How to use @expo/json-file - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @expo/json-file examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github expo / expo-cli / packages / expo-cli / src / commands / eject / Eject.ts View on Github external
await fse.writeFile(path.resolve('app.json'), JSON.stringify(appJson, null, 2));
  log('Wrote to app.json, please update it manually in the future.'));

  // This is validated later...
  let defaultDependencies: any = {};
  let defaultDevDependencies: any = {};

   * Extract the template and copy it over
  try {
    const tempDir =;
    await Exp.extractTemplateAppAsync(templateSpec, tempDir, appJson);
    fse.copySync(path.join(tempDir, 'ios'), path.join(projectRoot, 'ios'));
    fse.copySync(path.join(tempDir, 'android'), path.join(projectRoot, 'android'));
    const { dependencies, devDependencies } =, 'package.json'));
    defaultDependencies = ensureDependenciesMap(dependencies);
    defaultDevDependencies = devDependencies;
    log('Successfully copied template native code.');
  } catch (e) {
    log(`Eject failed, see above output for any issues.`));
    log(chalk.yellow('You may want to delete the `ios` and/or `android` directories.'));

  log(`Updating your package.json...`);
  if (!pkg.scripts) {
    pkg.scripts = {};
  delete pkg.scripts.eject;
  pkg.scripts.start = 'react-native start';
github expo / expo / tools-public / generate-dynamic-macros.js View on Github external
async function getTemplateSubstitutions() {
  try {
    return await new JsonFile(path.join(EXPONENT_DIR, 'secrets', 'keys.json')).readAsync();
  } catch (e) {
    // Don't have access to decrypted secrets, use public keys
    console.log('generate-dynamic-macros is falling back to `template-files/keys.json`');
    return await new JsonFile(path.join(EXPONENT_DIR, 'template-files', 'keys.json')).readAsync();
github expo / expo / tools / expotools / src / commands / PublishPackages.ts View on Github external
async function _bumpVersionsAsync({
}: PipelineConfig): Promise {
  if (!shouldPublish) {

  console.log(`Updating versions in ${} package... ☝️`);

  await JsonFile.setAsync(path.join(pkg.path, 'package.json'), 'version', newVersion);

  console.log(chalk.yellow('>'), `Updated package version in ${chalk.magenta('package.json')}`);

  if (fs.existsSync(path.join(pkg.path, 'android/build.gradle'))) {
    // update version and versionName in android/build.gradle

    const buildGradlePath = path.relative(EXPO_DIR, path.join(pkg.path, 'android/build.gradle'));
    const sedPatterns = [
      `s/version\\s*=\\s*'[^']*'/version = '${newVersion}'/g`,
      `s/versionName\\s*"[^"]*"/versionName "${newVersion}"/g`,

    for (const sedPattern of sedPatterns) {
      await _spawnAsync(SED, ['-i', '--', sedPattern, buildGradlePath]);
github expo / expo / tools / expotools / src / commands / PublishProjectTemplates.ts View on Github external

    // Obtain the tag for the template.
    const { tag } = await inquirer.prompt<{ tag: string }>([
        type: 'input',
        name: 'tag',
        message: `How to tag ${}@${}?`,
        default: semver.prerelease(newVersion) ? 'next' : `sdk-${semver.major(options.sdkVersion)}`,

    // Update package version in `package.json`
    await JsonFile.setAsync(path.join(template.path, 'package.json'), 'version', newVersion);

    const appJsonPath = path.join(template.path, 'app.json');
    if (
      (await fs.exists(appJsonPath)) &&
      (await JsonFile.getAsync(appJsonPath, 'expo.sdkVersion', null))
    ) {
      // Make sure SDK version in `app.json` is correct
        `Setting ${chalk.magenta('expo.sdkVersion')} to ${
        )} in template's app.json...`

      await JsonFile.setAsync(
        path.join(template.path, 'app.json'),
github expo / expo / tools / expotools / src / commands / PublishProjectTemplates.ts View on Github external
// Update package version in `package.json`
    await JsonFile.setAsync(path.join(template.path, 'package.json'), 'version', newVersion);

    const appJsonPath = path.join(template.path, 'app.json');
    if (
      (await fs.exists(appJsonPath)) &&
      (await JsonFile.getAsync(appJsonPath, 'expo.sdkVersion', null))
    ) {
      // Make sure SDK version in `app.json` is correct
        `Setting ${chalk.magenta('expo.sdkVersion')} to ${
        )} in template's app.json...`

      await JsonFile.setAsync(
        path.join(template.path, 'app.json'),

    console.log(`Publishing ${}@${}...`);

    const moreArgs: string[] = [];

    if (tag) {
      // Assign custom tag in the publish command, so we don't accidentally publish as latest.
      moreArgs.push('--tag', tag);

