Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
const validateElement = (elementFound: ElementFound) => {
const { resource } = elementFound;
const allowedTypes = ['submit', 'reset', 'button'];
debug('Validating hint button-type');
const element = elementFound.element;
const elementType = element.getAttribute('type');
if (element.isAttributeAnExpression('type')) {
// Assume template expressions will map to a valid value.
} else if (elementType === null || elementType === '') {
const severity = inAForm(element) ?
Severity.warning :
getMessage('attributeNotSet', context.language),
{ element, severity }
} else if (!allowedTypes.includes(elementType.toLowerCase())) {
getMessage('invalidType', context.language, elementType),
{ element, severity: Severity.error });
const validate = ({ element, resource }: ElementFound) => {
if (normalizeString(element.getAttribute('rel')) === 'manifest') {
const href = element.resolveUrl(element.getAttribute('href') || /* istanbul ignore next */ '');
const fileExtension: string = getFileExtension(normalizeString(href) || /* istanbul ignore next */ '');
if (fileExtension !== standardManifestFileExtension) {
let message: string;
let severity: Severity;
if (fileExtension) {
message = getMessage('shouldHaveFileExtensionNot', context.language, [standardManifestFileExtension, fileExtension]);
severity = fileExtension === 'json' ?
Severity.hint :
} else {
message = getMessage('shouldHaveFileExtension', context.language, standardManifestFileExtension);
severity = Severity.warning;
}, message, { content: fileExtension, element, severity });
const codeSnippet = `Cache-Control: ${header}`;
const codeLanguage = 'http';
const longCache = compareToMaxAge(usedDirectives, maxAgeResource) >= 0;
const immutable = usedDirectives.has('immutable');
const isCacheBusted = usesFileRevving(directives, fetchEnd);
let validates = true;
// We want long caches with "immutable" for static resources
if (usedDirectives.has('no-cache') || !longCache) {
const message: string = getMessage('staticResourceCacheValue', context.language, [maxAgeResource, header]);
const severity = isCacheBusted ? Severity.warning : Severity.hint;, message, { codeLanguage, codeSnippet, severity });
validates = false;
if (!immutable) {
const message: string = getMessage('staticNotImmutable', context.language, header);
const severity = immutableSupported && isCacheBusted ? Severity.warning : Severity.hint;, message, { codeLanguage, codeSnippet, severity });
validates = false;
public async format(messages: Problem[], options: FormatterOptions = {}) {
debug('Formatting results');
const language: string = options.language!;
if (messages.length === 0) {
const resources: _.Dictionary = _.groupBy(messages, 'resource');
const totals = {
[Severity.error.toString()]: 0,
[Severity.warning.toString()]: 0,
[Severity.information.toString()]: 0,
[Severity.hint.toString()]: 0
let result = _.reduce(resources, (total: string, msgs: Problem[], resource: string) => {
const sortedMessages: Problem[] = _.sortBy(msgs, ['location.line', 'location.column']);
const resourceString = chalk.cyan(`${cutString(resource, 80)}`);
const partialResult = _.reduce(sortedMessages, (subtotal: string, msg: Problem) => {
let partial: string;
const color = severityToColor(msg.severity);
const severity = color(getMessage(`capitalized${Severity[msg.severity].toString()}` as MessageName, language));
const location = msg.location;
partial = `${getMessage('hintInfo', language, [
public async format(messages: Problem[], options: FormatterOptions = {}) {
const language: string = options.language!;
debug('Formatting results');
if (messages.length === 0) {
const resources: _.Dictionary = _.groupBy(messages, 'resource');
const totals = {
[Severity.error.toString()]: 0,
[Severity.warning.toString()]: 0,
[Severity.information.toString()]: 0,
[Severity.hint.toString()]: 0
let result = _.reduce(resources, (total: string, msgs: Problem[], resource: string) => {
const partials = {
[Severity.error.toString()]: 0,
[Severity.warning.toString()]: 0,
[Severity.information.toString()]: 0,
[Severity.hint.toString()]: 0
const sortedMessages: Problem[] = _.sortBy(msgs, ['location.line', 'location.column']);
const tableData: string[][] = [];
let hasPosition: boolean = false;
let partialResult = `${chalk.cyan(cutString(resource, 80))}\n`;
_.forEach(sortedMessages, (msg: Problem) => {
const toSeverity = (severity: SnykSeverity) => {
switch (severity) {
case 'high': return Severity.error;
case 'medium': return Severity.warning;
return Severity.hint;
public async format(messages: Problem[], options: FormatterOptions = {}) {
debug('Formatting results');
if (messages.length === 0) {
const tableData: string[][] = [];
const language: string = options.language!;
const totals = {
[Severity.error.toString()]: 0,
[Severity.warning.toString()]: 0,
[Severity.information.toString()]: 0,
[Severity.hint.toString()]: 0
const resources: _.Dictionary = _.groupBy(messages, 'hintId');
const sortedResources = Object.entries(resources).sort(([hintA, problemsA], [hintB, problemsB]) => {
if (problemsA.length < problemsB.length) {
return -1;
if (problemsA.length > problemsB.length) {
return 1;
return hintA.localeCompare(hintB);
_.forEach(sortedResources, ([hintId, problems]) => {
const msgsBySeverity = _.groupBy(problems, 'severity');
* (404 because the following function will most likely
* generate a 404 error response, other responses cannot
* be generated... so easily).
if (Object.keys(foundErrorPages).length === 0 || !foundErrorPages[404]) {
await tryToGenerateErrorPage(href);
for (const key of Object.keys(foundErrorPages)) {
const threshold = statusCodesWith512Threshold.includes(Number.parseInt(key)) ? 512 : 256;
getMessage('responseWithStatus', context.language, [key, threshold.toString()]),
{ severity: Severity.hint }
_.forEach(sortedResources, ([hintId, problems]) => {
const msgsBySeverity = _.groupBy(problems, 'severity');
const errors = msgsBySeverity[Severity.error] ? msgsBySeverity[Severity.error].length : 0;
const warnings = msgsBySeverity[Severity.warning] ? msgsBySeverity[Severity.warning].length : 0;
const informations = msgsBySeverity[Severity.information] ? msgsBySeverity[Severity.information].length : 0;
const hints = msgsBySeverity[Severity.hint] ? msgsBySeverity[Severity.hint].length : 0;
const red = severityToColor(Severity.error);
const yellow = severityToColor(Severity.warning);
const gray = severityToColor(Severity.information);
const pink = severityToColor(Severity.hint);
const line: string[] = [chalk.cyan(hintId)];
if (errors > 0) {
line.push(red(getMessage(errors === 1 ? 'errorCount' : 'errorsCount', language, errors.toString())));
if (warnings > 0) {
line.push(yellow(getMessage(warnings === 1 ? 'warningCount' : 'warningsCount', language, warnings.toString())));
if (hints > 0) {
line.push(pink(getMessage(hints === 1 ? 'hintCount' : 'hintsCount', language, hints.toString())));
if (informations > 0) {