How to use @google-cloud/language - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @google-cloud/language examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github rominirani / Google-Cloud-Shell-Tutorial-Creation / code / index.js View on Github external
// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const language = require('@google-cloud/language');

// Instantiates a client
const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient();

// The text to analyze
const text = 'Google Natural Language API is fantastic. It gives me great results and I love it.';

const document = {
  content: text,
  type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',

// Detects the sentiment of the text
  .analyzeSentiment({document: document})
  .then(results => {
    const sentiment = results[0].documentSentiment;

    console.log(`Text: ${text}`);
github googleapis / nodejs-language / samples / analyze.v1.js View on Github external
async function analyzeSyntaxOfText(text) {
  // [START language_syntax_text]
  // Imports the Google Cloud client library
  const language = require('@google-cloud/language');

  // Creates a client
  const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient();

   * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following line to run this code.
  // const text = 'Your text to analyze, e.g. Hello, world!';

  // Prepares a document, representing the provided text
  const document = {
    content: text,
    type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',

  // Detects syntax in the document
  const [syntax] = await client.analyzeSyntax({document});

github firebase / functions-samples / authenticated-json-api / functions / index.js View on Github external

'use strict';

const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');

// Follow instructions to set up admin credentials:
  credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault(),
  databaseURL: undefined

const language = require('@google-cloud/language');
const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient();
const express = require('express');
const app = express();

// Express middleware that validates Firebase ID Tokens passed in the Authorization HTTP header.
// The Firebase ID token needs to be passed as a Bearer token in the Authorization HTTP header like this:
// `Authorization: Bearer `.
// when decoded successfully, the ID Token content will be added as `req.user`.
const authenticate = async (req, res, next) => {
  if (!req.headers.authorization || !req.headers.authorization.startsWith('Bearer ')) {
  const idToken = req.headers.authorization.split('Bearer ')[1];
  try {
    const decodedIdToken = await admin.auth().verifyIdToken(idToken);
github googleapis / nodejs-language / samples / analyze.v1beta2.js View on Github external
async function analyzeSyntaxOfText(text) {
  // [START language_syntax_string]
  // Imports the Google Cloud client library
  const language = require('@google-cloud/language').v1beta2;

  // Creates a v1beta2 client
  const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient();

   * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following line to run this code.
  // const text = 'Your text to analyze, e.g. Hello, world!';

  // Prepares a document, representing the provided text
  const document = {
    content: text,
    type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',

  // Detects syntax in the document
  const [syntax] = await client.analyzeSyntax({document});

  console.log('Parts of speech:');
github googleapis / nodejs-language / samples / analyze.v1beta2.js View on Github external
async function analyzeSentimentOfText(text) {
  // [START language_sentiment_string]
  // Imports the Google Cloud client library
  const language = require('@google-cloud/language').v1beta2;

  // Creates a v1beta2 client
  const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient();

   * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following line to run this code.
  // const text = 'Your text to analyze, e.g. Hello, world!';

  // Prepares a document, representing the provided text
  const document = {
    content: text,
    type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',

  // Detects the sentiment of the document
  const [result] = await client.analyzeSentiment({document});
  const sentiment = result.documentSentiment;
  console.log(`Document sentiment:`);
github googleapis / nodejs-language / samples / analyze.v1beta2.js View on Github external
async function classifyTextInFile(bucketName, fileName) {
  // [START language_classify_file]
  // Imports the Google Cloud client library
  const language = require('@google-cloud/language').v1beta2;

  // Creates a v1beta2 client
  const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient();

   * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines to run this code
  // const bucketName = 'Your bucket name, e.g. my-bucket';
  // const fileName = 'Your file name, e.g. my-file.txt';

  // Prepares a document, representing a text file in Cloud Storage
  const document = {
    gcsContentUri: `gs://${bucketName}/${fileName}`,
    type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',

  // Classifies text in the document
  const [classification] = await client.classifyText({document});
github googleapis / nodejs-language / samples / analyze.v1beta2.js View on Github external
async function classifyTextOfText(text) {
  // [START language_classify_string]
  // Imports the Google Cloud client library
  const language = require('@google-cloud/language').v1beta2;

  // Creates a v1beta2 client
  const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient();

   * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following line to run this code.
  // const text = 'Your text to analyze, e.g. Hello, world!';

  // Prepares a document, representing the provided text
  const document = {
    content: text,
    type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',

  // Classifies text in the document
  const [classification] = await client.classifyText({document});
  classification.categories.forEach(category => {
github GoogleCloudPlatform / training-data-analyst / courses / developingapps / v1.2 / nodejs / pubsub-languageapi-spanner / end / server / gcp / languageapi.js View on Github external
// TODO: Load the Natural Language ML API module
const Language = require('@google-cloud/language');


// TODO: Create a client object against the Language API
// using the Language.LanguageServiceClient function
// The LanguageServiceClient function accepts an options 
// object which is used to specify which project should be 
// billed for use of the API via the projectId property. 
// The projectId is retrieved from the config module. 
// This module retrieves the project ID from the 
// GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variable.

const language = new Language.LanguageServiceClient({
    projectId: config.get('GCLOUD_PROJECT')


function analyze(text) {
    // TODO: Create an object named document with the 
    // correct structure for the Natural Language ML API
    // TODO: Initialize object content & type properties
    // TODO: Set content from text arg
    // TODO: Set type to PLAIN_TEXT
    const document = {
        content: text,
        type: 'PLAIN_TEXT'
github RikeyChen / fups / routes / api / fups.js View on Github external
const path = __dirname;

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  const creds = process.env.GOOGLE_KEY
  const JSONcreds = JSON.parse(creds)
} else {
  process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = `${path}/../../config/google_key.json`;

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const language = require('@google-cloud/language');

// Instantiates a client
const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient();

const Fup = require('../../models/Fup');
const Word = require('../../models/Word');
const Like = require('../../models/Like');
const validateFupInput = require('../../validation/fups');

const getWordsFromFup = (fup, req) => {
  const document = {
    content: req.body.text,
    type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',
    .analyzeEntitySentiment({ document })
    .then((results) => {
      const entities = results[0].entities;
github googleapis / nodejs-language / samples / analyze.v1.js View on Github external
async function classifyTextInFile(bucketName, fileName) {
  // [START language_classify_gcs]
  // Imports the Google Cloud client library.
  const language = require('@google-cloud/language');

  // Creates a client.
  const client = new language.LanguageServiceClient();

   * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines to run this code
  // const bucketName = 'Your bucket name, e.g. my-bucket';
  // const fileName = 'Your file name, e.g. my-file.txt';

  // Prepares a document, representing a text file in Cloud Storage
  const document = {
    gcsContentUri: `gs://${bucketName}/${fileName}`,
    type: 'PLAIN_TEXT',

  // Classifies text in the document
  const [classification] = await client.classifyText({document});


Google Cloud Natural Language API client for Node.js

Latest version published 6 months ago

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