Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
import feathers from '@feathersjs/feathers';
import feathersAuthClient from '@feathersjs/authentication-client';
const app = feathers();
app.authenticate({strategy : 'abcdef'}).then(() => {});
app.logout().then(() => {});
// check if the non-augmented @feathersjs/feathers typings still work
app.on('asd', () => {});
app.service('asd').get(0).then(() => {});
left: '50%'
const app = feathers();
const socket = io(
`${process.env.REACT_APP_API_PROTOCOL || window.location.protocol}//${process
.env.REACT_APP_API_HOSTNAME || window.location.hostname}:${process.env
// Setup the transport (Rest, Socket, etc.) here
// Available options are listed in the "Options" section
app.configure(auth({ storage: localStorage }));
let connection;
class Root extends React.PureComponent {
state = {
snackMessage: { open: false, text: '' },
connected: false,
localStorage.getItem('hass_url') ||
componentDidMount = () => this.login();
setHassUrl = hass_url => this.setState({ hass_url });
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
header: 'Authorization', // the default authorization header for REST
path: '/api/authentication', // the server-side authentication service path
jwtStrategy: 'jwt', // the name of the JWT authentication strategy
entity: 'user', // the entity you are authenticating (ie. a users)
service: 'users', // the service to look up the entity
cookie: 'feathers-jwt', // the name of the cookie to parse the JWT from when cookies are enabled server side
storageKey: 'feathers-jwt', // the key to store the accessToken in localstorage or AsyncStorage on React Native
storage: window.localStorage // Passing a WebStorage-compatible object to enable automatic storage on the client.
} else {
header: 'Authorization', // the default authorization header for REST
path: '/api/authentication', // the server-side authentication service path
jwtStrategy: 'jwt', // the name of the JWT authentication strategy
entity: 'user', // the entity you are authenticating (ie. a users)
service: 'users', // the service to look up the entity
cookie: 'feathers-jwt', // the name of the cookie to parse the JWT from when cookies are enabled server side
storageKey: 'feathers-jwt', // the key to store the accessToken in localstorage or AsyncStorage on React Native
Vue.prototype.$feathers = feathers
export default feathers
import Vue from 'vue'
import createApplication from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import socketio from '@feathersjs/socketio-client'
import authentication from '@feathersjs/authentication-client'
import io from ''
const socket = io(process.env.API_BASE_URL, {
transports: ['websocket']
const feathers = createApplication()
header: 'Authorization', // the default authorization header for REST
path: '/api/authentication', // the server-side authentication service path
jwtStrategy: 'jwt', // the name of the JWT authentication strategy
entity: 'user', // the entity you are authenticating (ie. a users)
service: 'users', // the service to look up the entity
cookie: 'feathers-jwt', // the name of the cookie to parse the JWT from when cookies are enabled server side
storageKey: 'feathers-jwt', // the key to store the accessToken in localstorage or AsyncStorage on React Native
storage: window.localStorage // Passing a WebStorage-compatible object to enable automatic storage on the client.
Vue.prototype.$feathers = feathers
export default feathers
import feathers from '@feathersjs/feathers'
import socketio from '@feathersjs/socketio-client'
import auth from '@feathersjs/authentication-client'
import io from ''
const socket = io('http://localhost:8081', {transports: ['websocket']})
const api = feathers()
.configure(auth({ storage: window.localStorage }))
export default api
useEffect(() => {
if (!client) {
client = feathers();
let path: string = clone(props.location.pathname);
let url: string = `${process.env.REACT_APP_API_PROTOCOL ||
window.location.protocol}//${process.env.REACT_APP_API_HOSTNAME ||
process.env.REACT_APP_API_PORT || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
? '8234'
: window.location.port
socket = io(url, { path: `${path}/`.replace('//', '/') });
}, [props.location]);
import auth from '@feathersjs/authentication-client';
import io from '';
let API_URL = '';
if (window.location.hostname === 'localhost') {
API_URL = 'http://localhost:3030';
const socket = io(API_URL, {
transports: ['websocket'],
const feathersClient = feathers()
storage: window.localStorage,
export default feathersClient;
bootstrap() {
const endpoint = process.env.EVERGREEN_ENDPOINT;'Configuring the client to use the endpoint %s', endpoint);
this.socket = io(endpoint, {
reconnection: true,
reconnectionDelay: 1000,
reconnectionDelayMax : 5000,
reconnectionAttempts: Infinity
}));'reauthentication-error', (error) => {'Client must re-authenticate..', error);
return this.reg.login();
});'Registering listener for event: `update created`');'update').on('created', (message) => {'Received an Update `created` event, checking for updates', message);
});'Registering listener for event: `status ping`');'status').on('ping', (message) => {
logger.debug('Received ping', message);
import feathers from '@feathersjs/feathers';
import socketio from '@feathersjs/socketio-client';
import auth from '@feathersjs/authentication-client';
import io from '';
import { CookieStorage } from 'cookie-storage'
const storage = new CookieStorage();
const socket = io(process.env.apiURL, { transports: ['websocket'] });
const app = feathers()
.configure(auth({ storage }));
export default app;