How to use @emotion/weak-memoize - 9 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @emotion/weak-memoize examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.

github keystonejs / keystone / website / plugins / gatsby-remark-fix-links / index.js View on Github external
//     key = link.startsWith('#') ? path : link.slice(0, hashIndex);
//   }
//   return {
//     key,
//     hasHash,
//     hashIndex,
//   };
// }
// function createPathPrefixer(pathPrefix) {
//   return function withPathPrefix(url) {
//     const prefixed = pathPrefix + url;
//     return prefixed.replace(/\/\//, '/');
//   };
// }

let buildFilenameToUrlMap = weakMemoize(getNode =>
  weakMemoize(files => {
    let map = {};

    for (let file of files) {
      if (file.children.length === 2) {
        map[file.absolutePath] = getNode(file.children[1]).fields.slug;
    return map;

module.exports = async function plugin(
  { markdownAST, markdownNode, files, getNode, cache, getCache, pathPrefix } // { exceptions = [], ignore = [] } = {}
) {
  if (!markdownNode.fields) {
github emotion-js / emotion / packages / weak-memoize / __tests__ / index.js View on Github external
test('it works', () => {
  let doThing = weakMemoize(obj => {
    return {}

  let firstArg = {}

  let firstResult = doThing(firstArg)

  let secondResult = doThing(firstArg)


  let newObj = {}

  let newResult = doThing(newObj)

github emotion-js / emotion / packages / cache / src / index.js View on Github external
: weakMemoize(() => {
      let getCache = weakMemoize(() => ({}))
      let prefixTrueCache = {}
      let prefixFalseCache = {}
      return prefix => {
        if (prefix === undefined || prefix === true) {
          return prefixTrueCache
        if (prefix === false) {
          return prefixFalseCache
        return getCache(prefix)
github blocks / blocks / packages / blocks-ui / src / device-preview.js View on Github external
} from 'react'
import { createPortal } from 'react-dom'
import { ZoomIn, ZoomOut } from 'react-feather'
import mergeRefs from 'react-merge-refs'
import { CacheProvider, Global } from '@emotion/core'
import createCache from '@emotion/cache'
import weakMemoize from '@emotion/weak-memoize'

import { IconButton } from './ui'
import { useScrollSync } from './hooks'

const MIN_ZOOM_LEVEL = 25

const createCacheWithContainer = weakMemoize(container =>
  createCache({ container })

const Frame = ({ children, setFrame, ...restProps }) => {
  const frameRef = useRef()
  const [[head, body], setNodes] = useState([])
  useLayoutEffect(() => {
  useLayoutEffect(() => {
    const { contentDocument } = frameRef.current
    setNodes([contentDocument.head, contentDocument.body])
  }, [])
  return (
github emotion-js / emotion / packages / theme / src / index.js View on Github external
let merge = weakMemoize(theme => {
    return weakMemoize(theme)
github emotion-js / emotion / next-packages / provider / src / index.js View on Github external
    return mergedTheme
  if (
    process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && !== '[object Object]'
  ) {
    throw new Error(
      '[@emotion/provider] Please make your theme prop a plain object'

  return { ...outerTheme, ...theme }

let createCreateCacheWithTheme = weakMemoize(cache => {
  return weakMemoize(theme => {
    let actualTheme = getTheme(cache.theme, theme)
    return {
      theme: actualTheme

export default withCSSContext((props: Props, context) => {
  if (props.theme !== context.theme) {
    context = createCreateCacheWithTheme(context)(props.theme)
  return {props.children}
github emotion-js / emotion / packages / cache / src / index.js View on Github external
type StylisPlugins = StylisPlugin[] | StylisPlugin

export type Options = {
  nonce?: string,
  stylisPlugins?: StylisPlugins,
  prefix?: PrefixOption,
  key?: string,
  container?: HTMLElement,
  speedy?: boolean

let rootServerStylisCache = {}

let getServerStylisCache = isBrowser
  ? undefined
  : weakMemoize(() => {
      let getCache = weakMemoize(() => ({}))
      let prefixTrueCache = {}
      let prefixFalseCache = {}
      return prefix => {
        if (prefix === undefined || prefix === true) {
          return prefixTrueCache
        if (prefix === false) {
          return prefixFalseCache
        return getCache(prefix)

let createCache = (options?: Options): EmotionCache => {
  if (options === undefined) options = {}
github emotion-js / emotion / packages / emotion-theming / src / theme-provider.js View on Github external
    return mergedTheme
  if (
    process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' &&
    (theme == null || typeof theme !== 'object' || Array.isArray(theme))
  ) {
    throw new Error(
      '[ThemeProvider] Please make your theme prop a plain object'

  return { ...outerTheme, ...theme }

let createCacheWithTheme = weakMemoize(outerTheme => {
  return weakMemoize(theme => {
    return getTheme(outerTheme, theme)

type Props = {
  theme: Object | (Object => Object),
  children: React.Node

let ThemeProvider = (props: Props) => {
  return (
      {theme => {
        if (props.theme !== theme) {
          theme = createCacheWithTheme(theme)(props.theme)
github emotion-js / emotion / packages / theme / src / index.js View on Github external
function renderInnerCSSVarsProvider(theme: Theme, children: React.Node) {
    return (
          <div style="{getInlineStyles(theme," data-theme-emotion="{prefix}">
  let isStringTheme = typeof defaultTheme === 'string'
  let merge = weakMemoize(theme =&gt; {
    return weakMemoize(theme)

  let Provider = (props: ProviderProps) =&gt; {
    let { theme, children } = props
    if (shouldUseCSSVars) {
      if (typeof theme === 'function') {
        return (
            {outerTheme =&gt; {
              return renderInnerCSSVarsProvider(
                (isStringTheme ? theme : merge(theme))(outerTheme),


A memoization function that uses a WeakMap

Latest version published 8 months ago

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Popular @emotion/weak-memoize functions

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