How to use the @google-cloud/paginator.paginator.extend function in @google-cloud/paginator

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @google-cloud/paginator examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github googleapis / nodejs-dns / src / zone.ts View on Github external
* //-
   * // If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent
   * // unnecessary processing and API requests.
   * //-
   * zone.getRecordsStream()
   *   .on('data', function(change) {
   *     this.end();
   *   });
  Zone.prototype.getRecordsStream = paginator.streamify('getRecords');

  /*! Developer Documentation
   * These methods can be auto-paginated.
  paginator.extend(Zone, ['getChanges', 'getRecords']);

  /*! Developer Documentation
   * All async methods (except for streams) will return a Promise in the event
   * that a callback is omitted.
  promisifyAll(Zone, {
    exclude: ['change', 'record'],

   * Reference to the {@link Zone} class.
   * @name module:@google-cloud/dns.Zone
   * @see Zone
  export {Zone};
github googleapis / nodejs-pubsub / src / topic.ts View on Github external
 * //-
 * // If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent
 * // unnecessary processing and API requests.
 * //-
 * topic.getSubscriptionsStream()
 *   .on('data', function(subscription) {
 *     this.end();
 *   });

/*! Developer Documentation
 * These methods can be agto-paginated.
paginator.extend(Topic, ['getSubscriptions']);

/*! Developer Documentation
 * All async methods (except for streams) will return a Promise in the event
 * that a callback is omitted.
promisifyAll(Topic, {
  exclude: ['publisher', 'subscription'],
github googleapis / nodejs-compute / src / index.js View on Github external
* //-
 * // If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent
 * // unnecessary processing and API requests.
 * //-
 * gce.getZonesStream()
 *   .on('data', function(zone) {
 *     this.end();
 *   });
Compute.prototype.getZonesStream = paginator.streamify('getZones');

/*! Developer Documentation
 * These methods can be auto-paginated.
paginator.extend(Compute, [
github googleapis / nodejs-compute / src / region.js View on Github external
* //-
 * // If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent
 * // unnecessary processing and API requests.
 * //-
 * region.getSubnetworksStream()
 *   .on('data', function(subnetwork) {
 *     this.end();
 *   });
Region.prototype.getSubnetworksStream = paginator.streamify('getSubnetworks');

/*! Developer Documentation
 * These methods can be auto-paginated.
paginator.extend(Region, [

/*! Developer Documentation
 * All async methods (except for streams) will return a Promise in the event
 * that a callback is omitted.
promisifyAll(Region, {
  exclude: ['address', 'operation', 'rule', 'subnetwork'],

github googleapis / nodejs-bigtable / src / instance.ts View on Github external
* //-
 * // If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent
 * // unnecessary processing and API requests.
 * //-
 * instance.getTablesStream()
 *   .on('data', function(table) {
 *     this.end();
 *   });
Instance.prototype.getTablesStream = paginator.streamify('getTables');

/*! Developer Documentation
 * These methods can be auto-paginated.
paginator.extend(Instance, ['getTables']);

/*! Developer Documentation
 * All async methods (except for streams) will return a Promise in the event
 * that a callback is omitted.
promisifyAll(Instance, {
  exclude: ['appProfile', 'cluster', 'table'],

 * Reference to the {@link Instance} class.
 * @name module:@google-cloud/bigtable.Instance
 * @see Instance
github googleapis / nodejs-compute / src / instance-group.js View on Github external
* //-
 * // If you anticipate many results, you can end a stream early to prevent
 * // unnecessary processing and API requests.
 * //-
 * instanceGroup.getVMsStream()
 *   .on('data', function(vm) {
 *     this.end();
 *   });
InstanceGroup.prototype.getVMsStream = paginator.streamify('getVMs');

/*! Developer Documentation
 * These methods can be auto-paginated.
paginator.extend(InstanceGroup, ['getVMs']);

/*! Developer Documentation
 * All async methods (except for streams) will return a Promise in the event
 * that a callback is omitted.

module.exports = InstanceGroup;
github googleapis / nodejs-bigquery / src / index.ts View on Github external
 * This method will be called by `createQueryStream()`. It is required to
 * properly set the `autoPaginate` option value.
 * @private
BigQuery.prototype.queryAsStream_ = function(query, callback) {
  this.query(query, {autoPaginate: false}, callback);

/*! Developer Documentation
 * These methods can be auto-paginated.
paginator.extend(BigQuery, ['getDatasets', 'getJobs']);

/*! Developer Documentation
 * All async methods (except for streams) will return a Promise in the event
 * that a callback is omitted.
promisifyAll(BigQuery, {
  exclude: ['dataset', 'date', 'datetime', 'job', 'time', 'timestamp'],

 * {@link Dataset} class.
 * @name BigQuery.Dataset
 * @see Dataset
 * @type {constructor}
github googleapis / nodejs-logging / src / index.js View on Github external
        const baseUrl = '';
        const topicName =;
        config.destination = `${baseUrl}/${topicName}`;
        self.createSink(name, config, callback);

/*! Developer Documentation
 * These methods can be auto-paginated.
paginator.extend(Logging, ['getEntries', 'getSinks']);

/*! Developer Documentation
 * All async methods (except for streams) will return a Promise in the event
 * that a callback is omitted.
promisifyAll(Logging, {
  exclude: ['entry', 'log', 'request', 'sink'],

 * {@link Entry} class.
 * @name Logging.Entry
 * @see Entry
 * @type {Constructor}
github googleapis / nodejs-bigquery / src / table.ts View on Github external
* table.setMetadata(metadata).then((data) => {
   *   const metadata = data[0];
   *   const apiResponse = data[1];
   * });
  setMetadata(metadata, callback) {
    const body = Table.formatMetadata_(metadata);
    super.setMetadata(body, callback);

/*! Developer Documentation
 * These methods can be auto-paginated.
paginator.extend(Table, ['getRows']);

/*! Developer Documentation
 * All async methods (except for streams) will return a Promise in the event
 * that a callback is omitted.

 * Reference to the {@link Table} class.
 * @name module:@google-cloud/bigquery.Table
 * @see Table
export {Table};
github googleapis / nodejs-bigquery / src / dataset.ts View on Github external
options = extend(
        location: this.location,

    return new Table(this, id, options);

/*! Developer Documentation
 * These methods can be auto-paginated.
paginator.extend(Dataset, ['getTables']);

/*! Developer Documentation
 * All async methods (except for streams) will return a Promise in the event
 * that a callback is omitted.
promisifyAll(Dataset, {
  exclude: ['table'],

 * Reference to the {@link Dataset} class.
 * @name module:@google-cloud/bigquery.Dataset
 * @see Dataset
export {Dataset};


A result paging utility used by Google node.js modules

Latest version published 8 months ago

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