How to use @ethersproject/sha2 - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ethersproject/sha2 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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// This byte will complete an 11-bit index
        } else {
            indices[indices.length - 1] <<= remainingBits;
            indices[indices.length - 1] |= entropy[i] >> (8 - remainingBits);

            // Start the next word
            indices.push(entropy[i] & getLowerMask(8 - remainingBits));

            remainingBits += 3;

    // Compute the checksum bits
    const checksumBits = entropy.length / 4;
    const checksum = arrayify(sha256(entropy))[0] & getUpperMask(checksumBits);

    // Shift the checksum into the word indices
    indices[indices.length - 1] <<= checksumBits;
    indices[indices.length - 1] |= (checksum >> (8 - checksumBits));

    if (!wordlist) { wordlist = wordlists["en"]; }

    return wordlist.join( => wordlist.getWord(index)));
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indices[indices.length - 1] <<= 8;
            indices[indices.length - 1] |= entropy[i];
            remainingBits -= 8;
            // This byte will complete an 11-bit index
        else {
            indices[indices.length - 1] <<= remainingBits;
            indices[indices.length - 1] |= entropy[i] >> (8 - remainingBits);
            // Start the next word
            indices.push(entropy[i] & getLowerMask(8 - remainingBits));
            remainingBits += 3;
    // Compute the checksum bits
    const checksumBits = entropy.length / 4;
    const checksum = arrayify(sha256(entropy))[0] & getUpperMask(checksumBits);
    // Shift the checksum into the word indices
    indices[indices.length - 1] <<= checksumBits;
    indices[indices.length - 1] |= (checksum >> (8 - checksumBits));
    if (!wordlist) {
        wordlist = wordlists["en"];
    return wordlist.join( => wordlist.getWord(index)));
export function isValidMnemonic(mnemonic, wordlist) {
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// Data = 0x00 || ser_256(k_par)
            data.set(arrayify(this.privateKey), 1);
            // Hardened path
            if (path) {
                path += "'";
        else {
            // Data = ser_p(point(k_par))
        // Data += ser_32(i)
        for (let i = 24; i >= 0; i -= 8) {
            data[33 + (i >> 3)] = ((index >> (24 - i)) & 0xff);
        const I = arrayify(computeHmac(SupportedAlgorithms.sha512, this.chainCode, data));
        const IL = I.slice(0, 32);
        const IR = I.slice(32);
        // The private key
        let ki = null;
        // The public key
        let Ki = null;
        if (this.privateKey) {
            ki = bytes32(BigNumber.from(IL).add(this.privateKey).mod(N));
        else {
            const ek = new SigningKey(hexlify(IL));
            Ki = ek._addPoint(this.publicKey);
        return new HDNode(_constructorGuard, ki, Ki, this.fingerprint, bytes32(IR), index, this.depth + 1, this.mnemonic, path);
    derivePath(path) {
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// Data = 0x00 || ser_256(k_par)
            data.set(arrayify(this.privateKey), 1);

            // Hardened path
            if (path) { path += "'"; }

        } else {
            // Data = ser_p(point(k_par))

        // Data += ser_32(i)
        for (let i = 24; i >= 0; i -= 8) { data[33 + (i >> 3)] = ((index >> (24 - i)) & 0xff); }

        const I = arrayify(computeHmac(SupportedAlgorithms.sha512, this.chainCode, data));
        const IL = I.slice(0, 32);
        const IR = I.slice(32);

        // The private key
        let ki: string = null

        // The public key
        let Ki: string = null;

