How to use @graphql-codegen/core - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @graphql-codegen/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github atomist / automation-client / bin / gql-gen.ts View on Github external
if (graphqlFiles && graphqlFiles.length > 0) {
            for (const graphqlFile of graphqlFiles) {
                const content = (await fs.readFile(graphqlFile)).toString();
                const document = parse(content);
                    content: document,
                    filePath: graphqlFile,
            config.documents = documents;

            await fs.ensureDir(path.dirname(gqlGenOutput));

            // Make all properties optional to retain backwards compatibility
            const typesContent = (await codegen(config)).replace(/ ([a-zA-Z_\-0-9]+): Maybe/g, ` $1?: Maybe`);

            // Write the new types.ts content back out
            await fs.writeFile(gqlGenOutput, `/* tslint:disable */\n\n${typesContent}`, "utf8");

    } catch (e) {
        console.error(`Generating GraphQL types failed: ${e.message}`);
    throw new Error("Should never get here, process.exit() called above");
github arackaf / mongo-graphql-starter / src / codeGen / createTypeScriptTypes.js View on Github external
// used by a plugin internally, although the 'typescript' plugin currently returns the string output, rather than writing to a file
    filename: outputFile,
    schema: parse(printSchema(schema)),
    plugins: [{ typescript: { skipTypename: true, avoidOptionals: true } }, { typescriptOperations: {} }],
    documents: [], //needed, for now
    pluginMap: {
      typescript: {
        plugin: typescriptPlugin
      typescriptOperations: {
        plugin: typescriptOperationsPlugin

  const output = await codegen(config);
  fs.writeFileSync(outputFile, additionalTypes + "\n\n" + output);

  console.log("TypeScript Types Generated!");
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / graphql-codegen-cli / src / load.ts View on Github external
export const loadSchema = async (schemaPointers: UnnormalizedTypeDefPointer, config: Types.Config, out?: 'GraphQLSchema' | 'DocumentNode'): Promise => {
  try {
    const loaders = [new CodeFileLoader(), new GitLoader(), new GithubLoader(), new GraphQLFileLoader(), new JsonFileLoader(), new UrlLoader(), new ApolloEngineLoader(), new PrismaLoader()];
    if (out === 'DocumentNode') {
      const documents = await loadTypedefsUsingLoaders(loaders, schemaPointers, config);
      return mergeTypeDefs( => doc.document));
    } else {
      const schema = await loadSchemaUsingLoaders(loaders, schemaPointers, config);
      return schema;
  } catch (e) {
    throw new DetailedError(
      'Failed to load schema',
        Failed to load schema from ${Object.keys(schemaPointers).join(',')}:

        ${e.message || e}
        ${e.stack || ''}
        GraphQL Code Generator supports:
          - ES Modules and CommonJS exports (export as default or named export "schema")
          - Introspection JSON File
          - URL of GraphQL endpoint
          - Multiple files with type definitions (glob expression)
          - String in config file
        Try to use one of above options and run codegen again.
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / graphql-codegen-cli / src / config.ts View on Github external
Please make sure the --config points to a correct file.

    throw new DetailedError(
      `Unable to find Codegen config file!`,
        Please make sure that you have a configuration file under the current directory! 

  if (result.isEmpty) {
    throw new DetailedError(
      `Found Codegen config file but it was empty!`,
        Please make sure that you have a valid configuration file under the current directory!

  return new CodegenContext({
    filepath: result.filepath,
    config: result.config as Types.Config,
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / graphql-codegen-cli / src / plugins.ts View on Github external

  const possibleNamesMsg = possibleNames
    .map(name =>
        - ${name}

  throw new DetailedError(
    `Unable to find template plugin matching ${name}`,
        Unable to find template plugin matching '${name}'
        Install one of the following packages:
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / graphql-codegen-cli / src / codegen.ts View on Github external
It should looks like that:
            - my-schema.graphql
              - plugin1
              - plugin2
              - plugin3

    if (rootSchemas.length === 0 && Object.keys(generates).some(filename => !generates[filename].schema || generates[filename].schema.length === 0)) {
      throw new DetailedError(
        'Invalid Codegen Configuration!',
        Please make sure that your codegen config file contains either the "schema" field 
        or every generated file has its own "schema" field.
        It should looks like that:
          - my-schema.graphql

            schema: my-schema.graphql
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / plugins / other / visitor-plugin-common / src / enum-values.ts View on Github external
for (const enumTypeName of allEnums) {
      const enumType = schema.getType(enumTypeName) as GraphQLEnumType;
      for (const { name, value } of enumType.getValues()) {
        if (value && value !== name) {
          mapOrStr[enumTypeName] = mapOrStr[enumTypeName] || {};
          if (typeof mapOrStr[enumTypeName] !== 'string' && !mapOrStr[enumTypeName][name]) {
            mapOrStr[enumTypeName][name] = value;

    const invalidMappings = Object.keys(mapOrStr).filter(gqlName => !allEnums.includes(gqlName));

    if (invalidMappings.length > 0) {
      throw new DetailedError(`Invalid 'enumValues' mapping!`, `The following types does not exist in your GraphQL schema: ${invalidMappings.join(', ')}`);

    return Object.keys(mapOrStr).reduce((prev, gqlIdentifier) => {
      const pointer = mapOrStr[gqlIdentifier];

      if (typeof pointer === 'string') {
        const mapper = parseMapper(pointer, gqlIdentifier);

        return {
          [gqlIdentifier]: {
            typeIdentifier: gqlIdentifier,
            sourceFile: mapper.isExternal ? mapper.source : undefined,
            sourceIdentifier: mapper.type,
            mappedValues: null,
github d4rekanguok / gatsby-typescript / packages / gatsby-plugin-ts / src / graphql-codegen.config.ts View on Github external
return async (schema) => {
    const config = await createConfigFromSchema(schema)
    const output = await codegen(config)
    return fs.writeFile(config.filename, output)
github dotansimha / graphql-code-generator / packages / graphql-codegen-cli / src / codegen.ts View on Github external
const process = async (outputArgs: Types.GenerateOptions) => {
                        const output = await codegen(outputArgs);
                          filename: outputArgs.filename,
                          content: output,
                          hooks: outputConfig.hooks || {},
github d4rekanguok / gatsby-typescript / packages / gatsby-plugin-graphql-codegen / src / graphql-codegen.config.ts View on Github external
return async (schema) => {
    const config = await createConfigFromSchema(schema)
    const output = await codegen(config)
    return fs.writeFile(config.filename, output)


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