How to use the @cumulus/common.constructCollectionId function in @cumulus/common

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @cumulus/common examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nasa / cumulus / example / spec / parallel / emsReport / emsProductMetadataReportSpec.js View on Github external
it('generates EMS product metadata reports through the Cumulus API', async () => {
      const collection = { name: 'A2_SI25_NRT', version: '0' };
      const inputPayload = {
        reportType: 'metadata',
        startTime: moment.utc().subtract(1, 'days').startOf('day').format(),
        endTime: moment.utc().add(1, 'days').startOf('day').format(),
        collectionId: constructCollectionId(, collection.version),
        invocationType: 'RequestResponse'

      const response = await emsApi.createEmsReports({
        prefix: config.stackName,
        request: inputPayload

      // verify the report has the specified collection
      const reports = JSON.parse(response.body).reports;

      const parsed = parseS3Uri(reports[0].file);
      expect(await fileExists(parsed.Bucket, parsed.Key)).not.toBe(false);
      const obj = await getS3Object(parsed.Bucket, parsed.Key);
      const reportRecords = obj.Body.toString().split('\n');
github nasa / cumulus / example / spec / parallel / syncGranule / SyncGranuleSuccessSpec.js View on Github external
describe('The Sync Granules workflow', () => {
  const testId = createTimestampedTestId(config.stackName, 'SyncGranuleSuccess');
  const testSuffix = createTestSuffix(testId);
  const testDataFolder = createTestDataPath(testId);

  const inputPayloadFilename = './spec/parallel/syncGranule/SyncGranule.input.payload.json';

  const providersDir = './data/providers/s3/';
  const collectionsDir = './data/collections/s3_MOD09GQ_006';
  const collection = { name: `MOD09GQ${testSuffix}`, version: '006' };
  const provider = { id: `s3_provider${testSuffix}` };
  const newCollectionId = constructCollectionId(, collection.version);

  let inputPayload;
  let expectedPayload;
  let expectedS3TagSet;
  let workflowExecution;

  process.env.ExecutionsTable = `${config.stackName}-ExecutionsTable`;
  const executionModel = new Execution();
  process.env.CollectionsTable = `${config.stackName}-CollectionsTable`;
  const collectionModel = new Collection();

  beforeAll(async () => {
    // populate collections, providers and test data
    await Promise.all([
      uploadTestDataToBucket(config.bucket, s3data, testDataFolder),
      addCollections(config.stackName, config.bucket, collectionsDir, testSuffix),
github nasa / cumulus / packages / api / lambdas / ems-metadata-report.js View on Github external
process.env.cmr_provider, process.env.cmr_client_id, 'collections', [], 'echo10'

  let nextCmrItem = await cmrCollectionsIterator.peek();

  while (nextCmrItem) {
    await cmrCollectionsIterator.shift(); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop

    // evaluate each EMS field based on CMR collection and build EMS record
    const emsRecord = Object.entries(emsMapping)
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func
      .map(([field, value]) =>
        ({ [field]: (isFunction(value) ? value(nextCmrItem.Collection) : value) }))
      .reduce((returnObj, currentValue) => ({ ...returnObj, ...currentValue }), {});

    const collectionId = constructCollectionId(
      nextCmrItem.Collection.ShortName, nextCmrItem.Collection.VersionId
    const lastUpdate = nextCmrItem.Collection.LastUpdate || nextCmrItem.Collection.InsertTime;
    collections.push({ collectionId, lastUpdate, emsRecord });
    nextCmrItem = await cmrCollectionsIterator.peek(); // eslint-disable-line no-await-in-loop

  return collections;
github nasa / cumulus / example / spec / parallel / syncGranule / SyncGranuleSuccessSpec.js View on Github external
describe('The Sync Granules workflow', () => {
  const testId = createTimestampedTestId(config.stackName, 'SyncGranuleSuccess');
  const testSuffix = createTestSuffix(testId);
  const testDataFolder = createTestDataPath(testId);

  const inputPayloadFilename = './spec/parallel/syncGranule/SyncGranule.input.payload.json';

  const providersDir = './data/providers/s3/';
  const collectionsDir = './data/collections/s3_MOD09GQ_006';
  const collection = { name: `MOD09GQ${testSuffix}`, version: '006' };
  const provider = { id: `s3_provider${testSuffix}` };
  const newCollectionId = constructCollectionId(, collection.version);

  let inputPayload;
  let expectedPayload;
  let expectedS3TagSet;
  let workflowExecution;

  process.env.ExecutionsTable = `${config.stackName}-ExecutionsTable`;
  const executionModel = new Execution();
  process.env.CollectionsTable = `${config.stackName}-CollectionsTable`;
  const collectionModel = new Collection();

  beforeAll(async () => {
    // populate collections, providers and test data
    await Promise.all([
      uploadTestDataToBucket(config.bucket, s3data, testDataFolder),
      addCollections(config.stackName, config.bucket, collectionsDir, testSuffix),
github nasa / cumulus / packages / ingest / granule.js View on Github external =;
    this.username = this.provider.username;
    this.password = this.provider.password;
    this.checksumFiles = {};
    this.supportedChecksumFileTypes = ['md5', 'cksum', 'sha1', 'sha256'];

    this.forceDownload = forceDownload;

    if (fileStagingDir && fileStagingDir[0] === '/') this.fileStagingDir = fileStagingDir.substr(1);
    else this.fileStagingDir = fileStagingDir;

    this.duplicateHandling = duplicateHandling;

