How to use @cycle/history - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @cycle/history examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Cmdv / cycle-webpack-boilerplate / src / __test__ / main.spec.js View on Github external
test('Main component tests', function(t) {
  // mock the Main component and pass it the sources
  function mainComponent(sources) {
    let requests = Main(sources)
    return requests

  // Pass Main through our RenderTarget
  let {sinks, sources} = run(mainComponent, {
    DOM: makeDOMDriver(createRenderTarget()),
    History: makeHistoryDriver({
      hash: false,
      queries: true,
  // take our sources.Dom and select a class from it then subscribe and start testing against the results'.pure-g').observable.skip(1).take(1).subscribe(function (el) {

    t.equal(Array.isArray(el), true, 'Our subscription output is an array');
    const childrenEls = el[0].childNodes;
    t.equal(childrenEls[0].className, "sidebar pure-u-1 pure-u-md-1-4", "the first node should be the sidebar");
    t.equal(childrenEls[1].className, "content pure-u-1 pure-u-md-3-4", "the second node should be the content");
github Cmdv / cycle-webpack-boilerplate / src / dialogue / components / content-router / __test__ / content-router.spec.js View on Github external
const view = (content) => div('.routertest', [content]);

  function app(sources) {
    const Content = contentRouter(sources);
    const view$ = Rx.Observable.just(view(Content.DOM));

    return {
      DOM: view$,
      History: Rx.Observable.from([url.home]),

  let {sources} =, {
    DOM: makeDOMDriver(createRenderTarget()),
    History: makeHistoryDriver({hash: false, queries: true,}),
    // this is our counter Prop value of 2
    Props: () => Rx.Observable.just(2)
  });'.homepage').observable.skip(1).take(1).subscribe(function (element) {

    t.equal(Array.isArray(element), true, 'element is an array')
    t.equal(element[0].className, 'homepage', 'element has homepage class');

    const childrenElCounter = element[0].childNodes[2];

    t.equal(childrenElCounter.className, 'pure-u-1-2 counter-table', 'child element is counter table');

    const counterResults = childrenElCounter.childNodes[2].childNodes[0];
    const counterValue = counterResults.innerHTML.replace('Counter: ', '')
github Cmdv / cycle-natural-language-search / src / client / dialogue / components / content-router / __test__ / content-router.spec.js View on Github external
const view = (content) => div('.routertest', [content]);

  function app(sources) {
    const Content = contentRouter(sources);
    const view$ = Rx.Observable.just(view(Content.DOM));

    return {
      DOM: view$,
      History: Rx.Observable.from([url.home]),

  let {sources} =, {
    DOM: makeDOMDriver(createRenderTarget()),
    History: makeHistoryDriver({hash: false, queries: true,}),
    // this is our counter Prop value of 2
    Props: () => Rx.Observable.just(2)
  });'.homepage').observable.skip(1).take(1).subscribe(function (element) {

    t.equal(Array.isArray(element), true, 'element is an array')
    t.equal(element[0].className, 'homepage', 'element has homepage class');

    const childrenElCounter = element[0].childNodes[2];

    t.equal(childrenElCounter.className, 'pure-u-1-2 counter-table', 'child element is counter table');

    const counterResults = childrenElCounter.childNodes[2].childNodes[0];
    const counterValue = counterResults.innerHTML.replace('Counter: ', '')
github SkaterDad / cycle-snabbdom-examples / src / client.restart.js View on Github external
import isolate from '@cycle/isolate'
import {restart, restartable} from 'cycle-restart'

let app = require('./app/app').default

//Define selector string of root vTree element.
//See the ( section below for explanation.
const ROOT_SELECTOR = '.app-container'

//Define what drivers our Cycle app will use
const drivers = {
  DOM: restartable(makeDOMDriver(ROOT_SELECTOR, {
    modules: [StyleModule, PropsModule, AttrsModule, ClassModule, HeroModule],
  }), {pauseSinksWhileReplaying: false}),
  HTTP: restartable(makeHTTPDriver()),
  History: restartable(makeHistoryDriver({hash: false, queries: true}), {pauseSinksWhileReplaying: true}),

//Initialize Cycle.js!
const {sinks, sources} =, drivers)

