hubHost') || undefined,
      hubPrefix: PageConfig.getOption('hubPrefix') || undefined,
      hubUser: PageConfig.getOption('hubUser') || undefined,
      hubServerName: PageConfig.getOption('hubServerName') || undefined
    directories: {
      appSettings: PageConfig.getOption('appSettingsDir'),
      schemas: PageConfig.getOption('schemasDir'),
      static: PageConfig.getOption('staticDir'),
      templates: PageConfig.getOption('templatesDir'),
      themes: PageConfig.getOption('themesDir'),
      userSettings: PageConfig.getOption('userSettingsDir'),
      serverRoot: PageConfig.getOption('serverRoot'),
      workspaces: PageConfig.getOption('workspacesDir')