How to use @graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @graphql-codegen/plugin-helpers examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / plugins / typescript / resolvers / src / index.ts View on Github external
export const plugin: PluginFunction = (schema: GraphQLSchema, documents: Types.DocumentFile[], config: TypeScriptResolversPluginConfig) => {
  const imports = [];
  if (!config.customResolveInfo) {
  const showUnusedMappers = typeof config.showUnusedMappers === 'boolean' ? config.showUnusedMappers : true;
  const noSchemaStitching = typeof config.noSchemaStitching === 'boolean' ? config.noSchemaStitching : false;

  if (config.noSchemaStitching === false) {
    console['warn'](`The default behavior of 'noSchemaStitching' will be reversed in the next major release. Support for Schema Stitching will be disabled by default.`);

  const indexSignature = config.useIndexSignature ? ['export type WithIndex = TObject & Record;', 'export type ResolversObject = WithIndex;'].join('\n') : '';

  const transformedSchema = config.federation ? addFederationReferencesToSchema(schema) : schema;
  const visitor = new TypeScriptResolversVisitor(config, transformedSchema);

  const printedSchema = config.federation ? printSchemaWithDirectives(transformedSchema) : printSchema(transformedSchema);
  const astNode = parse(printedSchema);
  // runs visitor
  const visitorResult = visit(astNode, { leave: visitor });

  const defsToInclude = [];
  const stitchingResolverType = `
export type StitchingResolver = {
  fragment: string;
  resolve: ResolverFn;
  const resolverType = `export type Resolver =`;
  const resolverFnUsage = `ResolverFn`;
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / presets / near-operation-file / src / utils.ts View on Github external
if (insideIgnoredFragment) {

        if (schema) {
          const lastType = typesStack[typesStack.length - 1];

          if (lastType && (isObjectType(lastType) || isInterfaceType(lastType))) {
            const currentType = lastType.getFields()[].type;

            // To handle `Maybe` usage
            if (hasNullableTypeRecursively(currentType)) {


        const selections = node.selectionSet ? node.selectionSet.selections || [] : [];
        const relevantFragmentSpreads = selections.filter(s => s.kind === Kind.FRAGMENT_SPREAD && !externalFragments.includes(;

        if (selections.length === 0 || relevantFragmentSpreads.length > 0) {
      leave: (node: FieldNode, key, parent, path, anscestors) => {
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / graphql-codegen-cli / src / codegen.ts View on Github external
async function normalize() {
    /* Load Require extensions */
    const requireExtensions = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.require);
    for (const mod of requireExtensions) {
      await import(mod);

    /* Root templates-config */
    rootConfig = config.config || {};

    /* Normalize root "schema" field */
    rootSchemas = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.schema);

    /* Normalize root "documents" field */
    rootDocuments = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.documents);

    /* Normalize "generators" field */
    const generateKeys = Object.keys(config.generates);
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / graphql-codegen-cli / src / codegen.ts View on Github external
async function normalize() {
    /* Load Require extensions */
    const requireExtensions = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.require);
    for (const mod of requireExtensions) {
      await import(mod);

    /* Root templates-config */
    rootConfig = config.config || {};

    /* Normalize root "schema" field */
    rootSchemas = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.schema);

    /* Normalize root "documents" field */
    rootDocuments = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.documents);

    /* Normalize "generators" field */
    const generateKeys = Object.keys(config.generates);

    if (generateKeys.length === 0) {
      throw new DetailedError(
        'Invalid Codegen Configuration!',
        Please make sure that your codegen config file contains the "generates" field, with a specification for the plugins you need.
        It should looks like that:

github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / graphql-codegen-cli / src / utils / watcher.ts View on Github external
export const createWatcher = (initalContext: CodegenContext, onNext: (result: Types.FileOutput[]) => Promise) => {
  debugLog(`[Watcher] Starting watcher...`);
  let config: Types.Config = initalContext.getConfig();
  const files: string[] = [initalContext.filepath].filter(a => a);
  const documents = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.documents);
  const schemas = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.schema);

  // Add schemas and documents from "generates"
    .map(filename => normalizeOutputParam(config.generates[filename]))
    .forEach(conf => {

  if (documents) {
    documents.forEach(doc => {
      if (typeof doc === 'string') {
      } else {
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / graphql-codegen-cli / src / utils / watcher.ts View on Github external
export const createWatcher = (initalContext: CodegenContext, onNext: (result: Types.FileOutput[]) => Promise) => {
  debugLog(`[Watcher] Starting watcher...`);
  let config: Types.Config = initalContext.getConfig();
  const files: string[] = [initalContext.filepath].filter(a => a);
  const documents = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.documents);
  const schemas = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.schema);