    // Publish to NPM registry
github expo / expo / tools / expotools / src / commands / PublishPackages.ts View on Github external

        `Updated version code ${chalk.cyan(String(versionCodeInt))} -> ${chalk.cyan(
        `in ${chalk.magenta('android/build.gradle')}`

  // Add unimodules to bundledNativeModules.json so the correct version will be installed by `expo install`.
  if (pkg.isUnimodule()) {
    await JsonFile.setAsync(
      path.join(EXPO_DIR, 'packages/expo/bundledNativeModules.json'),
      `Updated package version in`,

  await _updateWorkspaceDependenciesAsync({ pkg, newVersion } as PipelineConfig);
github expo / expo-cli / packages / xdl / src / project / Convert.js View on Github external
if (unsupportedPackages[dep]) {
      delete packageJson.dependencies[dep];

  // TODO: we don't actually support and index.ios.js right now!
  if (
    projectEntryPoint !== 'index.*.js' &&
    projectEntryPoint !== 'index.js' &&
    projectEntryPoint !== 'index.ios.js' &&
    projectEntryPoint !== ''
  ) {
    packageJson.main = projectEntryPoint;
  await JsonFile.writeAsync(packageJsonTargetPath, packageJson);
  console.log('Updated package.json');

  // TODO: Add import Expo from 'expo'; at the top of main file
  // Copy babelrc
  await JsonFile.writeAsync(babelRcTargetPath, babelRcTemplate);
  console.log('Updated .babelrc');

  // Save next steps to a file, display, exit
  await installAndInstructAsync(projectDir, unsupportedPackagesUsed);
github expo / expo-cli / packages / xdl / src / project / Convert.js View on Github external
// TODO: we don't actually support and index.ios.js right now!
  if (
    projectEntryPoint !== 'index.*.js' &&
    projectEntryPoint !== 'index.js' &&
    projectEntryPoint !== 'index.ios.js' &&
    projectEntryPoint !== ''
  ) {
    packageJson.main = projectEntryPoint;
  await JsonFile.writeAsync(packageJsonTargetPath, packageJson);
  console.log('Updated package.json');

  // TODO: Add import Expo from 'expo'; at the top of main file
  // Copy babelrc
  await JsonFile.writeAsync(babelRcTargetPath, babelRcTemplate);
  console.log('Updated .babelrc');

  // Save next steps to a file, display, exit
  await installAndInstructAsync(projectDir, unsupportedPackagesUsed);
github expo / expo-cli / packages / xdl / src / project / Convert.js View on Github external
{ projectName, projectDescription, projectEntryPoint }: params
) {
  let projectSlug = slug(projectName.toLowerCase());

  let expJsonTargetPath = path.join(projectDir, '/exp.json');
  let babelRcTargetPath = path.join(projectDir, '/.babelrc');

  let packageJsonSourcePath = path.join(projectDir, '/package.json');
  let packageJsonTargetPath = path.join(projectDir, '/package.json');

  // Add values to exp.json, save to given path
  let expJson = { ...expJsonTemplate }; = projectName;
  expJson.description = projectDescription || 'No description';
  expJson.slug = projectSlug;
  await JsonFile.writeAsync(expJsonTargetPath, expJson);
  console.log('Wrote exp.json');

  // Add entry point and dependencies to package.json
  let unsupportedPackagesUsed = [];
  let packageJson = await JsonFile.readAsync(packageJsonSourcePath);

  packageJson.dependencies = { ...packageJson.dependencies, ...dependencies };

  // Remove
  Object.keys(packageJson.dependencies).forEach(dep => {
    if (unsupportedPackages[dep]) {
      delete packageJson.dependencies[dep];
github expo / expo / tools / expotools / src / commands / PublishProjectTemplates.ts View on Github external
const { tag } = await inquirer.prompt<{ tag: string }>([
        type: 'input',
        name: 'tag',
        message: `How to tag ${}@${}?`,
        default: semver.prerelease(newVersion) ? 'next' : `sdk-${semver.major(options.sdkVersion)}`,

    // Update package version in `package.json`
    await JsonFile.setAsync(path.join(template.path, 'package.json'), 'version', newVersion);

    const appJsonPath = path.join(template.path, 'app.json');
    if (
      (await fs.exists(appJsonPath)) &&
      (await JsonFile.getAsync(appJsonPath, 'expo.sdkVersion', null))
    ) {
      // Make sure SDK version in `app.json` is correct
        `Setting ${chalk.magenta('expo.sdkVersion')} to ${
        )} in template's app.json...`

      await JsonFile.setAsync(
        path.join(template.path, 'app.json'),

    console.log(`Publishing ${}@${}...`);


A module for reading, writing, and manipulating JSON files

Latest version published 2 months ago

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92 / 100
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