How to use the @fimbul/bifrost.wrapTslintFormatter function in @fimbul/bifrost

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github fimbullinter / wotan / packages / valtyr / src / formatter-loader.ts View on Github external
function loadFormatter(name: string): FormatterConstructor | undefined {
    const result = TSLint.findFormatter(name);
    return result === undefined ? undefined : wrapTslintFormatter(result);
github fimbullinter / wotan / packages / heimdall / src / index.ts View on Github external
public loadCustomFormatter(name: string, basedir: string): FormatterConstructor | undefined {
        const result = super.loadCustomFormatter(name, basedir);
        if (result !== undefined)
            return result;
        const tslintFormatter = TSLint.findFormatter(name);
        return tslintFormatter && wrapTslintFormatter(tslintFormatter);


Compatibility layer for TSLint rules

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