    // default collectionId, could be overwritten by granule's collection information
    if (this.collection) {
      this.collectionId = constructCollectionId(
        this.collection.dataType ||, this.collection.version
github nasa / cumulus / example / spec / parallel / createReconciliationReport / CreateReconciliationReportSpec.js View on Github external
it('generates a report showing collections that are in the Cumulus but not in CMR', () => {
    const extraCollection = constructCollectionId(, extraCumulusCollection.version.S);
github nasa / cumulus / packages / api / models / executions.js View on Github external
generateDocFromPayload(payload) {
    const name = get(payload, 'cumulus_meta.execution_name');
    const arn = aws.getExecutionArn(
      get(payload, 'cumulus_meta.state_machine'),
    if (!arn) {
      throw new Error('State Machine Arn is missing. Must be included in the cumulus_meta');

    const execution = aws.getExecutionUrl(arn);
    const collectionId = constructCollectionId(
      get(payload, ''), get(payload, 'meta.collection.version')

    const doc = {
      parentArn: get(payload, 'cumulus_meta.parentExecutionArn'),
      tasks: get(payload, 'meta.workflow_tasks'),
      error: parseException(payload.exception),
      type: get(payload, 'meta.workflow_name'),
      collectionId: collectionId,
      status: get(payload, 'meta.status', 'unknown'),
      createdAt: get(payload, 'cumulus_meta.workflow_start_time'),
github nasa / cumulus / packages / api / models / pdrs.js View on Github external
createPdrFromSns(payload) {
    const name = get(payload, 'cumulus_meta.execution_name');
    const pdrObj = get(payload, 'payload.pdr', get(payload, 'meta.pdr'));
    const pdrName = get(pdrObj, 'name');

    if (!pdrName) return Promise.resolve();

    const arn = aws.getExecutionArn(
      get(payload, 'cumulus_meta.state_machine'),
    const execution = aws.getExecutionUrl(arn);

    const collection = get(payload, 'meta.collection');
    const collectionId = constructCollectionId(, collection.version);

    const stats = {
      processing: get(payload, 'payload.running', []).length,
      completed: get(payload, 'payload.completed', []).length,
      failed: get(payload, 'payload.failed', []).length
    }; = stats.processing + stats.completed + stats.failed;
    let progress = 0;
    if (stats.processing > 0 && > 0) {
      progress = (( - stats.processing) / * 100;
    else if (stats.processing === 0 && > 0) {
      progress = 100;
github nasa / cumulus / packages / api / lambdas / create-reconciliation-report.js View on Github external
const dbCollectionIds = =>
    constructCollectionId(, item.version)).sort();
github nasa / cumulus / example / spec / ingestGranule / IngestUMMGSuccessSpec.js View on Github external
describe('The S3 Ingest Granules workflow configured to ingest UMM-G', () => {
  const testId = createTimestampedTestId(config.stackName, 'IngestUMMGSuccess');
  const testSuffix = createTestSuffix(testId);
  const testDataFolder = createTestDataPath(testId);
  const inputPayloadFilename = './spec/parallel/ingestGranule/IngestGranule.input.payload.json';
  const providersDir = './data/providers/s3/';
  const collectionsDir = './data/collections/s3_MOD09GQ_006-umm';
  const collection = { name: `MOD09GQ${testSuffix}`, version: '006' };
  const provider = { id: `s3_provider${testSuffix}` };
  const newCollectionId = constructCollectionId(, collection.version);

  let workflowExecution = null;
  let inputPayload;
  let expectedPayload;
  let postToCmrOutput;
  let granule;
  let server;

  process.env.AccessTokensTable = `${config.stackName}-AccessTokensTable`;
  const accessTokensModel = new AccessToken();
  process.env.GranulesTable = `${config.stackName}-GranulesTable`;
  process.env.ExecutionsTable = `${config.stackName}-ExecutionsTable`;
  const executionModel = new Execution();
  process.env.CollectionsTable = `${config.stackName}-CollectionsTable`;
  const collectionModel = new Collection();
  process.env.ProvidersTable = `${config.stackName}-ProvidersTable`;