How to use the @expo/image-utils.isAvailableAsync function in @expo/image-utils

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @expo/image-utils examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github expo / expo-cli / packages / webpack-pwa-manifest-plugin / src / icons.ts View on Github external
const { width, height } = toSize(size);
  if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
    throw Error(`Failed to process image with invalid size: { width: ${width}, height: ${height}}`);
  const mimeType = mime.getType(icon.src);
  if (!mimeType) {
    throw new Error(`Invalid mimeType for image with source: ${icon.src}`);

  const dimensions = `${width}x${height}`;
  const fileName = `icon_${dimensions}.${mime.getExtension(mimeType)}`;

  let imageBuffer: Buffer | null = await getImageFromCacheAsync(fileName, cacheKey);
  if (!imageBuffer) {
    // Putting the warning here will prevent the warning from showing if all images were reused from the cache
    if (!hasWarned && !(await isAvailableAsync())) {
      hasWarned = true;
      // TODO: Bacon: Fallback to nodejs image resizing as native doesn't work in the host environment.
      console.log('ff', cacheKey, fileName, dimensions);
          `PWA Images: Using node to generate images. This is much slower than using native packages.`
          `- Optionally you can stop the process and try again after successfully running \`npm install -g sharp-cli\`.\n- If you are using \`expo-cli\` to build your project then you could use the \`--no-pwa\` flag to skip the PWA asset generation step entirely.`
    imageBuffer = await getBufferWithMimeAsync(icon, mimeType, { width, height });
github expo / expo-cli / packages / webpack-pwa-manifest-plugin / src / icons.ts View on Github external
async function resize(
  inputPath: string,
  mimeType: string,
  width: number,
  height: number,
  fit: ResizeMode = 'contain',
  background: string
): Promise {
  if (!(await isAvailableAsync())) {
    return await jimpResize(inputPath, mimeType, width, height, fit, background);

  const format = ensureValidMimeType(mimeType.split('/')[1]);
  const outputPath =;

  try {
    await sharpAsync(
        input: inputPath,
        output: outputPath,
          operation: 'flatten',
github expo / expo-cli / packages / expo-optimize / src / assets.ts View on Github external
outdated.forEach(outdatedHash => {
    delete assetInfo[outdatedHash];

  const { include, exclude, save } = options;
  const quality = options.quality == null ? 80 : options.quality;

  const images = include || exclude ? selectedFiles : allFiles;

  for (const image of images) {
    const hash = hashes[image];
    if (assetInfo[hash]) {

    if (!(await isAvailableAsync())) {
          `\u203A Cannot optimize images without sharp-cli.\n\u203A Run this command again after successfully installing sharp with \`${chalk.magenta`npm install -g sharp-cli`}\``

    const { size: prevSize } = statSync(image);

    const newName = createNewFilename(image);
    const optimizedImage = await optimizeImageAsync(projectRoot, image, quality);

    const { size: newSize } = statSync(optimizedImage);
    const amountSaved = prevSize - newSize;
    if (amountSaved > 0) {


A package used by Expo CLI for processing images

Latest version published 2 months ago

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89 / 100
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