How to use the @instructure/ui-prop-types.Children.oneOfEach function in @instructure/ui-prop-types

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @instructure/ui-prop-types examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github instructure / instructure-ui / packages / ui-drawer-layout / src / DrawerLayout / index.js View on Github external
category: components
@themeable(theme, styles)
class DrawerLayout extends Component {
  static locatorAttribute = 'data-drawer-layout'
  static propTypes = {
     * Exactly one of each of the following child types: `DrawerLayout.Content`, `DrawerLayout.Tray`
    children: ChildrenPropTypes.oneOfEach([DrawerContent, DrawerTray]),
     * Min width for the ``
    minWidth: PropTypes.string,
     * Function called when the `` is resized and hits the `minWidth` breakpoint
     * Called with a boolean value, `true` if the tray is now overlaying the content or `false` if
     * it is side by side
    onOverlayTrayChange: PropTypes.func

  static defaultProps = {
    children: null,
    minWidth: '30rem',
    onOverlayTrayChange: (shouldOverlayTray) => {}
github instructure / instructure-ui / packages / ui-layout / src / DrawerLayout / index.js View on Github external
category: components/deprecated
id: DeprecatedDrawerLayout
@deprecated('7.0.0', null, 'Use DrawerLayout from ui-drawer-layout instead.')
@themeable(theme, styles)
class DrawerLayout extends Component {
  static locatorAttribute = 'data-drawer-layout'
  static propTypes = {
     * Exactly one of each of the following child types: `DrawerLayout.Content`, `DrawerLayout.Tray`
    children: ChildrenPropTypes.oneOfEach([DrawerContent, DrawerTray]),
     * Min width for the ``
    minWidth: PropTypes.string,
     * Function called when the `` is resized and hits the `minWidth` breakpoint
     * Called with a boolean value, `true` if the tray is now overlaying the content or `false` if
     * it is side by side
    onOverlayTrayChange: PropTypes.func

  static defaultProps = {
    children: null,
    minWidth: '30rem',
    onOverlayTrayChange: (shouldOverlayTray) => {}