How to use the @iobroker/adapter-core.appName function in @iobroker/adapter-core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @iobroker/adapter-core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ioBroker / ioBroker.influxdb / main.js View on Github external
var seriesBufferChecker = null;
var seriesBufferCounter = 0;
var seriesBufferFlushPlanned = false;
var seriesBuffer        = {};
var conflictingPoints   = {};
var errorPoints         = {};
var tasksStart          = [];
var connected           = null;
var finished            = false;
var aliasMap   = {};

function getAppName() {
    const parts = __dirname.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/');
    return parts[parts.length - 1].split('.')[0];
utils.appName = getAppName();

var adapter = utils.Adapter('influxdb');

adapter.on('objectChange', function (id, obj) {
    var formerAliasId = aliasMap[id] ? aliasMap[id] : id;
    if (obj && obj.common &&
            // todo remove history sometime (2016.08) - Do not forget object selector in io-package.json
            (obj.common.history && obj.common.history[adapter.namespace] && obj.common.history[adapter.namespace].enabled) ||
            (obj.common.custom  && obj.common.custom[adapter.namespace]  && obj.common.custom[adapter.namespace].enabled)
    ) {
        var realId = id;
        var checkForRemove = true;
        if (obj.common.custom && obj.common.custom[adapter.namespace] && obj.common.custom[adapter.namespace].aliasId) {
            if (obj.common.custom[adapter.namespace].aliasId !== id) {
github ioBroker / ioBroker.vis-web-admin / main.js View on Github external
let lang         = 'en';
let extensions   = {};
let bruteForce   = {};
let socketIoFile = null;
let webPreSettings = {};
let webByVersion = {};
let loginPage    = null;
const FORBIDDEN_CHARS = /[\]\[*,;'"`<>\\\s?]/g; // with space

let redirectLink = '';

function getAppName() {
    const parts = __dirname.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/');
    return parts[parts.length - 1].split('.')[0];
utils.appName = getAppName();

// copied from here:
const matchHtmlRegExp = /["'&<>]/;
function escapeHtml (string) {
    const str = '' + string;
    const match = matchHtmlRegExp.exec(str);

    if (!match) {
        return str;

    let escape;
    let html = '';
    let index;
    let lastIndex = 0;
github ioBroker / ioBroker.vis-web-admin / main.js View on Github external
extAPI = require(__dirname + '/' + parts.join('/'));
            } else {
                extAPI = require(utils.appName + '.' + extensions[e].path);

            extensions[e].obj = new extAPI(server.server, {secure:, port: settings.port}, adapter, extensions[e].config,;
  'Connect extension "' + extensions[e].path + '"');
        } catch (err) {
            adapter.log.error('Cannot start extension "' + e + '": ' + err);

    // Activate integrated simple API
    if (settings.simpleapi) {
        try {
            let SimpleAPI = require(utils.appName + '.simple-api/lib/simpleapi.js');

            server.api = new SimpleAPI(server.server, {secure:, port: settings.port}, adapter);
        } catch (e) {
            adapter.log.error('Cannot find simple api module! ' + e);

    if ( {
        // deliver web files from objectDB'/', (req, res) => {

            let url = decodeURI(req.url);
            // remove all ../
            // important: Linux does not normalize "\" but fs.readFile accepts it as '/'
            url = path.normalize(url.replace(/\\/g, '/')).replace(/\\/g, '/');
            // remove '////' at start and let only one
github ioBroker / ioBroker.mqtt / lib / client.js View on Github external
(function _constructor(config) {
        const  clientId = config.clientId || ((tools.getHostname ? tools.getHostname() : utils.appName) + '.' + adapter.namespace);
        const _url  = ((!config.ssl) ? 'mqtt' : 'mqtts') + '://' + (config.user ? (config.user + ':' + config.pass + '@') : '') + config.url + (config.port ? (':' + config.port) : '') + '?clientId=' + clientId;
        const __url = ((!config.ssl) ? 'mqtt' : 'mqtts') + '://' + (config.user ? (config.user + ':*******************@') : '') + config.url + (config.port ? (':' + config.port) : '') + '?clientId=' + clientId;'Try to connect to ' + __url);
        client = mqtt.connect(_url, {
            keepalive:          config.keepalive || 10, /* in seconds */
            protocolId:         'MQTT',
            protocolVersion:    4,
            reconnectPeriod:    config.reconnectPeriod || 1000, /* in milliseconds */
            connectTimeout:     (config.connectTimeout || 30) * 1000, /* in milliseconds */
            clean:              !config.persistent

        // By default subscribe on all topics
        if (!config.patterns) config.patterns = '#';

        if (typeof config.patterns === 'string') {
github ioBroker / ioBroker.influxdb / main.js View on Github external
function connect() {'Connecting ' + adapter.config.protocol + '://' + + ':' + adapter.config.port + ' ...');

    adapter.config.dbname = adapter.config.dbname || utils.appName;

    adapter.config.seriesBufferMax = parseInt(adapter.config.seriesBufferMax, 10) || 0;

    client = influx({
        port:     adapter.config.port, // optional, default 8086
        protocol: adapter.config.protocol, // optional, default 'http'
        username: adapter.config.user,
        password: adapter.config.password,
        database: adapter.config.dbname,
        timePrecision: 'ms'

    client.getDatabaseNames(function (err, dbNames) {
        if (err) {
github ioBroker / ioBroker.mqtt / lib / client.js View on Github external
'use strict';

const mqtt            = require('mqtt');
const utils           = require('@iobroker/adapter-core');
const tools           = require(utils.controllerDir + '/lib/tools');
const state2string    = require(__dirname + '/common').state2string;
const convertTopic2id = require(__dirname + '/common').convertTopic2id;
const convertID2topic = require(__dirname + '/common').convertID2topic;

const messageboxRegex = new RegExp('\\.messagebox$');

function getAppName() {
    const parts = __dirname.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/');
    return parts[parts.length - 2].split('.')[0];
utils.appName = getAppName();

function MQTTClient(adapter, states) {
    if (!(this instanceof MQTTClient)) return new MQTTClient(adapter, states);

    let client    = null;
    let topic2id  = {};
    let id2topic  = {};
    const namespaceRegEx = new RegExp('^' + adapter.namespace.replace('.', '\\.') + '\\.');
    let connected = false;

    this.destroy = () => {
        if (client) {
            client = null;


Core module to be used in ioBroker adapters. Acts as the bridge to js-controller.

Latest version published 3 months ago

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