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const itemRenderer = ({ feedActive, unitf, expert }) => ([ type, ts, msat, obj ]) => {
const fid = `${type}-${ || obj.pay_index}`
, visible = fid == feedActive
, tsStr = new Date(ts*1000).toLocaleString()
return li('.list-group-item', { class: { active: visible, 'list-group-item-action': !visible }, dataset: { feedToggle: fid } }, [
div('.clearfix', [
type === 'in' ? span('.amt.badge.badge-success.badge-pill', `+${ unitf(msat) }`)
: span('.amt.badge.badge-danger.badge-pill', `-${ unitf(msat) }`)
, span('.ts.badge.badge-secondary.float-right', { attrs: { title: tsStr } }, ago(ts))
, !visible ? '' : ul('', [
li([ strong(type == 'in' ? 'Received:' : 'Sent:'), ' ', tsStr ])
, type == 'in' && obj.msatoshi_received > obj.msatoshi ? li([ strong('Overpayment:'), ' ', unitf(obj.msatoshi_received-obj.msatoshi) ]) : ''
, type == 'out' && obj.msatoshi ? li([ strong('Fee:'), ' ', feesText(obj, unitf) ]) : ''
, type == 'out' && obj.route ? li([ strong('Route:'), ' ', obj.route.length > 1 ? `${obj.route.length} hops` : 'direct payment'
, ' ', small(`(${ordinal(obj.sendpay_tries)} attempt)`) ]) : ''
, showDesc(obj) ? li([ strong('Description:'), ' ', span('.break-word', obj.description) ]) : ''
, type == 'out' ? li([ strong('Destination:'), ' ', small('.break-all', obj.destination) ]) : ''
, li([ strong('Payment hash:'), ' ', small('.break-all', obj.payment_hash) ])
, expert ? li(yaml(obj)) : ''
const itemRenderer = ({ feedActive, unitf, expert }) => ([ type, ts, msat, obj ]) => {
const fid = `${type}-${ || obj.pay_index}`
, visible = fid == feedActive
, tsStr = new Date(ts*1000).toLocaleString()
return li('.list-group-item', { class: { active: visible, 'list-group-item-action': !visible }, dataset: { feedToggle: fid } }, [
div('.clearfix', [
type === 'in' ? span('.amt.badge.badge-success.badge-pill', `+${ unitf(msat) }`)
: span('.amt.badge.badge-danger.badge-pill', `-${ unitf(msat) }`)
, span('.ts.badge.badge-secondary.float-right', { attrs: { title: tsStr } }, ago(ts))
, !visible ? '' : ul('', [
li([ strong(type == 'in' ? 'Received:' : 'Sent:'), ' ', tsStr ])
, type == 'in' && obj.msatoshi_received > obj.msatoshi ? li([ strong('Overpayment:'), ' ', unitf(obj.msatoshi_received-obj.msatoshi) ]) : ''
, type == 'out' && obj.msatoshi ? li([ strong('Fee:'), ' ', feesText(obj, unitf) ]) : ''
, type == 'out' && obj.route ? li([ strong('Route:'), ' ', obj.route.length > 1 ? `${obj.route.length} hops` : 'direct payment'
, ' ', small(`(${ordinal(obj.sendpay_tries)} attempt)`) ]) : ''
, showDesc(obj) ? li([ strong('Description:'), ' ', span('.break-word', obj.description) ]) : ''
, type == 'out' ? li([ strong('Destination:'), ' ', small('.break-all', obj.destination) ]) : ''
, li([ strong('Payment hash:'), ' ', small('.break-all', obj.payment_hash) ])
, expert ? li(yaml(obj)) : ''
export default (pla) => {
const costs = calcCosts(pla);
const gate = costs.gates === 1 ? 'gate' : 'gates';
const inputs = costs.inputs === 1 ? 'input' : 'inputs';
