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private bindEvents() {
const events = Object.keys(NativeFlicking.EVENTS)
.map(key => NativeFlicking.EVENTS[key]);
events.forEach(eventName => {
this.flicking.on(eventName, e => {
e.currentTarget = this;
const emitter = this[eventName]; // Style guide: Event -
if (emitter) {
if (eventName === 'visibleChange') {
const list = this.counter(this.panels.length * (this.flicking.getCloneCount() + 1));
const min = e.range.min;
const max = e.range.max;
const visibles = min >= 0
private $_bindEvents() {
const events = Object.keys(NativeFlicking.EVENTS)
.map(key => NativeFlicking.EVENTS[key]);
events.forEach(eventName => {
this.$_nativeFlicking.on(eventName, e => {
e.currentTarget = this;
// Make events from camelCase to kebab-case
this.$emit(eventName.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase(), e);
if (this.options.renderOnlyVisible) {
this.$_nativeFlicking.on(NativeFlicking.EVENTS.VISIBLE_CHANGE, e => {
.map(key => NativeFlicking.EVENTS[key]);
.map(key => NativeFlicking.EVENTS[key]);