How to use @ethersproject/properties - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ethersproject/properties examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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Object.keys(this.interface.functions).forEach(function (name) {
            var fragment = _this.interface.functions[name];
            // @TODO: This should take in fragment
            var run = runMethod(_this, name, {});
            if (_this[name] == null) {
                properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this, name, run);
            if (_this.functions[name] == null) {
                properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this.functions, name, run);
            if (_this.callStatic[name] == null) {
                properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this.callStatic, name, runMethod(_this, name, { callStatic: true }));
            if (_this.populateTransaction[name] == null) {
                properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this.populateTransaction, name, runMethod(_this, name, { transaction: true }));
            if (_this.estimate[name] == null) {
                properties_1.defineReadOnly(_this.estimate, name, runMethod(_this, name, { estimate: true }));
            if (!uniqueFunctions[]) {
                uniqueFunctions[] = [];
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / wordlists / lib.esm / wordlist.js View on Github external
constructor(locale) {
        logger.checkAbstract(, Wordlist);
        defineReadOnly(this, "locale", locale);
    // Subclasses may override this
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / providers / lib.esm / json-rpc-provider.js View on Github external
sendUncheckedTransaction(transaction) {
        transaction = shallowCopy(transaction);
        let fromAddress = this.getAddress().then((address) => {
            if (address) {
                address = address.toLowerCase();
            return address;
        // The JSON-RPC for eth_sendTransaction uses 90000 gas; if the user
        // wishes to use this, it is easy to specify explicitly, otherwise
        // we look it up for them.
        if (transaction.gasLimit == null) {
            let estimate = shallowCopy(transaction);
            estimate.from = fromAddress;
            transaction.gasLimit = this.provider.estimateGas(estimate);
        return Promise.all([
        ]).then((results) => {
            let tx = results[0];
            let hexTx = this.provider.constructor.hexlifyTransaction(tx);
            hexTx.from = results[1];
            return this.provider.send("eth_sendTransaction", [hexTx]).then((hash) => {
                return hash;
            }, (error) => {
                if (error.responseText) {
                    // See: JsonRpcProvider.sendTransaction (@TODO: Expose a ._throwError??)
                    if (error.responseText.indexOf("insufficient funds") >= 0) {
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JsonRpcProvider.hexlifyTransaction = function (transaction, allowExtra) {
        // Check only allowed properties are given
        var allowed = properties_1.shallowCopy(allowedTransactionKeys);
        if (allowExtra) {
            for (var key in allowExtra) {
                if (allowExtra[key]) {
                    allowed[key] = true;
        properties_1.checkProperties(transaction, allowed);
        var result = {};
        // Some nodes (INFURA ropsten; INFURA mainnet is fine) do not like leading zeros.
        ["gasLimit", "gasPrice", "nonce", "value"].forEach(function (key) {
            if (transaction[key] == null) {
            var value = bytes_1.hexValue(transaction[key]);
            if (key === "gasLimit") {
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getDeployTransaction(...args) {
        let tx = {};
        // If we have 1 additional argument, we allow transaction overrides
        if (args.length === this.interface.deploy.inputs.length + 1) {
            tx = shallowCopy(args.pop());
            for (let key in tx) {
                if (!allowedTransactionKeys[key]) {
                    throw new Error("unknown transaction override " + key);
        // Do not allow these to be overridden in a deployment transaction
        ["data", "from", "to"].forEach((key) => {
            if (tx[key] == null) {
            logger.throwError("cannot override " + key, Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: key });
        // Make sure the call matches the constructor signature
        logger.checkArgumentCount(args.length, this.interface.deploy.inputs.length, " in Contract constructor");
        // Set the data to the bytecode + the encoded constructor arguments
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static hexlifyTransaction(transaction, allowExtra) {
        // Check only allowed properties are given
        const allowed = shallowCopy(allowedTransactionKeys);
        if (allowExtra) {
            for (let key in allowExtra) {
                if (allowExtra[key]) {
                    allowed[key] = true;
        checkProperties(transaction, allowed);
        const result = {};
        // Some nodes (INFURA ropsten; INFURA mainnet is fine) do not like leading zeros.
        ["gasLimit", "gasPrice", "nonce", "value"].forEach(function (key) {
            if (transaction[key] == null) {
            const value = hexValue(transaction[key]);
            if (key === "gasLimit") {
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / contracts / lib / index.js View on Github external
ContractFactory.prototype.getDeployTransaction = function () {
        var args = [];
        for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
            args[_i] = arguments[_i];
        var tx = {};
        // If we have 1 additional argument, we allow transaction overrides
        if (args.length === this.interface.deploy.inputs.length + 1) {
            tx = properties_1.shallowCopy(args.pop());
            for (var key in tx) {
                if (!allowedTransactionKeys[key]) {
                    throw new Error("unknown transaction override " + key);
        // Do not allow these to be overridden in a deployment transaction
        ["data", "from", "to"].forEach(function (key) {
            if (tx[key] == null) {
            logger.throwError("cannot override " + key, logger_1.Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: key });
        // Make sure the call matches the constructor signature
        logger.checkArgumentCount(args.length, this.interface.deploy.inputs.length, " in Contract constructor");
        // Set the data to the bytecode + the encoded constructor arguments
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export function poll(func, options) {
    if (!options) {
        options = {};
    options = shallowCopy(options);
    if (options.floor == null) {
        options.floor = 0;
    if (options.ceiling == null) {
        options.ceiling = 10000;
    if (options.interval == null) {
        options.interval = 250;
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        let timer = null;
        let done = false;
        // Returns true if cancel was successful. Unsuccessful cancel means we're already done.
        const cancel = () => {
            if (done) {
                return false;
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Contract.prototype.fallback = function (overrides) {
        var _this = this;
        if (!this.signer) {
            logger.throwError("sending a transactions require a signer", logger_1.Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: "sendTransaction(fallback)" });
        var tx = properties_1.shallowCopy(overrides || {});
        ["from", "to"].forEach(function (key) {
            if (tx[key] == null) {
            logger.throwError("cannot override " + key, logger_1.Logger.errors.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, { operation: key });
        }); = this.addressPromise;
        return this.deployed().then(function () {
            return _this.signer.sendTransaction(tx);
    // Reconnect to a different signer or provider
github ethers-io / ethers.js / packages / abstract-signer / lib.esm / index.js View on Github external
call(transaction, blockTag) {
        return resolveProperties(this.checkTransaction(transaction)).then((tx) => {
    // Populates all fields in a transaction, signs it and sends it to the network