return div('.stage-bar', [
` ${costs.gates} ${gate} with ${costs.inputs} ${inputs}`,
, theirs > 0 ? bar('Theirs', 'info', theirs) : ''
, !visible ? '' : ul('', [
li([ strong('Channel ID:'), ' ', chan.short_channel_id || small('.break-all', chan.channel_id) ])
, (expert && chan.short_channel_id) ? li([ strong('Full Channel ID:'), ' ', small('.break-all', chan.channel_id) ]) : ''
, li([ strong('Status:'), ' ', chan.state.replace(/_/g, ' ') ])
, !isClosed ? li([ strong('Spendable:'), ' ', unitf(spendable) ]) : ''
, !isClosed ? li([ strong('Receivable:'), ' ', unitf(receivable) ]) : ''
, isClosed || expert ? li([ strong('Ours:'), ' ', unitf(ours) ]) : ''
, isClosed || expert ? li([ strong('Theirs:'), ' ', unitf(theirs) ]) : ''
, channelAge ? li([ strong('Age:'), ' ', `${channelAge} blocks (${channelAgeFuz})` ]) : ''
, li([ strong('Peer:'), ' ', small('.break-all',, ' ', em(`(${peer.connected ? 'connected' : 'disconnected'})`) ])
, expert ? li([ strong('Funding TXID:'), ' ', small('.break-all', chan.funding_txid) ]) : ''
, expert ? li('.status-text', chan.status.join('\n')) : ''
, !isClosed ? li('.text-center'
, button('.btn.btn-link.btn-sm', { dataset: { closeChannel: chan.channel_id, closeChannelPeer: } }, 'Close channel')) : ''
, expert ? li(yaml({ peer: omitKey('channels', peer), ...omitKey('status', chan) })) : ''
, receivable > 0 ? bar('Receivable', 'info', receivable) : ''
, thrReserve ? bar('Their reserve', 'warning', thrReserve) : ''
] : [
ours > 0 ? bar('Ours', 'success', ours) : ''
, theirs > 0 ? bar('Theirs', 'info', theirs) : ''
, !visible ? '' : ul('', [
li([ strong('Channel ID:'), ' ', chan.short_channel_id || small('.break-all', chan.channel_id) ])
, (expert && chan.short_channel_id) ? li([ strong('Full Channel ID:'), ' ', small('.break-all', chan.channel_id) ]) : ''
, li([ strong('Status:'), ' ', chan.state.replace(/_/g, ' ') ])
, !isClosed ? li([ strong('Spendable:'), ' ', unitf(spendable) ]) : ''
, !isClosed ? li([ strong('Receivable:'), ' ', unitf(receivable) ]) : ''
, isClosed || expert ? li([ strong('Ours:'), ' ', unitf(ours) ]) : ''
, isClosed || expert ? li([ strong('Theirs:'), ' ', unitf(theirs) ]) : ''
, channelAge ? li([ strong('Age:'), ' ', `${channelAge} blocks (${channelAgeFuz})` ]) : ''
, li([ strong('Peer:'), ' ', small('.break-all',, ' ', em(`(${peer.connected ? 'connected' : 'disconnected'})`) ])
, expert ? li([ strong('Funding TXID:'), ' ', small('.break-all', chan.funding_txid) ]) : ''
, expert ? li('.status-text', chan.status.join('\n')) : ''
, !isClosed ? li('.text-center'
, button('.btn.btn-link.btn-sm', { dataset: { closeChannel: chan.channel_id, closeChannelPeer: } }, 'Close channel')) : ''
, expert ? li(yaml({ peer: omitKey('channels', peer), ...omitKey('status', chan) })) : ''
const confirmPay = payreq => ({ unitf, amtData, conf: { expert } }) =>
form('.conf-pay', { attrs: { do: 'confirm-pay' }, dataset: payreq }, [
...(payreq.msatoshi ? [
h2('Confirm payment')
, p([ 'Confirm paying ', strong('.toggle-unit', unitf(payreq.msatoshi)), '?'])
