How to use @ethersproject/rlp - 7 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ethersproject/rlp examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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    else {
        // Signed Tranasaction
        tx.chainId = Math.floor((tx.v - 35) / 2);
        if (tx.chainId < 0) {
            tx.chainId = 0;
        let recoveryParam = tx.v - 27;
        const raw = transaction.slice(0, 6);
        if (tx.chainId !== 0) {
            recoveryParam -= tx.chainId * 2 + 8;
        const digest = keccak256(RLP.encode(raw));
        try {
            tx.from = recoverAddress(digest, { r: hexlify(tx.r), s: hexlify(tx.s), recoveryParam: recoveryParam });
        catch (error) {
        tx.hash = keccak256(rawTransaction);
    return tx;
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    // The splitSignature will ensure the transaction has a recoveryParam in the
    // case that the signTransaction function only adds a v.
    const sig = splitSignature(signature);
    // We pushed a chainId and null r, s on for hashing only; remove those
    let v = 27 + sig.recoveryParam;
    if (raw.length === 9) {
        v += transaction.chainId * 2 + 8;
    return RLP.encode(raw);
export function parse(rawTransaction) {
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        // Variable-width (with a maximum)
        if (fieldInfo.maxLength) {
            value = stripZeros(value);
            if (value.length > fieldInfo.maxLength) {
                logger.throwArgumentError("invalid length for " +, ("transaction:" +, value);
    if (transaction.chainId != null && transaction.chainId !== 0) {
    const unsignedTransaction = RLP.encode(raw);
    // Requesting an unsigned transation
    if (!signature) {
        return unsignedTransaction;
    // The splitSignature will ensure the transaction has a recoveryParam in the
    // case that the signTransaction function only adds a v.
    const sig = splitSignature(signature);
    // We pushed a chainId and null r, s on for hashing only; remove those
    let v = 27 + sig.recoveryParam;
    if (raw.length === 9) {
        v += transaction.chainId * 2 + 8;
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export function parse(rawTransaction) {
    const transaction = RLP.decode(rawTransaction);
    if (transaction.length !== 9 && transaction.length !== 6) {
        logger.throwArgumentError("invalid raw transaction", "rawTransactin", rawTransaction);
    const tx = {
        nonce: handleNumber(transaction[0]).toNumber(),
        gasPrice: handleNumber(transaction[1]),
        gasLimit: handleNumber(transaction[2]),
        to: handleAddress(transaction[3]),
        value: handleNumber(transaction[4]),
        data: transaction[5],
        chainId: 0
    // Legacy unsigned transaction
    if (transaction.length === 6) {
        return tx;
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function getContractAddress(transaction) {
    var from = null;
    try {
        from = getAddress(transaction.from);
    catch (error) {
        logger.throwArgumentError("missing from address", "transaction", transaction);
    var nonce = bytes_1.stripZeros(bytes_1.arrayify(bignumber_1.BigNumber.from(transaction.nonce).toHexString()));
    return getAddress(bytes_1.hexDataSlice(keccak256_1.keccak256(rlp_1.encode([from, nonce])), 12));
exports.getContractAddress = getContractAddress;
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export function getContractAddress(transaction: { from: string, nonce: BigNumberish }) {
    let from: string = null;
    try {
        from = getAddress(transaction.from);
    } catch (error) {
        logger.throwArgumentError("missing from address", "transaction", transaction);

    const nonce = stripZeros(arrayify(BigNumber.from(transaction.nonce).toHexString()));

    return getAddress(hexDataSlice(keccak256(encode([ from, nonce ])), 12));
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export function getContractAddress(transaction) {
    let from = null;
    try {
        from = getAddress(transaction.from);
    catch (error) {
        logger.throwArgumentError("missing from address", "transaction", transaction);
    const nonce = stripZeros(arrayify(BigNumber.from(transaction.nonce).toHexString()));
    return getAddress(hexDataSlice(keccak256(encode([from, nonce])), 12));


Recursive-Length Prefix (RLP) coder.

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