How to use the @ctrl/tinycolor.TinyColor function in @ctrl/tinycolor

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ctrl/tinycolor examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nitin42 / react-color-tools / build / react-color-tools.js View on Github external
BasicPicker.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate(
  ) {
    if (prevProps.color !== this.props.color) {
      var color = new tinycolor.TinyColor(this.props.color)
      // Check if its a valid hex and then update the color
      // on changing the color input field, it only updates the color block if the hex code is valid
      if (color.isValid) {
        this.setState({ color: color })
github GoogleChromeLabs / ProjectVisBug / app / features / color.js View on Github external
const extractColors = elements => {
    state.elements = elements

    let isMeaningfulForeground  = false
    let isMeaningfulBackground  = false
    let isMeaningfulBorder      = false
    let FG, BG, BO

    if (state.elements.length == 1) {
      const el = state.elements[0]

      if (el instanceof SVGElement) {
        FG = new TinyColor('rgb(0, 0, 0)')
        var bo_temp = getStyle(el, 'stroke')
        BO = new TinyColor(bo_temp === 'none'
          ? 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'
          : bo_temp)
        BG = new TinyColor(getStyle(el, 'fill'))
      else {
        FG = new TinyColor(getStyle(el, 'color'))
        BG = new TinyColor(getStyle(el, 'backgroundColor'))
        BO = getStyle(el, 'borderWidth') === '0px'
          ? new TinyColor('rgb(0, 0, 0)')
          : new TinyColor(getStyle(el, 'borderColor'))

      let fg = FG.toHslString()
      let bg = BG.toHslString()
      let bo = BO.toHslString()
github GoogleChromeLabs / ProjectVisBug / app / features / selectable.js View on Github external
.map(({prop,value}) => {
          if (prop.includes('color') || prop.includes('background-color') || prop.includes('border-color') || prop.includes('Color') || prop.includes('fill') || prop.includes('stroke'))
            value = new TinyColor(value)[colormode]()

          if (prop.includes('boxShadow')) {
            const [, color, x, y, blur, spread] = getShadowValues(value)
            value = `${new TinyColor(color)[colormode]()} ${x} ${y} ${blur} ${spread}`

          if (prop.includes('textShadow')) {
            const [, color, x, y, blur] = getTextShadowValues(value)
            value = `${new TinyColor(color)[colormode]()} ${x} ${y} ${blur}`
          return {prop,value}
        .reduce((message, item) =>
github dotCMS / core-web / src / app / api / services / dot-ui-colors / dot-ui-colors.service.ts View on Github external
private setColorBackground(el: HTMLElement, color: string): void {
        const colorBackground: TinyColor = new TinyColor(color);

        if (colorBackground.isValid && this.getDefaultsColors(el).background !== color) {
  '--color-background', colorBackground.toHexString().toUpperCase());
github nitin42 / react-color-tools / build / react-color-tools.js View on Github external
function toState(data, oldHue) {
  var color = data.hex
    ? new tinycolor.TinyColor(data.hex)
    : new tinycolor.TinyColor(data)
  var hsl = color.toHsl()
  var hsv = color.toHsv()
  var rgb = color.toRgb()
  var hex = color.toHex()
  if (hsl.s === 0) {
    hsl.h = oldHue || 0
    hsv.h = oldHue || 0
  var transparent = hex === '000000' && rgb.a === 0

  return {
    hsl: hsl,
    hex: transparent ? 'transparent' : '#' + hex,
    rgb: rgb,
    hsv: hsv,
github GoogleChromeLabs / ProjectVisBug / app / features / color.js View on Github external
let isMeaningfulBorder      = false
    let FG, BG, BO

    if (state.elements.length == 1) {
      const el = state.elements[0]

      if (el instanceof SVGElement) {
        FG = new TinyColor('rgb(0, 0, 0)')
        var bo_temp = getStyle(el, 'stroke')
        BO = new TinyColor(bo_temp === 'none'
          ? 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'
          : bo_temp)
        BG = new TinyColor(getStyle(el, 'fill'))
      else {
        FG = new TinyColor(getStyle(el, 'color'))
        BG = new TinyColor(getStyle(el, 'backgroundColor'))
        BO = getStyle(el, 'borderWidth') === '0px'
          ? new TinyColor('rgb(0, 0, 0)')
          : new TinyColor(getStyle(el, 'borderColor'))

      let fg = FG.toHslString()
      let bg = BG.toHslString()
      let bo = BO.toHslString()

      isMeaningfulForeground = FG.originalInput !== 'rgb(0, 0, 0)' || (el.children.length === 0 && el.textContent !== '')
      isMeaningfulBackground = BG.originalInput !== 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'
      isMeaningfulBorder     = BO.originalInput !== 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'

      if (isMeaningfulForeground && !isMeaningfulBackground)
github nitin42 / react-color-tools / src / utils / colors.js View on Github external
function toState(data, oldHue) {
  const color = data.hex ? new TinyColor(data.hex) : new TinyColor(data)
  const hsl = color.toHsl()
  const hsv = color.toHsv()
  const rgb = color.toRgb()
  const hex = color.toHex()
  if (hsl.s === 0) {
    hsl.h = oldHue || 0
    hsv.h = oldHue || 0
  const transparent = hex === '000000' && rgb.a === 0

  return {
    hex: transparent ? 'transparent' : `#${hex}`,
    oldHue: data.h || oldHue || hsl.h,
github naveedgol / music-web-player / src / app / components / playlist / playlist.component.ts View on Github external
colorize(): void {
    if ( !this.isLibrary ) {
      this.buttonStyling = {
        'background-color': '#' + this.playlistData.attributes.artwork.bgColor,
        'color': '#' + this.playlistData.attributes.artwork.textColor1

      let color = new TinyColor(this.playlistData.attributes.artwork.bgColor);
      if ( color.isLight() ) {
        color = color.darken(20);
      this.bgColor = color.toHexString();
github GoogleChromeLabs / ProjectVisBug / app / features / color.js View on Github external
const extractColors = elements => {
    state.elements = elements

    let isMeaningfulForeground  = false
    let isMeaningfulBackground  = false
    let isMeaningfulBorder      = false
    let FG, BG, BO

    if (state.elements.length == 1) {
      const el = state.elements[0]

      if (el instanceof SVGElement) {
        FG = new TinyColor('rgb(0, 0, 0)')
        var bo_temp = getStyle(el, 'stroke')
        BO = new TinyColor(bo_temp === 'none'
          ? 'rgb(0, 0, 0)'
          : bo_temp)
        BG = new TinyColor(getStyle(el, 'fill'))
      else {
        FG = new TinyColor(getStyle(el, 'color'))
        BG = new TinyColor(getStyle(el, 'backgroundColor'))
        BO = getStyle(el, 'borderWidth') === '0px'
          ? new TinyColor('rgb(0, 0, 0)')
          : new TinyColor(getStyle(el, 'borderColor'))

      let fg = FG.toHslString()
      let bg = BG.toHslString()
github nitin42 / react-color-tools / build / View on Github external
toRGBPercent: function toRGBPercent(color) {
    return new TinyColor(color).toPercentageRgbString()


Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript

Latest version published 8 months ago

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