] : [
h2('Send payment')
, formGroup('Amount to pay', amountField(amtData, 'custom_msat', true))
, showDesc(payreq) ? p([ 'Description: ', span('.text-muted.break-word', payreq.description) ]) : ''
, div('.form-buttons', [
button('.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary', { attrs: { type: 'submit' } }, payreq.msatoshi ? `Pay ${unitf(payreq.msatoshi)}` : 'Send Payment')
, ' '
, a('.btn.btn-lg.btn-secondary', { attrs: { href: '#/' } }, 'Cancel')
, expert ? yaml(payreq) : ''
, div('', !isClosed ? [
ourReserve ? bar('Our reserve', 'warning', ourReserve) : ''
, spendable > 0 ? bar('Spendable', 'success', spendable) : ''
, receivable > 0 ? bar('Receivable', 'info', receivable) : ''
, thrReserve ? bar('Their reserve', 'warning', thrReserve) : ''
] : [
ours > 0 ? bar('Ours', 'success', ours) : ''
, theirs > 0 ? bar('Theirs', 'info', theirs) : ''
, !visible ? '' : ul('', [
li([ strong('Channel ID:'), ' ', chan.short_channel_id || small('.break-all', chan.channel_id) ])
, (expert && chan.short_channel_id) ? li([ strong('Full Channel ID:'), ' ', small('.break-all', chan.channel_id) ]) : ''
, li([ strong('Status:'), ' ', chan.state.replace(/_/g, ' ') ])
, !isClosed ? li([ strong('Spendable:'), ' ', unitf(spendable) ]) : ''
, !isClosed ? li([ strong('Receivable:'), ' ', unitf(receivable) ]) : ''
, isClosed || expert ? li([ strong('Ours:'), ' ', unitf(ours) ]) : ''
, isClosed || expert ? li([ strong('Theirs:'), ' ', unitf(theirs) ]) : ''
, channelAge ? li([ strong('Age:'), ' ', `${channelAge} blocks (${channelAgeFuz})` ]) : ''
, li([ strong('Peer:'), ' ', small('.break-all',, ' ', em(`(${peer.connected ? 'connected' : 'disconnected'})`) ])
, expert ? li([ strong('Funding TXID:'), ' ', small('.break-all', chan.funding_txid) ]) : ''
, expert ? li('.status-text', chan.status.join('\n')) : ''
, !isClosed ? li('.text-center'
, button('.btn.btn-link.btn-sm', { dataset: { closeChannel: chan.channel_id, closeChannelPeer: } }, 'Close channel')) : ''
, expert ? li(yaml({ peer: omitKey('channels', peer), ...omitKey('status', chan) })) : ''
const itemRenderer = ({ feedActive, unitf, expert }) => ([ type, ts, msat, obj ]) => {
const fid = `${type}-${ || obj.pay_index}`
, visible = fid == feedActive
, tsStr = new Date(ts*1000).toLocaleString()
return li('.list-group-item', { class: { active: visible, 'list-group-item-action': !visible }, dataset: { feedToggle: fid } }, [
div('.clearfix', [
type === 'in' ? span('.amt.badge.badge-success.badge-pill', `+${ unitf(msat) }`)
: span('.amt.badge.badge-danger.badge-pill', `-${ unitf(msat) }`)
, span('.ts.badge.badge-secondary.float-right', { attrs: { title: tsStr } }, ago(ts))
, !visible ? '' : ul('', [
li([ strong(type == 'in' ? 'Received:' : 'Sent:'), ' ', tsStr ])
, type == 'in' && obj.msatoshi_received > obj.msatoshi ? li([ strong('Overpayment:'), ' ', unitf(obj.msatoshi_received-obj.msatoshi) ]) : ''
, type == 'out' && obj.msatoshi ? li([ strong('Fee:'), ' ', feesText(obj, unitf) ]) : ''
, type == 'out' && obj.route ? li([ strong('Route:'), ' ', obj.route.length > 1 ? `${obj.route.length} hops` : 'direct payment'
