Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
* @fileoverview webhint parser needed to analyze HTML contained within JSX files.
import * as parse5 from 'parse5';
import * as htmlparser2Adapter from 'parse5-htmlparser2-tree-adapter';
import { debug as d } from '@hint/utils-debug';
import { DocumentData, ElementData, HTMLDocument, restoreReferences, TextData } from '@hint/utils-dom';
import { Parser } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/types';
import { Engine } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/engine';
import { HTMLEvents } from '@hint/parser-html';
import { JSXAttribute, JSXElement, JSXExpressionContainer, JSXText, Node, ScriptEvents } from '@hint/parser-javascript';
type ChildMap = Map>;
type RootMap = Map;
const debug = d(__filename);
* Check if the provided `Node` is a native HTML element in JSX.
const isNativeElement = (node: Node) => {
if (node.type !== 'JSXElement') {
return false;
/* istanbul ignore if */
if ( !== 'JSXIdentifier') {
return false; // Ignore JSXMemberExpression and JSXNamespacedName.
const { name } =;
* @fileoverview Validates if the HTML of a page is AMP valid
import * as path from 'path';
import * as amphtmlValidator from 'amphtml-validator';
import { debug as d } from '@hint/utils-debug';
import { IHint, FetchEnd } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/types';
import { HintContext } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/hint-context';
import meta from './meta';
import { Severity } from '@hint/utils-types';
const debug: debug.IDebugger = d(__filename);
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Public
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
export default class AmpValidatorHint implements IHint {
public static readonly meta = meta;
public constructor(context: HintContext) {
let validPromise: Promise;
const errorsOnly = context.hintOptions && /* istanbul ignore next */ context.hintOptions['errors-only'] || false;
let events: FetchEnd[] = [];
const onFetchEndHTML = (fetchEnd: FetchEnd) => {
const parser = require('postcss-less');
import * as postcss from 'postcss';
import { debug as d } from '@hint/utils-debug';
import { normalizeString } from '@hint/utils-string';
import { HTMLElement } from '@hint/utils-dom';
import { Parser } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/types';
import { StyleEvents } from '@hint/parser-css';
import { Engine } from 'hint';
const debug = d(__filename);
export default class CSSParser extends Parser {
public constructor(engine: Engine) {
super(engine, 'less');
const emitLESS = async (code: string, resource: string, element: HTMLElement | null) => {
try {
await this.engine.emitAsync(`parse::start::css`, { resource });
const result = await postcss().process(code, { from: resource, parser });
const ast = result.root!; // always defined even for '' (typings error?)
await this.engine.emitAsync(`parse::end::css`, {
const sassParser = require('postcss-sass');
const scssParser = require('postcss-scss');
import * as postcss from 'postcss';
import { debug as d } from '@hint/utils-debug';
import { normalizeString } from '@hint/utils-string';
import { HTMLElement } from '@hint/utils-dom';
import { Parser } from 'hint/dist/src/lib/types';
import { StyleEvents } from '@hint/parser-css';
import { Engine } from 'hint';
const debug = d(__filename);
export default class CSSParser extends Parser {
public constructor(engine: Engine) {
super(engine, 'sass');
const emitSASS = async (code: string, parser: postcss.Parser, resource: string, element: HTMLElement | null) => {
try {
await this.engine.emitAsync(`parse::start::css`, { resource });
const result = await postcss().process(code, { from: resource, parser });
const ast = result.root!; // always defined even for '' (typings error?)
await this.engine.emitAsync(`parse::end::css`, {
* @fileoverview Check if responses served over HTTPS also have the Strict-Transport-Security header with a proper value max-age value.
import * as url from 'url';
import { URL } from 'url'; // this is necessary to avoid TypeScript mixes types.