        if (this.privateKey) {
            ki = bytes32(BigNumber.from(IL).add(this.privateKey).mod(N));
        } else {
            const ek = new SigningKey(hexlify(IL));
            Ki = ek._addPoint(this.publicKey);
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// Data = 0x00 || ser_256(k_par)
            data.set(bytes_1.arrayify(this.privateKey), 1);
            // Hardened path
            if (path) {
                path += "'";
        else {
            // Data = ser_p(point(k_par))
        // Data += ser_32(i)
        for (var i = 24; i >= 0; i -= 8) {
            data[33 + (i >> 3)] = ((index >> (24 - i)) & 0xff);
        var I = bytes_1.arrayify(sha2_1.computeHmac(sha2_1.SupportedAlgorithms.sha512, this.chainCode, data));
        var IL = I.slice(0, 32);
        var IR = I.slice(32);
        // The private key
        var ki = null;
        // The public key
        var Ki = null;
        if (this.privateKey) {
            ki = bytes32(bignumber_1.BigNumber.from(IL).add(this.privateKey).mod(N));
        else {
            var ek = new signing_key_1.SigningKey(bytes_1.hexlify(IL));
            Ki = ek._addPoint(this.publicKey);
        return new HDNode(_constructorGuard, ki, Ki, this.fingerprint, bytes32(IR), index, this.depth + 1, this.mnemonic, path);
    HDNode.prototype.derivePath = function (path) {
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / ethers / utils.js View on Github external
exports.serializeTransaction = transactions_1.serialize;
var units_1 = require("@ethersproject/units");
exports.commify = units_1.commify;
exports.formatEther = units_1.formatEther;
exports.parseEther = units_1.parseEther;
exports.formatUnits = units_1.formatUnits;
exports.parseUnits = units_1.parseUnits;
var wallet_1 = require("@ethersproject/wallet");
exports.verifyMessage = wallet_1.verifyMessage;
var web_1 = require("@ethersproject/web");
exports.fetchJson = web_1.fetchJson;
exports.poll = web_1.poll;
// Enums
var sha2_2 = require("@ethersproject/sha2");
exports.SupportedAlgorithms = sha2_2.SupportedAlgorithms;
var strings_2 = require("@ethersproject/strings");
exports.UnicodeNormalizationForm = strings_2.UnicodeNormalizationForm;
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var _newTarget = this.constructor;
        logger.checkNew(_newTarget, HDNode);
        if (constructorGuard !== _constructorGuard) {
            throw new Error("HDNode constructor cannot be called directly");
        if (privateKey) {
            var signingKey = new signing_key_1.SigningKey(privateKey);
            properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "privateKey", signingKey.privateKey);
            properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "publicKey", signingKey.compressedPublicKey);
        else {
            properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "privateKey", null);
            properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "publicKey", bytes_1.hexlify(publicKey));
        properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "parentFingerprint", parentFingerprint);
        properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "fingerprint", bytes_1.hexDataSlice(sha2_1.ripemd160(sha2_1.sha256(this.publicKey)), 0, 4));
        properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "address", transactions_1.computeAddress(this.publicKey));
        properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "chainCode", chainCode);
        properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "index", index);
        properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "depth", depth);
        properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "mnemonic", mnemonic);
        properties_1.defineReadOnly(this, "path", path);
    Object.defineProperty(HDNode.prototype, "extendedKey", {
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / hdnode / src.ts / index.ts View on Github external
function base58check(data: Uint8Array): string {
    return Base58.encode(concat([ data, hexDataSlice(sha256(sha256(data)), 0, 4) ]));
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for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
        var index = wordlist.getWordIndex(words[i].normalize("NFKD"));
        if (index === -1) {
            throw new Error("invalid mnemonic");
        for (var bit = 0; bit < 11; bit++) {
            if (index & (1 << (10 - bit))) {
                entropy[offset >> 3] |= (1 << (7 - (offset % 8)));
    var entropyBits = 32 * words.length / 3;
    var checksumBits = words.length / 3;
    var checksumMask = getUpperMask(checksumBits);
    var checksum = bytes_1.arrayify(sha2_1.sha256(entropy.slice(0, entropyBits / 8)))[0] & checksumMask;
    if (checksum !== (entropy[entropy.length - 1] & checksumMask)) {
        throw new Error("invalid checksum");
    return bytes_1.hexlify(entropy.slice(0, entropyBits / 8));
exports.mnemonicToEntropy = mnemonicToEntropy;
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function base58check(data) {
    return Base58.encode(concat([data, hexDataSlice(sha256(sha256(data)), 0, 4)]));
const _constructorGuard = {};


The SHA2 family hash functions and HMAC functions for ethers.

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