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const LegendContainer = styled.div`
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: ${px(units.quarter)};
justify-content: space-between;
const LegendGray = styled(Legend)`
color: ${theme.euiColorMediumShade};
padding-bottom: 0;
padding-right: ${px(units.half)};
const Value = styled.div`
color: ${theme.euiColorDarkShade};
font-size: ${fontSize};
export default function Tooltip({
}) {
if (isEmpty(tooltipPoints)) {
return null;
// Only show legend labels if there is more than 1 data set
const LegendContainer = styled.div`
display: flex;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: ${px(units.quarter)};
justify-content: space-between;
const LegendGray = styled(Legend)`
color: ${theme.euiColorMediumShade};
padding-bottom: 0;
const Value = styled.div`
color: ${theme.euiColorDarkShade};
font-size: ${fontSize};
export default function Tooltip({
}) {
if (isEmpty(tooltipPoints)) {
return null;
// Only show legend labels if there is more than 1 data set
switch (type) {
case 'field':
return theme.euiColorVis7;
case 'value':
return theme.euiColorVis0;
case 'operator':
return theme.euiColorVis1;
case 'conjunction':
return theme.euiColorVis3;
case 'recentSearch':
return theme.euiColorMediumShade;
const Description = styled.div`
color: ${theme.euiColorDarkShade};
p {
display: inline;
span {
font-family: ${fontFamilyCode};
color: ${theme.euiColorFullShade};
padding: 0 ${px(units.quarter)};
display: inline-block;
const ListItem =`
font-size: ${fontSizes.small};
height: ${px(units.double)};
switch (type) {
case 'field':
return theme.euiColorVis7;
case 'value':
return theme.euiColorVis0;
case 'operator':
return theme.euiColorVis1;
case 'conjunction':
return theme.euiColorVis3;
case 'recentSearch':
return theme.euiColorMediumShade;
const Description = styled.div`
color: ${theme.euiColorDarkShade};
p {
display: inline;
span {
font-family: ${theme.euiFontFamily};
color: ${theme.euiColorFullShade};
padding: 0 ${theme.euiSizeXS};
display: inline-block;
const ListItem =`
font-size: ${theme.euiFontSizeXS};
height: ${theme.euiSizeXL};
import { StringMap } from '../../../../typings/common';
import { AgentName } from '../../../../typings/es_schemas/ui/fields/Agent';
import { fontSize, fontSizes, px, unit, units } from '../../../style/variables';
import { getAgentDocUrlForTab } from '../../../utils/documentation/agents';
import { NestedKeyValueTable } from './NestedKeyValueTable';
import { PropertyTabKey } from './tabConfig';
const TableContainer = styled.div`
padding-bottom: ${px(units.double)};
const TableInfo = styled.div`
padding: ${px(unit)} 0 0;
text-align: center;
font-size: ${fontSize};
color: ${theme.euiColorDarkShade};
line-height: 1.5;
const TableInfoHeader = styled(TableInfo)`
font-size: ${fontSizes.large};
color: ${theme.euiColorDarkestShade};
const EuiIconWithSpace = styled(EuiIcon)`
margin-right: ${px(units.half)};
function getTabHelpText(tabKey: PropertyTabKey) {
switch (tabKey) {
case 'user':
return i18n.translate(
coordinates: {
x1: domainStart,
if (domainEnd !== domainMax) {
coordinates: {
x0: domainEnd,
const rectAnnotationStyle = {
stroke: isDarkMode ? darkEuiTheme.euiColorLightShade : lightEuiTheme.euiColorDarkShade,
strokeWidth: 0,
opacity: isDarkMode ? 0.6 : 0.2,
fill: isDarkMode ? darkEuiTheme.euiColorLightShade : lightEuiTheme.euiColorDarkShade,
const tooltipProps = {
headerFormatter: this.renderBarTooltip(xInterval, domainStart, domainEnd),
type: TooltipType.VerticalCursor,
return (
import theme from '@elastic/eui/dist/eui_theme_light.json';
import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { idx } from '@kbn/elastic-idx';
import { IStackframe } from '../../../../typings/es_schemas/raw/fields/Stackframe';
import { fontFamilyCode, fontSize, px, units } from '../../../style/variables';
const FileDetails = styled.div`
color: ${theme.euiColorMediumShade};
padding: ${px(units.half)};
font-family: ${fontFamilyCode};
font-size: ${fontSize};
const LibraryFrameFileDetail = styled.span`
color: ${theme.euiColorDarkShade};
const AppFrameFileDetail = styled.span`
font-weight: bold;
color: ${theme.euiColorFullShade};
interface Props {
stackframe: IStackframe;
isLibraryFrame: boolean;
const FrameHeading: React.SFC = ({ stackframe, isLibraryFrame }) => {
const FileDetail = isLibraryFrame
? LibraryFrameFileDetail
: AppFrameFileDetail;
const lineNumber = idx(stackframe, _ => _.line.number) || 0;
* Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
* or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import { units, px, fontSizes } from '../../../../style/variables';
import theme from '@elastic/eui/dist/eui_theme_light.json';
const Container = styled.div`
display: flex;
align-items: center;
font-size: ${props => props.fontSize};
color: ${theme.euiColorDarkShade};
cursor: ${props => (props.clickable ? 'pointer' : 'initial')};
opacity: ${props => (props.disabled ? 0.4 : 1)};
user-select: none;
export const Indicator = styled.span`
width: ${props => px(props.radius)};
height: ${props => px(props.radius)};
margin-right: ${props => px(props.radius / 2)};
background: ${props => props.color};
border-radius: 100%;
export default class Legend extends PureComponent {
render() {
const {
if (domainEnd !== domainMax) {
coordinates: {
x0: domainEnd,
const rectAnnotationStyle = {
stroke: isDarkMode ? darkEuiTheme.euiColorLightShade : lightEuiTheme.euiColorDarkShade,
strokeWidth: 0,
opacity: isDarkMode ? 0.6 : 0.2,
fill: isDarkMode ? darkEuiTheme.euiColorLightShade : lightEuiTheme.euiColorDarkShade,
const tooltipProps = {
headerFormatter: this.renderBarTooltip(xInterval, domainStart, domainEnd),
type: TooltipType.VerticalCursor,
return (
left: margins.left,
right: margins.right
{topTraceDuration > 0 && (
{ => (