, ' ', small(`(${ordinal(obj.sendpay_tries)} attempt)`) ]) : ''
, showDesc(obj) ? li([ strong('Description:'), ' ', span('.break-word', obj.description) ]) : ''
, type == 'out' ? li([ strong('Destination:'), ' ', small('.break-all', obj.destination) ]) : ''
, li([ strong('Payment hash:'), ' ', small('.break-all', obj.payment_hash) ])
, expert ? li(yaml(obj)) : ''
ourReserve ? bar('Our reserve', 'warning', ourReserve) : ''
, spendable > 0 ? bar('Spendable', 'success', spendable) : ''
, receivable > 0 ? bar('Receivable', 'info', receivable) : ''
, thrReserve ? bar('Their reserve', 'warning', thrReserve) : ''
] : [
ours > 0 ? bar('Ours', 'success', ours) : ''
, theirs > 0 ? bar('Theirs', 'info', theirs) : ''
, !visible ? '' : ul('', [
li([ strong('Channel ID:'), ' ', chan.short_channel_id || small('.break-all', chan.channel_id) ])
, (expert && chan.short_channel_id) ? li([ strong('Full Channel ID:'), ' ', small('.break-all', chan.channel_id) ]) : ''
, li([ strong('Status:'), ' ', chan.state.replace(/_/g, ' ') ])
, !isClosed ? li([ strong('Spendable:'), ' ', unitf(spendable) ]) : ''
, !isClosed ? li([ strong('Receivable:'), ' ', unitf(receivable) ]) : ''
, isClosed || expert ? li([ strong('Ours:'), ' ', unitf(ours) ]) : ''
, isClosed || expert ? li([ strong('Theirs:'), ' ', unitf(theirs) ]) : ''
, channelAge ? li([ strong('Age:'), ' ', `${channelAge} blocks (${channelAgeFuz})` ]) : ''
, li([ strong('Peer:'), ' ', small('.break-all',, ' ', em(`(${peer.connected ? 'connected' : 'disconnected'})`) ])
, expert ? li([ strong('Funding TXID:'), ' ', small('.break-all', chan.funding_txid) ]) : ''
, expert ? li('.status-text', chan.status.join('\n')) : ''
, !isClosed ? li('.text-center'
, button('.btn.btn-link.btn-sm', { dataset: { closeChannel: chan.channel_id, closeChannelPeer: } }, 'Close channel')) : ''
, expert ? li(yaml({ peer: omitKey('channels', peer), ...omitKey('status', chan) })) : ''
return li('.list-group-item', { class: { active: visible, 'list-group-item-action': !visible }, dataset: { feedToggle: fid } }, [
div('.clearfix', [
type === 'in' ? span('.amt.badge.badge-success.badge-pill', `+${ unitf(msat) }`)
: span('.amt.badge.badge-danger.badge-pill', `-${ unitf(msat) }`)
, span('.ts.badge.badge-secondary.float-right', { attrs: { title: tsStr } }, ago(ts))
, !visible ? '' : ul('', [
li([ strong(type == 'in' ? 'Received:' : 'Sent:'), ' ', tsStr ])
, type == 'in' && obj.msatoshi_received > obj.msatoshi ? li([ strong('Overpayment:'), ' ', unitf(obj.msatoshi_received-obj.msatoshi) ]) : ''
, type == 'out' && obj.msatoshi ? li([ strong('Fee:'), ' ', feesText(obj, unitf) ]) : ''
, type == 'out' && obj.route ? li([ strong('Route:'), ' ', obj.route.length > 1 ? `${obj.route.length} hops` : 'direct payment'
, ' ', small(`(${ordinal(obj.sendpay_tries)} attempt)`) ]) : ''
, showDesc(obj) ? li([ strong('Description:'), ' ', span('.break-word', obj.description) ]) : ''
, type == 'out' ? li([ strong('Destination:'), ' ', small('.break-all', obj.destination) ]) : ''
, li([ strong('Payment hash:'), ' ', small('.break-all', obj.payment_hash) ])
, expert ? li(yaml(obj)) : ''