Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
// FIX: make a lot nicer.
const hideOrRepositionIfNecessary = () => {
lastAnchor.get().each((anchor) => {
const contextBarEle = contextbar.element();
Css.remove(contextBarEle, 'display');
if (shouldContextToolbarHide()) {
Css.set(contextBarEle, 'display', 'none');
} else {
Positioning.positionWithinBounds(sink, anchor, contextbar, Option.some(getBounds()));
const lastAnchor = Cell(Option.none());
const lastElement = Cell>(Option.none());
const timer = Cell(null);
const wrapInPopDialog = (toolbarSpec: AlloySpec) => {
return {
dom: {
tag: 'div',
classes: ['tox-pop__dialog'],
components: [toolbarSpec],
behaviours: Behaviour.derive([
mode: 'acyclic'
AddEventsBehaviour.config('pop-dialog-wrap-events', [
// FIX: make a lot nicer.
const hideOrRepositionIfNecessary = () => {
lastAnchor.get().each((anchor) => {
const contextBarEle = contextbar.element();
Css.remove(contextBarEle, 'display');
if (shouldContextToolbarHide()) {
Css.set(contextBarEle, 'display', 'none');
} else {
Positioning.positionWithinBounds(sink, anchor, contextbar, Option.some(getBounds()));
const lastAnchor = Cell(Option.none());
const lastElement = Cell>(Option.none());
const timer = Cell(null);
const wrapInPopDialog = (toolbarSpec: AlloySpec) => {
return {
dom: {
tag: 'div',
classes: ['tox-pop__dialog'],
components: [toolbarSpec],
behaviours: Behaviour.derive([
mode: 'acyclic'
AddEventsBehaviour.config('pop-dialog-wrap-events', [
AlloyEvents.runOnAttached((comp) => {
editor.shortcuts.add('ctrl+F9', 'focus statusbar', () => Keying.focusIn(comp));
const showDialog = function (editor: Editor) {
const editorData = getEditorData(editor);
const currentData = Cell(editorData);
const initialData = wrap(editorData);
const getSourceData = (api: Types.Dialog.DialogInstanceApi): MediaData => {
return unwrap(api.getData());
const handleSource1 = (prevData: MediaData, api: Types.Dialog.DialogInstanceApi) => {
const serviceData = getSourceData(api);
// If a new URL is entered, then clear the embed html and fetch the new data
if (prevData.source1 !== serviceData.source1) {
addEmbedHtml(win, editor)({ url: serviceData.source1, html: '' });
Service.getEmbedHtml(editor, serviceData)
.then(addEmbedHtml(win, editor))
const renderImagePanel = (initialUrl: string) => {
const memBg = Memento.record(
dom: {
tag: 'div',
classes: [ 'tox-image-tools__image-bg' ],
attributes: {
role: 'presentation'
const zoomState = Cell(1);
const cropRect = Cell(Option.none());
const rectState = Cell({
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: 1,
h: 1
const viewRectState = Cell({
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: 1,
h: 1
const repaintImg = (anyInSystem: AlloyComponent, img: Element): void => {
memContainer.getOpt(anyInSystem).each((panel) => {
const register = (editor: Editor) => {
const lastForeColor = Cell(null);
const lastBackColor = Cell(null);
registerTextColorButton(editor, 'forecolor', 'forecolor', 'Text color', lastForeColor);
registerTextColorButton(editor, 'backcolor', 'hilitecolor', 'Background color', lastBackColor);
registerTextColorMenuItem(editor, 'forecolor', 'forecolor', 'Text color');
registerTextColorMenuItem(editor, 'backcolor', 'hilitecolor', 'Background color');
PluginManager.add('visualblocks', (editor, pluginUrl) => {
const enabledState = Cell(false);
Commands.register(editor, pluginUrl, enabledState);
Buttons.register(editor, enabledState);
Bindings.setup(editor, pluginUrl, enabledState);
const initData = (): AnnotationListenerData => ({
listeners: [ ],
previous: Cell(Option.none())
export const renderTabPanel = <i>(spec: TabPanelFoo<i>, backstage: UiFactoryBackstage): SketchSpec => {
const storedValue = Cell({ });
const updateDataWithForm = (form: AlloyComponent): void => {
const formData = Representing.getValue(form);
const validData = toValidValues(formData).getOr({ });
const currentData = storedValue.get();
const newData = Merger.deepMerge(currentData, validData);
const setDataOnForm = (form: AlloyComponent) => {
const tabData = storedValue.get();
Representing.setValue(form, tabData);
const oldTab = Cell(null);
PluginManager.add('paste', function (editor) {
if (DetectProPlugin.hasProPlugin(editor) === false) {
const draggingInternallyState = Cell(false);
const pasteFormat = Cell(Settings.isPasteAsTextEnabled(editor) ? 'text' : 'html');
const clipboard = Clipboard(editor, pasteFormat);
const quirks = Quirks.setup(editor);
Buttons.register(editor, clipboard);
Commands.register(editor, clipboard);
DragDrop.setup(editor, clipboard, draggingInternallyState);
return Api.get(clipboard, quirks);
import { Cell } from '@ephox/katamari';
import { Browser } from '../core/Browser';
import { detect as eagerDetect } from './PlatformDetection';
import { OperatingSystem } from '../core/OperatingSystem';
import { PlatformDetection } from '../core/PlatformDetection';
import { DeviceType } from '../detect/DeviceType';
import * as TouchDetect from '../detect/TouchDetect';
export type Browser = Browser;
export type OperatingSystem = OperatingSystem;
export type DeviceType = DeviceType;
const platform = Cell((() => {
const platform = eagerDetect();
return {
os: platform.os,
browser: platform.browser,
deviceType: {
isTouch: TouchDetect.isTouch
export const detect = (): PlatformDetection => platform.get();
export const override = (overrides: Partial) => {