How to use the @hapi/shot/lib/response.prototype function in @hapi/shot

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @hapi/shot examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github strongloop / loopback-next / packages / testlab / src / shot.ts View on Github external
export function stubServerResponse(
  request: IncomingMessage,
  onEnd: ShotCallback,
): ServerResponse {
  const stub = new ShotResponse(request, onEnd);
  // Hacky workaround for Express, see
  Object.assign(stub, ShotResponse.prototype);
  return stub;
github cjihrig / artificial / lib / index.js View on Github external
function inject (dispatchFunc, options, callback) {
  options = (typeof options === 'string' ? { url: options } : options);
  Assert(typeof dispatchFunc === 'function', 'Invalid dispatch function');
  Joi.assert(options, schema);

  const req = new Request(options);
  const res = new Response(req, callback);

  // Bind the req and res methods, as Express sets the prototype internally.
  req._read = Request.prototype._read.bind(req);
  req.destroy = Request.prototype.destroy.bind(req);
  res.writeHead = Response.prototype.writeHead.bind(res);
  res.write = Response.prototype.write.bind(res);
  res.end = Response.prototype.end.bind(res);
  res.destroy = Response.prototype.destroy.bind(res);
  res.addTrailers = Response.prototype.addTrailers.bind(res);

  return req.prepare(() => { dispatchFunc(req, res); });
github cjihrig / artificial / lib / index.js View on Github external
function inject (dispatchFunc, options, callback) {
  options = (typeof options === 'string' ? { url: options } : options);
  Assert(typeof dispatchFunc === 'function', 'Invalid dispatch function');
  Joi.assert(options, schema);

  const req = new Request(options);
  const res = new Response(req, callback);

  // Bind the req and res methods, as Express sets the prototype internally.
  req._read = Request.prototype._read.bind(req);
  req.destroy = Request.prototype.destroy.bind(req);
  res.writeHead = Response.prototype.writeHead.bind(res);
  res.write = Response.prototype.write.bind(res);
  res.end = Response.prototype.end.bind(res);
  res.destroy = Response.prototype.destroy.bind(res);
  res.addTrailers = Response.prototype.addTrailers.bind(res);

  return req.prepare(() => { dispatchFunc(req, res); });


Injects a fake HTTP request/response into a node HTTP server

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