How to use @graphql-tools/schema - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @graphql-tools/schema examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github netgroup-polito / CrownLabs / qlkube / src / decorateBaseSchema.js View on Github external
if (parent[e] === undefined)
            throw `Error: ${e} is not into the parent object!`;
          newParent[e] = parent[e];
        return newParent;
    [typeWrapper]: {
      [targetQuery]: (parent, args, context, info) => {
        return targetType.resolve(parent, parent, context, info);

  const extendedSchema = extendSchema(baseSchema, extension);
  const newSchema = addResolversToSchema(extendedSchema, resolvers);
  return newSchema;
github netgroup-polito / CrownLabs / qlkube / src / decorateSubscription.js View on Github external
return payload;
    [subscriptionType]: {
      updateType: (payload, args, context, info) => {
        return payload.type;
      payload: (payload, args, context, info) => {
        return payload.apiObj;

  const extendedSchema = extendSchema(baseSchema, extension);
  const newSchema = addResolversToSchema(extendedSchema, resolvers);
  newSchema._subscriptionType = newSchema._typeMap.Subscription;
  return newSchema;


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