How to use @fluent/dom - 2 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @fluent/dom examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github coralproject / talk / src / core / server / queue / tasks / mailer / processor.ts View on Github external
return async (
    tenant: Tenant,
    templateName: string,
    locale: LanguageCode,
    fromAddress: string,
    data: MailerData
  ): Promise => {
    // Setup the localization bundles.
    const bundle = i18n.getBundle(locale);
    const loc = new DOMLocalization([], generateBundleIterator(bundle));

    // Translate the HTML fragments.
    let dom: JSDOM;
    try {
      // Parse the rendered template.
      dom = new JSDOM(data.message.html, {});
    } catch (err) {
      logger.error({ err }, "could not parse the HTML for i18n");

      throw err;

    // Translate the bundle.
    await loc.translateFragment(dom.window.document);

    // Grab the rendered HTML from the dom, and juice them.
github projectfluent / fluent-web / src / index.js View on Github external
async function* generateMessages(resourceIds) {
  const locales = negotiateLanguages(
      defaultLocale: meta.default,
  for (const locale of locales) {
    yield createContext(locale, resourceIds);

const resourceIds = getResourceLinks(document.head);
document.l10n = new DOMLocalization(
  resourceIds, generateMessages,
window.addEventListener("languagechange", document.l10n);

document.l10n.ready = documentReady().then(() => {
  return document.l10n.translateRoots();


Fluent bindings for DOM

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