  // Add schemas and documents from "generates"
    .map(filename => normalizeOutputParam(config.generates[filename]))
    .forEach(conf => {

  if (documents) {
    documents.forEach(doc => {
      if (typeof doc === 'string') {
      } else {
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / graphql-codegen-cli / src / codegen.ts View on Github external
async function normalize() {
    /* Load Require extensions */
    const requireExtensions = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.require);
    for (const mod of requireExtensions) {
      await import(mod);

    /* Root templates-config */
    rootConfig = config.config || {};

    /* Normalize root "schema" field */
    rootSchemas = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.schema);

    /* Normalize root "documents" field */
    rootDocuments = normalizeInstanceOrArray(config.documents);

    /* Normalize "generators" field */
    const generateKeys = Object.keys(config.generates);

    if (generateKeys.length === 0) {
      throw new DetailedError(
        'Invalid Codegen Configuration!',
        Please make sure that your codegen config file contains the "generates" field, with a specification for the plugins you need.
        It should looks like that:

          - my-schema.graphql
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / plugins / other / visitor-plugin-common / src / selection-set-to-object.ts View on Github external
if (!linkFieldNode) {
            linkFieldNode = {
              selectedFieldType: selectedField.type,
              field: selectionNode,
            linkFieldSelectionSets.set(fieldName, linkFieldNode);
          } else {
            mergeSelectionSets(linkFieldNode.field.selectionSet, selectionNode.selectionSet);

    const linkFields: LinkField[] = [];
    for (const { field, selectedFieldType } of linkFieldSelectionSets.values()) {
      const realSelectedFieldType = getBaseType(selectedFieldType as any);
      const selectionSet = this.createNext(realSelectedFieldType, field.selectionSet);

        alias: field.alias ? field.alias.value : undefined,
        selectionSet: this._processor.config.wrapTypeWithModifiers(
            .join(`\n  `),
          selectedFieldType as any
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / plugins / flow / resolvers / src / index.ts View on Github external
export const plugin: PluginFunction = (schema: GraphQLSchema, documents: Types.DocumentFile[], config: FlowResolversPluginConfig) => {
  const imports = ['type GraphQLResolveInfo'];
  const showUnusedMappers = typeof config.showUnusedMappers === 'boolean' ? config.showUnusedMappers : true;

  const gqlImports = `import { ${imports.join(', ')} } from 'graphql';`;

  const transformedSchema = config.federation ? addFederationReferencesToSchema(schema) : schema;

  const printedSchema = config.federation ? printSchemaWithDirectives(transformedSchema) : printSchema(transformedSchema);
  const astNode = parse(printedSchema);
  const visitor = new FlowResolversVisitor(config, transformedSchema);
  const visitorResult = visit(astNode, { leave: visitor });

  const defsToInclude: string[] = [visitor.getResolverTypeWrapperSignature()];

  if (visitor.hasFederation()) {
    export type ReferenceResolver = (
      reference: TReference,
      context: TContext,
      info: GraphQLResolveInfo
    ) => Promise | TResult;
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / plugins / java / apollo-android / src / operation-visitor.ts View on Github external
const childFields: ChildField[] = [...(options.additionalFields || [])];
    const childInlineFragments: { onType: string; node: InlineFragmentNode }[] = [];
    const childFragmentSpread: LoadedFragment[] = [...(options.additionalFragments || [])];

    const selections = [...(options.selectionSet || [])];
    const responseFieldArr: string[] = [];

    for (const selection of selections) {
      if (selection.kind === Kind.FIELD) {
        const field = fields[];
        const isObject = selection.selectionSet && selection.selectionSet.selections && selection.selectionSet.selections.length > 0;
        const isNonNull = isNonNullType(field.type);
        const fieldAnnotation = isNonNull ? 'Nonnull' : 'Nullable';
        const baseType = getBaseType(field.type);
        const isList = isListType(field.type) || (isNonNullType(field.type) && isListType(field.type.ofType));

        if (isObject) {
          let childClsName = this.convertName(;

          if (isList && isPlural(childClsName)) {
            childClsName = singular(childClsName);

              className: childClsName,
              result: options.result,
              selectionSet: selection.selectionSet.selections,
              schemaType: baseType as GraphQLObjectType,