//Code to enable Webpack Hot Module Replacement.
if ( {'./app/app', () => {
    //reassign 'app' variable to the updated version
    app = require('./app/app').default
    //restart the cycle app
    restart(app, drivers, {sinks, sources}, isolate)
  // => {
  //   /*
github usm4n / cycle-hn / src / index.ts View on Github external
driverFn = () => ({
    DOM: restartable(makeDOMDriver('#app'), {
        pauseSinksWhileReplaying: false
    HTTP: restartable(makeHTTPDriver()),
    Time: timeDriver,
    History: captureClicks(makeHistoryDriver())
/// #endif
github shesek / spark-wallet / client / src / server-settings.js View on Github external
function parseQR(url) {
  const p = urlutil.parse(url)

  return (p &&
  ? { serverUrl: ? url.substr(0, url.indexOf('?')) : url
    , accessKey: && ? : null }
  : null

run(main, {
  DOM: makeDOMDriver('#app')
, IPC: process.env.BUILD_TARGET === 'electron'
  ? require('./driver/electron-ipc')
  : _ => _ => O.of() // noop driver
, storage: storageDriver
, route: makeRouteDriver(makeHashHistoryDriver())
, conf$: makeConfDriver(storageDriver)
, scan$: process.env.BUILD_TARGET === 'cordova'
  ? require('./driver/cordova-qrscanner')
  : require('./driver/instascan')({ mirror: false, backgroundScan: false })
github SkaterDad / cycle-snabbdom-examples / src / server / ssr.js View on Github external
//TODO: Add some of this information to the route definitions, then read them here.
  const ssrOptions = {
    domToTake: 1,
    httpToTake: 1, //potentially tie this to route defs.  some routes don't have HTTP
    isDevMode: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',

  let wrappedAppFn = wrapAppResultWithBoilerplate(app, ssrOptions)

  console.log('Server rendering!')

  //Run the Cycle app.
  let cycleApp =, {
    DOM: makeHTMLDriver(),
    HTTP: makeHTTPDriver(),
    History: makeServerHistoryDriver({pathname: req.url}),
  let sources = cycleApp.sources

  //Subscribe to the HTML Driver events
  //HTML driver returns a string representation of the vTree
  //When the string is emitted, send the HTML response to the client.
  let html$ =
  html$.subscribe(appHTML => {
    //As if by magic, this knows when your DOM is done being updated.
    //To illustrate this, the repo-list.js component emmits the DOM 4 times.
    //This log message only happens once, after all the DOM updates are done!
    //I made the HTTP request delayed by 1000ms, and this still only replied at the end.
    console.log(`${new Date().toString()} - Sending HTML reply!`)
github cyclejs-community / cyclic-router / src / makeRouterDriver.ts View on Github external
function makeRouterDriver(history: History, routeMatcher: RouteMatcher) {
  if (!history) {
    throw new Error('Cyclic router must be given a history object');
  const historyDriver = makeHistoryDriver(history);
   * The actual router driver.
   * @public
   * @typedef {routerDriver}
   * @name routerDriver
   * @method routerDriver
   * @param  {Stream} sink$ - This is the same input that the
   * history driver would expect.
   * @return {routerAPI}
  return function routerDriver(sink$: RouterSink) {
    const history$ = historyDriver(sink$).remember();
    return new RouterSource(history$, [], history.createHref, routeMatcher);
github SkaterDad / cycle-snabbdom-examples / src / index.restartable.js View on Github external
import {restart, restartable} from 'cycle-restart'

const ROOT_SELECTOR = '.app-container'

const snabbdomModules = [

const drivers = {
  DOM: restartable(makeDOMDriver(ROOT_SELECTOR, snabbdomModules), {pauseSinksWhileReplaying: false}),
  HTTP: restartable(makeHTTPDriver()),
  History: restartable(makeHistoryDriver({hash: false, queries: true}), {pauseSinksWhileReplaying: true}),

const {sinks, sources} =, drivers)

//Code to enable Webpack Hot Module Replacement.
if ( {'./app', () => {
    app = require('./app').default
    restart(app, drivers, {sinks, sources}, isolate)
github cyclejs-community / cyclic-router / src / old / makeRouterDriver.js View on Github external
function makeRouterDriver(...historyArgs) {
  const historyDriver = makeHistoryDriver(...historyArgs)
   * The actual router driver.
   * @public
   * @typedef {routerDriver}
   * @name routerDriver
   * @method routerDriver
   * @param  {Observable} sink$ - This is the same input that the
   * history driver would expect.
   * @return {routerAPI}
  function routerDriver(sink$, runSA) {
    const history$ = historyDriver(sink$, runSA)
    const rxHistory$ = RxAdapter.adapt(history$, runSA.streamSubscribe)
    return createAPI(rxHistory$.share(), [], history$.createHref)


The standard history driver for Cycle.js

Latest version published 3 years ago

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