How to use @ionic/utils-process - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ionic/utils-process examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / commands / cordova / run.ts View on Github external
    let details: ServeDetails | undefined;
    let serverUrl = options['livereload-url'] ? String(options['livereload-url']) : undefined;

    if (!serverUrl) {
      details = await;

      if (details.externallyAccessible === false && !options['native-run']) {
        const extra = LOCAL_ADDRESSES.includes(details.externalAddress) ? '\nEnsure you have proper port forwarding setup from your device to your computer.' : '';
        this.env.log.warn(`Your device or emulator may not be able to access ${strong(details.externalAddress)}.${extra}\n\n`);

      serverUrl = `${details.protocol || 'http'}://${details.externalAddress}:${details.port}`;

    onBeforeExit(async () => {


    const cordovalogws = createPrefixedWriteStream(this.env.log, weak(`[cordova]`));
    const buildOpts: IShellRunOptions = { stream: cordovalogws };
    // ignore very verbose compiler output on stdout unless --verbose
    buildOpts.stdio = options['verbose'] ? 'inherit' : ['pipe', 'ignore', 'pipe'];

    if (options['native-run']) {
      const [ platform ] = inputs;
      const packagePath = await getPackagePath(conf.getProjectInfo().name, platform, { emulator: !options['device'], release: !!options['release'] });
      const forwardedPorts = details ? runner.getUsedPorts(runnerOpts, details) : [];
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / lib / shell.ts View on Github external

      if (promise.p.stderr) {
        const s = combineStreams(split2(), ws);

        // TODO:
        s.on('error', (err: Error) => {
          debug('Error in subprocess stderr pipe: %o', err);


      if (killOnExit) {
        onBeforeExit(async () => {
          if ( {
            await killProcessTree(;

      await promise;
    } catch (e) {
      if (e instanceof SubprocessError && e.code === ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND) {
        if (fatalOnNotFound) {
          throw new FatalException(`Command not found: ${input(command)}`, 127);
        } else {
          throw e;
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / lib / native-run.ts View on Github external
try {
    await'native-run', args, { showCommand: !args.includes('--json'), fatalOnNotFound: false, stream, ...options });
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof SubprocessError && e.code === ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND) {
      throw createNativeRunNotFoundError(config.get('npmClient'));

    throw e;

  // If we connect the `native-run` process to the running app, then we
  // should also connect the Ionic CLI with the running `native-run` process.
  // This will exit the Ionic CLI when `native-run` exits.
  if (connect) {
    processExit(0); // tslint:disable-line:no-floating-promises
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / lib / shell.ts View on Github external
protected prepareSpawnOptions(options: IShellSpawnOptions) {
    // Create a `process.env`-type object from all key/values of `process.env`,
    // then `options.env`, then add several key/values. PATH is supplemented
    // with the `node_modules\.bin` folder in the project directory so that we
    // can run binaries inside a project.
    options.env = createProcessEnv(process.env, options.env, {
      PATH: this.alterPath(process.env.PATH || ''),
      FORCE_COLOR: chalk.level > 0 ? '1' : '0',
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / @ionic / utils-subprocess / src / index.ts View on Github external
async function _findExecutables(program: string, { PATH = process.env.PATH, PATHEXT = process.env.PATHEXT || DEFAULT_PATHEXT }: WhichOptions = {}): Promise {
  const pathParts = getPathParts(PATH);
  let programNames: string[];

  // if windows, cycle through all possible executable extensions
  // ex: node.exe, npm.cmd, etc.
  if ( {
    const exts = getPathParts(PATHEXT).map(ext => ext.toLowerCase());
    // don't append extensions if one has already been provided
    programNames = exts.includes(pathlib.extname(program).toLowerCase()) ? [program] : => program + ext);
  } else {
    programNames = [program];

  return ([] as string[]).concat(...await map(programNames, async (programName): Promise =>
    concurrentFilter( => pathlib.join(p, programName)), async p => isExecutableFile(p))));
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / @ionic / utils-subprocess / src / index.ts View on Github external
async function _findExecutables(program: string, { PATH = process.env.PATH, PATHEXT = process.env.PATHEXT || DEFAULT_PATHEXT }: WhichOptions = {}): Promise {
  const pathParts = getPathParts(PATH);
  let programNames: string[];

  // if windows, cycle through all possible executable extensions
  // ex: node.exe, npm.cmd, etc.
  if ( {
    const exts = getPathParts(PATHEXT).map(ext => ext.toLowerCase());
    // don't append extensions if one has already been provided
    programNames = exts.includes(pathlib.extname(program).toLowerCase()) ? [program] : => program + ext);
  } else {
    programNames = [program];

  return ([] as string[]).concat(...await map(programNames, async (programName): Promise =>
    concurrentFilter( => pathlib.join(p, programName)), async p => isExecutableFile(p))));
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / ionic / src / commands / cordova / run.ts View on Github external
const cordovalogws = createPrefixedWriteStream(this.env.log, weak(`[cordova]`));
    const buildOpts: IShellRunOptions = { stream: cordovalogws };
    // ignore very verbose compiler output on stdout unless --verbose
    buildOpts.stdio = options['verbose'] ? 'inherit' : ['pipe', 'ignore', 'pipe'];

    if (options['native-run']) {
      const [ platform ] = inputs;
      const packagePath = await getPackagePath(conf.getProjectInfo().name, platform, { emulator: !options['device'], release: !!options['release'] });
      const forwardedPorts = details ? runner.getUsedPorts(runnerOpts, details) : [];

      await this.runCordova(filterArgumentsForCordova({ ...metadata, name: 'build' }, options), buildOpts);
      await this.runNativeRun(createNativeRunArgs({ packagePath, platform, forwardedPorts }, options));
    } else {
      await this.runCordova(filterArgumentsForCordova(metadata, options), buildOpts);
      await sleepForever();
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / @ionic / utils-subprocess / src / __tests__ / index.ts View on Github external
it('should provide only PATH with empty env', async () => {
      const PATH = process.env.PATH;
      const cmd = new Subprocess('cmd', [], { env: {} });
      expect(cmd.options).toEqual({ env: createProcessEnv({ PATH }) });
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / @ionic / utils-subprocess / src / __tests__ / index.ts View on Github external
it('should call spawn with correct program/args with pathed name', async () => {
      const result = {};
      mockCrossSpawn.mockImplementation(() => result);
      const name = path.resolve('/path', 'to', 'cmd');
      const args = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'];
      const options = { env: { PATH: '' } };
      const cmd = new Subprocess(name, args, options);
      const expectedOptions = { env: createProcessEnv(options.env) };
      expect(mockCrossSpawn).toHaveBeenCalledWith(name, args, expectedOptions);
github ionic-team / ionic-cli / packages / @ionic / utils-subprocess / src / __tests__ / index.ts View on Github external
it('should provide default env option', async () => {
      const cmd = new Subprocess('cmd', []);
      expect(cmd.options).toEqual({ env: createProcessEnv(process.env) });


Process utils for NodeJS

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