import { isRegularProtocol } from '@hint/utils-network';
import { debug as d } from '@hint/utils-debug';
import { FetchEnd, HintContext, IHint, NetworkData } from 'hint';
import { Severity } from '@hint/utils-types';
import meta from './meta';
import { getMessage } from './i18n.import';
const debug = d(__filename);
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Public
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
export default class StrictTransportSecurityHint implements IHint {
public static readonly meta = meta;
public constructor(context: HintContext) {
/** The minimum period (in seconds) allowed for `max-age`. */
let minMaxAgeValue: number;
/** Whether or not check the preload attribute */
* @fileoverview Verifies if a website is using HTTPS and if it has mixed content.
import * as URL from 'url';
import { ElementFound, FetchEnd, HintContext, IHint, Response } from 'hint';
import { isDataURI, isHTTPS } from '@hint/utils-network';
import { debug as d } from '@hint/utils-debug';
import meta from './meta';
import { getMessage } from './i18n.import';
import { Severity } from '@hint/utils-types';
const debug: debug.IDebugger = d(__filename);
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Public
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
export default class HttpsOnlyHint implements IHint {
private targetIsServedOverHTTPS: boolean = false;
public static readonly meta = meta;
public constructor(context: HintContext) {
let target: string;
const reportedUrls: Set = new Set();
} from 'hint';
import { Severity } from '@hint/utils-types';
import { isRegularProtocol } from '@hint/utils-network';
import { HTMLElement } from '@hint/utils-dom';
import { debug as d } from '@hint/utils-debug';
import { Requester } from '@hint/utils-connector-tools';
import { CoreOptions } from 'request';
import meta from './meta';
import { getMessage } from './i18n.import';
const debug: debug.IDebugger = d(__filename);
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Public
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
export default class NoBrokenLinksHint implements IHint {
public static readonly meta = meta;
public constructor(context: HintContext) {
const options: CoreOptions = { method: context.hintOptions && context.hintOptions.method ? context.hintOptions.method : 'GET' };
const requester = new Requester(options);
const brokenStatusCodes = [404, 410, 500, 503];
* @fileoverview `no-p3p` disallows the use of `P3P`
import { URL } from 'url';
import { ElementFound, FetchEnd, HintContext, IHint, ScanStart } from 'hint';
import { normalizeString } from '@hint/utils-string';
import { includedHeaders } from '@hint/utils-network';
import { debug as d } from '@hint/utils-debug';
import { Severity } from '@hint/utils-types';
import meta from './meta';
import { getMessage } from './i18n.import';
const debug: debug.IDebugger = d(__filename);
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Public
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
export default class NoP3pHint implements IHint {
public static readonly meta = meta;
public constructor(context: HintContext) {
const errorMessage = getMessage('p3pDeprecated', context.language);
* Verifies the server doesn't respond with any content to the well-known location
* @fileoverview Check for correct usage of `apple-touch-icon`.
import { imageSize as getImageData } from 'image-size';
import { normalizeString } from '@hint/utils-string';
import { isRegularProtocol } from '@hint/utils-network';
import { debug as d } from '@hint/utils-debug';
import { HintContext, IHint, NetworkData, TraverseEnd } from 'hint';
import { HTMLDocument, HTMLElement } from '@hint/utils-dom';
import { Severity } from '@hint/utils-types';
import meta from './meta';
import { getMessage } from './i18n.import';
const debug: debug.IDebugger = d(__filename);
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Public
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
export default class AppleTouchIconsHint implements IHint {
public static readonly meta = meta;
public constructor(context: HintContext) {
* This function exists because not all connector (e.g.: jsdom)
* support matching attribute values case-insensitively.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import uniqBy = require('lodash/uniqBy');
import { OptionsWithUrl } from 'request';
import { debug as d } from '@hint/utils-debug';
import { HintContext, IHint } from 'hint';
import { ProblemLocation, Severity } from '@hint/utils-types';
import { HTMLEvents, HTMLParse } from '@hint/parser-html';
import meta from './meta';
import { getMessage } from './i18n.import';
const debug: debug.IDebugger = d(__filename);
type CheckerData = {
event: HTMLParse;
failed: boolean;
promise: Promise;
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Public
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
export default class HtmlCheckerHint implements IHint {
public static readonly meta = meta;